Well-Known Member
The one with Dolla is a toss-up! I say that this one is good for Marley (or one similar with mouth-obscured-by-dewlap action!)

[align=center]Dolla Bell Houdini - Will it EVER End?!
I go to bed, feeling confident only to be told by my mom that Dolla got out and guess where she was?
Toby does that. He'll be somewhere he knows he isn't supposed to be, turn around and give me the cutest look possible. I swear, he almost has the sparkly "anime eyes" when he does it. It's like he puffs his face-fur up, too, so he looks cute and chubby. Little boogers. How do they know they are being cute while doing something un-cute?Oh I know and I think she knows it!
She'll pop out of the bin and look at me like "Hey mom!! I loooove you! Ain't I cute munching on hay?!"