Well-Known Member
Aww. Toby must have been so grateful and fallen in love with you! It's sad that he had to go through something painful but good that the experience brought you closer. I hope my bunnies love me that much one day!
Wow! I totally just laughed out loud reading this post... hilarious! Little jealous bun...He has even gotten to the point where he took my boyfriend as a threat and attacked him. For awhile, he even marked all of my boyfriend's things... The carpet under our bed was full of pee-marks. They were all on my boyfriend's side of the bed! Toby is a smart little booger.
Lol! There, that just proves bunnies understand what you're saying to themWill jokes with me that he told Toby that "If you pee on my stuff, I'll pee on you!", or something along those lines!
With a live trap. It's a metal cage that has a mechanism that is attached to the trap door. You put food in it in the far end of the cage, then when the critter walks into the trap to get the food, they have to step on the mechanism to get to it. The mechanism is tripped and the door falls behind them. Then, you just have a seriously %*#(&% critter in a metal cage.Also how do you catch a raccoon? :?