Active Member
Hello! I got a rabbit awhile ago. I was told he was 2 or 3 but they really have no idea. He was very snuggly and loving. Even when we first got him. I had a rough time with being very busy with my young daughter in the hospital etc. I was so tired and stressed I didn't get to spend much time with him for awhile...He was doing very good and now only lets one of the kids in the house pet him. He will come sort of close to me. I've tried laying on the floor, trying to share food with him, give him food, etc. He just doesn't want anything to do with me anymore. Except for yesterday when I was on the computer using my headphones and he decided to chew the cord in half because it was hanging down low. Which he has also never done. I have a lot of things for him to chew and play with...But any suggestions would be amazing. Its just not like him at all. I've noticed he's been checking out and wanting to hang out with my dog a lot. But my (70 lb) dog is scared of him still so he gets up and goes in his kennel when he thinks our bunny wants to get close to him lol. Oh and I will post a hopefully decent enough couple pictures of him. I was hoping maybe someone knew what breed he was. His name is Momiji.