Boz's Rascally Rabbits of 2009

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Domino and Louie have had little disputes. Little nips and grunts and a thump but I think it's nothing too serious and Domino is just being a butt (she usually starts it). :p
Houdini Bunny at is again, with a bonus Disappearing Act!

Dolla Bell Houdini has come back to redeem her name.

Lately she's keep escaping. Dolla and Domino's door is held together with a clamp like this:

But she'll push and push against the door until it pops open, and enjoy the freedom!

Well this morning she got out and I threw my hands in the air, "I give up! You guys can stay out!" And left for the shelter.

Well, I come home and my dad goes down by the bunnies to give them some apple wood. He comes back and yells for me to come down right now. I freaked out by his tone!

He says "I can't find Dolla."
"Oh she's probably gotten behind blah blah..." And I'm looking away.
Then he goes "I know where she is."
I turn around and just as I was about to ask where, I saw her...








She must have attempted to just on top of it and when she did she fell through since the door swings.

She was just in there, eating leftover hay, enjoying herself.

I don't know what I'm going to do with her! :rollseyes

(also posted here:
Hil-ar-i-ous!!!!! OMG..... Thanks so much for the morning giggle!!!! I laughed so much seeing her little moosh poking out!!! Dolla is way too cute!!! Such a character!! She seemed so cute and quiet at the shelter....Good thing she ended up with a very tolerant slave.... ;)
Oh my gosh! I don't know why I have never clicked on your blog but boy was I missing out!

You had better hide Marley! She is such a dolll! soooooo cute!! I just love her dewlap!

Dolla in that can is too cute!! :biggrin2:

And Louie is so cute! Does he have a half brown half blue eye?
That is soo funny what Dolla did! Oh my! Lol. She's such a cutie!

I could seriously come and swipe all of your buns, they are all just too adorable!

I don't know what it is about Dolla, but GOSH! She's so kissable, looking! And she looks very cuddly too :p I just love AFL's!!!
And I'm a sucker for any rabbit with blue eyes and white marks on a solid yes, I'm watching Louie! He's just too handsome!

Hehehe thanks everyone! I better put my bunnies under lock and chain! :p

And yes, Louie's eyes are half brown, half blue. And each eye is different. One is brown on top and blue on the bottom and the other is blue on top and brown on the bottom. :D

I do plan to enter pictures in the contest! I have till the 20th which is a week away. I should have more time now that school is out on Monday! :D
[align=center]It Has Finally Happened! I have a Trio!
And they already have banded together to create mass destruction and make me more of a slave!

YAY! I have a Trio! :D Domino, Dolla and Louie all happily live together as of a few days ago. :biggrin2:

Stealing craisins together!

Their first meal together!

Their first bowl of veggies together!

Sharing hay together!

I was a little worried about Domino being a little butt to Louie but then I caught them like this. :biggrin2:

And Louie has now joined Dolla and Domino's band of mass destruction and sassiness (Dolla is the instigator and founder of the group)!

Today I walk downstairs and find this:

Dolla opened had opened the door and when I came down Dolla and Domino hiked it back into the cage!

Louie hasn't quiet figured out that your supposed to act innocent INSIDE the cage.
"I din do it."

I have no doubt Dolla ripped this entire bag open of old hamster litter and spread it all over. They were eating hammy food.

They are sassy, but I love them. :biggrin2:
Are you going to enter the photo contest(s)? I think Marley's magnificent dewlap would put the other entries to shame! Dolla is quite a fuzz-butt + mischievous, and I'm sure there are some categories for Domino and Louie! :p
Yes I will be! :D
I was waiting for school to end since I'd have more time.
And guess what! I'm FREE! School is now out! WHOOO! :D
Wow! I keep forgetting how late in the year schools run! I got out of college back in mid-May! It's funny how you forget those things! :p Happy summer! :)
I know! We were supposed to get off last Thursday already! But then we had snow days. So we had to make up 3 days. :grumpy:
Luckily they had us make one up on the Friday before Memorial day weekend. Usually we have off that day. So we only had to make up 2 at the end of the year. But still!

Next year though, I hope for LOTS of snow days because I'm a Senior. And since seniors leave early, we don't have to make them up! :panic:

OMG! I'm a Senior! :faint:
I need your help! I can't decide which pictures to enter in the contest!

Most likely to fall asleep in class:



And then the biggest Dewlap!









See why this is so hard?! :p

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