Blog for the Bun-Buns!

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Just an update from the other thread I have going about Toby being bit...

I don't know if it's Toby being the sassy one this time. A lot of the time when he's "lounging", he has his butt right up against her cage like he's going, "Neener neener neener!" at her, or something! Such a little butt!

ETA: I found a nice little TV stand on the side of the road yesterday. It fits all of my bunny stuff nicely. I have the hay, litter, and some carpet spray on top, my grooming supplies, an air freshener, garbage bags, and the bunny food on the VCR shelf, and then some hamster food and extra treat containers in the bottom drawer. Unfortunately, the bottom drawer doesn't open the best, so I had to put the stuff I don't need often in there. It fits perfectly between the two rabbit pens, so I got my junk organized! Yay! :D
It's actually healed! It healed up a day or two after the vet clipped the necrotic skin. It was preventing the wound from healing, but with it gone, it just healed almost overnight! He still has to get his meds twice a day, which he is less than happy about, but at least he's OK! :)
Just a quick photo update of the fur-kids. :)

Do you have treats?

No, really. Do you!?

Looking cute and startled.

Running for the craisin bag.

What do you mean I can only have one!?

That's all, folks! Enjoy! :D
Awe.... my little Toby is so darn cute!!!! :p I think you should send him back to me because you might OD on cuteness overload....;)

Hehe! I think I will take my chances! ;)

ETA: I took a nap this afternoon, and while I was sleeping, Sammi got out of the bedroom and into the sitting room. Will was on the computer and didn't notice. I swear, that guy has blinders on if the TV or computer is in front of him. He won't see anything else... Anyway, he heard some scratching from behind him. The scratching was coming from behind the couch and inside the entertainment center. We still have our old entertainment center (until we sell it), so it sits behind our couch. He kept hearing scratching... Then some scrabbling, a wooden flap hitting the entertainment center, then a little scratching. What was this mystery sound coming from? It was Sammi, nosing her way through the back flap of the entertainment center, then getting into it with no way out. Will opened up a drawer on the bottom, and out popped a bunny!
Rabbits are such little butts sometimes!

Toby has gotten out two days in a row (not today, though). He keeps pushing/pulling on his pen until he has free run of the bedroom, then he has a pooping fiesta. One of those days, he was out in the living room. I know this, because the pillows were off of the couch. I always put them back on the couch, and I KNOW I did earlier that day.

Sammi got out today. She must have jumped her pen, because it wasn't open anywhere. She ate about 1/8 of the bag of craisins...

Yeah... Toby gets out and has pooping fiestas whenever he does. I have to make sure that he can't get by Sammi's cage... That's where he hosts his little fiestas. :p
Well, Sammi doesn't seem to have slowed down from her feast'o'craisins yesterday... I let her out this morning and she went nuts! Binkies and Bunny-500's galore! It was almost scary (she kept running right at me, then swerving off at the last second). I got a few videos of her towards the end of it. :) Enjoy!

Weird hop/binky:


Bunny-500's... Just imagine the Indy 500 car zooming noises with this one...

ETA: There will be some Toby pictures coming up eventually. He just doesn't binky or Bunny-500 when I have my camera. Plus, he poses for pictures, so I never get "candid" pictures of him...
I rearranged the cages yesterday. Well, I've been working on it for almost a week. Here's the story.

Toby knocked his water container over (that also has a liter-sized reservoir on the back), so it soaked his rug, and soaked through to the apartment carpeting... I had to hang the rug out on our porch for a few days and allow our carpeting to dry. It's been humid, so that took 2-3 days.

Toby has been living in our hallway/bathroom since then. He stopped eating yesterday, which prompted me to hurry the project up. He is eating fine today. He also did mad binkies in the bedroom when he was allowed back in.

I moved the pens around in the room. Sammi is now on the left side of the room (where Toby was), and Toby is on the right. It was easier with Toby's rug on the right side. Now, it doesn't get caught under the closet door. Also, Toby has access to the bottom shelf of our entertainment center. I put a little placemat in there and call it his "man cave". :)

I also "installed" their little mini-fans. I have it hooked up to the electricity so that I turn them on with a wall switch. :)

I will have to post pictures later. Until then, I need to go to work! X_X
Well, I wound up forgetting to take the pictures... So no posting of them, yet! I will have to vacuum and get the cages all de-fluffed before taking any pictures! :p

Will and I had a "cuddle war" with our bunnies the other day. We were watching a movie from Netflix, and I left the room to go get Toby. I came back, sat on the couch with the little gray guy in tow. I snuggled up on the side of the couch (feet tucked under me, leaning to the right onto a pillow, fleecy blanket on lap, and a bunny plopped right into the middle of the blanket).

I sat there cuddling Toby for about five minutes before saying, "My bunny is so much better than your bunny. I even get bunny kisses!" Picture me saying that with a bunny pretty much scrabbling to stand high enough to give me kisses on the nose!

Will just rolled his eyes and went back to watching the movie. He kept looking at me from the corner of his eye and got a funny look on his face. A few minutes later, he paused the movie, got up, and left the room. He came back with Sammi.

He flopped down on the couch with his bunny. We resumed watching our movie for another ten-or-so minutes while petting our respective bunnies. After awhile, Sammi decided that she had had enough and scrambled to get off of Will's lap, hopped down off of the couch, and made a bee-line for the bedroom. Will went to round her up and put her back, getting scratched and kicked in the process.

After he sat back down, I said, "See? My bunny is better than your bunny...", while getting more bunny kisses.

LOL - that is sooo cute. I can just imagine that happening! It's great to have a pair of bunnies :)

How long do your bunnies allow you to sit and pet them for while watching tv? My buns will be ok for 5 minutes, tolerate 10 but after that they start to scratch and that means it's time go to back to the Rabbit Nation from whence they came. Toby on occassion will sit on his own o the couch or bed and watch tv with me but he won't sit on my lap and watch.
Awww! hehe I loved that story!

I wish I got bunny kisses. Dolla sometimes gives them, but not often. Domino does it, when there's food smeared on my fingers. LOL!
kirbyultra wrote:
How long do your bunnies allow you to sit and pet them for while watching tv?
Well, as far as bunny cuddles go, Toby is much more tolerant. He has been my little guy for over 4 years now (I bought him from a shop when he was 6-weeks old). I tend to take him out to cuddle in the evening, when he is just "waking up" for the night. He will cuddle with me anywhere between 5 and 45 minutes. It depends on how much attention he wants. Normally, our cuddle sessions are about 15-30 minutes. He just loves his head scratchies, ear rubs, nose rubs, and sometimes, tummy massages.

He never used to be so cuddly, though. I never got bunny-kisses before, either. Last year sometime, he had a spell with gas, and wasn't feeling well. Being somewhat later in the evening, and not knowing where to take him, I panicked and looked up all of the home-remedies for gassy bunnies. After sending Will to the store for Pedialyte and some simethicone drops, I sat on the couch with Toby and started giving him manual tummy-massages. After a few minutes, he started to "groom" my arm. He did it for about 5-10 minutes. After that, any time I would pet him I would receive the coveted bunny-kisses. I am just lucky, I guess!

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