Boz's Rascally Rabbits of 2009

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Boz wrote:
Oh I know and I think she knows it!
She'll pop out of the bin and look at me like "Hey mom!! I loooove you! Ain't I cute munching on hay?!"
Toby does that. He'll be somewhere he knows he isn't supposed to be, turn around and give me the cutest look possible. I swear, he almost has the sparkly "anime eyes" when he does it. It's like he puffs his face-fur up, too, so he looks cute and chubby. Little boogers. How do they know they are being cute while doing something un-cute?
I think they are smarter then we know!!

And could a mod change the sub-topic from...
Marley, Domino, Dolla, & NewBun
Marley, Domino, Dolla, & Louie

Thanks!! :)
I saw lots of French Lops at the Fair yesterday. The broken brown/agouti ones reminded me of Marley. I'd never seen French Lops in person before. Their dewlaps are much more luxurious up close! I almost died laughing when I saw one sleeping with her dewlap dunked in the water dish!

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