Blog for the Bun-Buns!

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LOL - the Duck of Doom.
That's cool that your roommates play little games with you. Most people's roommates go about their business ignoring each other as much as possible. :)
I bought Cranium and have yet to play it with anyone. No one seems to like board games anymore, what's the deal?? I blame Wii.
Also, here are some pictures of Toby & Sammi's most recent date. Still no signs of improvement... *sigh* Sammi did like crawling all over Will, though.

Checking out the linoleum...

More funny linoleum walking...

Follow the leader!

Crawling all over daddy (and into the cardboard/paper recycle bag)!

Toby does not approve of being held like a little Chihuahua!

Most of the storms missed, but we did get hit by the fringe. The main part of the storm missed, but we could still hear the thunder and did get some rain and wind. We needed the rain badly. The rabbits don't seem to do much when it storms. I guess that the loud thunderclaps would scare them (they certainly scare the bejezuz out of me!). Normally, when it's raining and I peek in on them, they are in their little hidey spots or litter boxes. Sometimes their eyes are wider than normal, but I think that's just from the thunder. They don't freak out and run around. If anything, they just stick to their hidey spots. Sammi doesn't really have a hidey spot, but she likes to loaf between her litter box and rainbow-log-thingy. I really need to post those pictures of their set-ups...

ETA: New-ish pictures are uploading "as we speak"! :p
Well, ImageShack did not want to load my images as quickly as I thought it would, so I had to leave for work. I am on my break, so I will post them super quick!\






I know Sammi's cage is a bit small. We are going to expand it once I remember to go to Target and get more panels. :p

Luvr of Wabbits and Polar Bears wrote:
Ahh Tobi is just so adorable eating his salad.
Haha! He sounds cuter than he looks (while eating salad)! When I'm laying in bed, Toby's cage is in the right corner, and Sammi's is in the left corner. Will gives them their salads every night at 9:00pm. I get to hear "bunneh cronchin' time" in stereo! :p
Look at the super nice digs and the room service! Bunny slaves are doing a tip top job on the food department :) do they keep you up at night being in the bedroom?
Nope. They get annoying in the early morning when they chew on the bars trying to wake me up for breakfast. They also do that when one is out and about and the other isn't...
I haven't been around my bunnies since Wednesday. :( I am picking them up from my mum's house tomorrow night. I've been out of town since Thursday. We are in Michigan while visiting Will's family. It's been fun. I will update later! :p