Blog for the Bun-Buns!

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Here is a quick photo update of Toby. I haven't been able to get any good pictures of Emma because she won't come out from the hidey box. :grumpy:

On a side note: Will and I went to a "Casino Night" at a church in Wauwatosa. It is for charity and no money is used (minus the entry fee). At the end, you "cash in" your chips for tickets for the raffle. I made Will put a bunch in the bucket for this weird kitty-play place thingy. It was the first thing that was raffled off, and I won it! :D I made Will take the "walk of shame" and go get it in front of everyone! I was laughing my butt off the whole time!

Here are the prizes:
Kitteh Pirate Ship!

Mini-Kitty Modular Home (x2) (each little hexagon thingy is one module)

Toby likes his Modular Kitty home. :p

"... But MOOOM! It's PINK!"

"What's up here?"

"This is kind of neat!"

"What are you looking at?!"

"I DO NOT like my pink home!" *turns around and binkies inside of it*

"What? Real men like pink!"

Here he is peeking out of the litter box. It doesn't go with the photo series, but it was too cute to not post!

These are just some pictures from last Sunday (the day after the ER visit). He looked 150% better!

Unsure if I am able to be trusted...

Still trying to figure it out...

Just a good nibblage shot. :)

That's all, folks! Enjoy! :bunnydance:

Lucky you winning the best prize package at raffle time!!!! I am sooo jealous of you and your good fortune!!

Yes, Toby, real men are not afraid of pink. Pink is a very bold statement in a man's world. I bet Toby would like a little towel or something hung over the doorway for some privacy. :D

I am waiting for the pics of Toby taking command of his pirate ship!!! Those will be too sweet for words!

Poor little Emma... Sounds like she needs some extra cuddles to let her know she is loved. Are you sure she isn't feeling a bit off? I know my guys hang out in a "sick corner" whentheir tummies are upset.

We now have a kitteh. Will got his way, and there is hair all over my couch already. :grumpy: Oh, well. She's cute and a cuddlebug. Here is the newest member of our furry extended family!

Bella Shedwell! (Will added on the "Shedwell" part. You can probably guess why)
Her Craigslist photos:


Here is a picture I took of her shedding... err... I mean "relaxing" on the couch...

I love grey tiger cats!
I had one a few years ago and my sister has to of them.
I am probably going to sound like a bad pet-parent for saying this... BUT... I'm normally not too fond of brown/gray tabby cats. I prefer the orange tabby/ginger cat color. Meh, it's not my kitty. If I could pick any kind of cat in the world, I would want a hairless Sphynx cat. :p What can I say, I like ugly animals. lol
What a little dolly she is!!! She looks like a little chunker in her photos... All the more to squish is what I say (my cats think so also... LOL). How old is she? Do you know anything about her background? Is she good with the bunners? She looks like she has a sassy kitten streakbehind that sweet little face... LOL

More pics, please....! :biggrin2:

She is about two years old and lived with the family we got her from for most of her life. They got her as a kitten for Christmas for their kids.

Yeah, we felt like jerks leaving their house with their kids bawling. :tears2:

She is quite... Voluptuous. She needs to go on a diet! I don't know how much she weighs, but I would guess at least fifteen pounds. I use a twelve pound bowling ball, and she feels heavier than that! A bowling ball is dead-weight, too! If she is twelve pounds, she should feel lighter than the ball!


We haven't had a chance to introduce the bunnies yet. I am waiting for her to get settled in first. Maybe she will get along well with Toby and he can have someone to groom him. :)
kherrmann3 wrote:
She is about two years old and lived with the family we got her from for most of her life. They got her as a kitten for Christmas for their kids.

Yeah, we felt like jerks leaving their house with their kids bawling. :tears2:

OMG... too sad!!! Maybe that's why I always go to the shelter, because it's less personal. I think Baby Zappa was the only one that I had direct contact with because Naturestee was fostering her. It was so cute to watch Zappa baby-bonking around with her siblings. :D

Ummm.... yeah, fifteen pounds looks to be a bit heavy for her. She looks like she should be an eight to ten pounder.

Two years old... no wonder why she looks like a kitten yet. Is she de-clawed already? I only ask because two years of age to a cat means nothing in the way of maturing. I would definitely do a slow introduction to the bunners to be on the safe side. Just watch her for her hunting/chasing instincts. Even without claws, she could chase a bunner into a tither. My new girly-cat gets the bug to chase on occasion, and that means that I get to go on the chase for her behind...

Maybe Toby will get his grooming partner after all. I know my foster-boy Andy Allen is always doing the grooming gesture to my cats. Every once in a while he is able to get a lick or two, but it is usually followed by a cat-paw to his head (the cats are fairly gentle with him when they mess around with him :D). One time, Pearl had him in a body lock, he wriggled out, shook it off, and went on his merry way. The guy who lives with me was in a panic, but I told him that if Andy were hurt, he wouldn't go back for more... :biggrin2:

Anyhow, good luck with introductions and Bella's new diet.

I know, I know! I haven't updated the rabbits in awhile, and I will be as soon as I find some more batteries (or their charger, for that matter) for my camera! Will moved them all around and I can't find them. :grumpy:

Here are just a few more kitteh pictures, in the meantime! :D

I am starting to warm up to the idea of having a kitteh. Will has groomed her twice, so her hair isn't flying everywhere and in my face. I am going to go to Wal*Mart or somewhere else where I can get fleecy fabric so I can make cheap blankets to go over the couches. Then I don't need to worry about kitteh hair so much. I just noticed that I type "kitteh" a lot instead of "kitty"... Oh well, it's cute! :p

She has gone in her litter box three times now (just pee). She hasn't really been eating, but since she's so voluptuous, I am not really too concerned. I've seen her nibble her food.

She now comes out from behind the couch if I scratch my fingers over her back (we moved the couch away from the wall) and move my arm slowly around the couch. She follows. I have been calling her an "attention wh*re". I'm a bad kitteh-mom. LOL

"Sneaky" cat:

Another picture of her eyes:


She has this adorable little quirk of meowing if she sees either me or Will. We like to mess with her and stick our head over the back of the couch so she meows. Then, we move away and do it again. She has an adorable meow! :) I will get video sometime.

Also, funny story this morning. I am home "sick" from work today (Will didn't set the alarms properly) and I was chilling on the couch. Bella was at the end of the couch, and staring out the window. She was licking her chops and staring outside like she wanted something. Suddenly, THIS appeared outside!

For those of you who are visually impaired. It's a wild turkey! It was just out gobblin' away past my porch! :p
Here are the promised pictures of the bunnies! Enjoy!

Tobias L . Bunny

Disapproving of being held like a baby (I hold him that way to give him his medicine).

More disapproval.

This is his new set-up (since he got sick). I guess he's semi-free-range. :)

Sitting on his little stool & looking crabby because I stopped petting him.



Investigating under the bed and peeking out to see what I was doing.

Miss Emma McFluffybottoms

"Hey, lady! Empty food bowl! What's with that?"

Searching for the craisin that she knocked out of my hand...

She is SO impatient! I literally have to pour the pellets on her head to get them in the bowl!

Bunny noms = Happy bunny

Bella Shedwell

Just a video of the kitteh investigating the camera and meowing. :p

Here is just a short video of Emma being silly. You can see it here. Ignore Will mumbling and me saying, "... But this is the only time she does it!"
Will was sleeping and was angry at the light being on. It was 4:30 this morning! :D
He looks so sweet like that :p. My Monsters doesn't mind at all being held on her back.
I'd be a little upset too if someone turned on the lights at 4:30am, that's way to early to up.

kherrmann3 wrote:
Tobias L . Bunny

Disapproving of being held like a baby (I hold him that way to give him his medicine).

More disapproval.
kherrmann3 wrote:
Here is just a short video of Emma being silly. You can see it here. Ignore Will mumbling and me saying, "... But this is the only time she does it!"
Will was sleeping and was angry at the light being on. It was 4:30 this morning! :D
I love this! I can so see myself doing something similar. LOL
Well, I started my Easter pictures for the contest. So far, I just have Miss Emma's done. I figured it would be better to get the more "difficult" bunny done first and then go get Toby. So, here are her Easter pictures (I will enter whichever one I pick later and post it with Toby's entry).


Here is the pretty little "set" that I made.

Emma attacking my pretty little set...


"No, seriously... What?"


I wasn't able to catch the mayhem on camera, but I got video of it and made this "action print"...

She moved all the "grass"...

Running away from the "evidence".

Charging me...

Now for some nice pictures! :p

In the grass... She even was eating it! (The grass is made of paper. Don't worry!)

Buried in the grass... (because I'm a jerk).


This one is dark, but I still like it.

Just a video of her showing her noncompliance. :p

Here is one of me being a jerk... Again. She was laying there so perfectly, and I wanted to see how long she would put up with my crap.

Here are Toby's pictures. He was pretty cooperative, so no funny ones. :( Oh, well. He sat still like a good little bunny. :p


Bunny in a basket! :D

Pointy little ears...

Spread ears!

Trying to sniff the eggs..

Giving me "the look".

The pictures looked better without the flash...

That's it for his pictures! I hope you liked them!
I don't know why - but for some reason I LOVE the one of Emma buried in the grass.

Great job on the pictures.
TinysMom wrote:
I don't know why - but for some reason I LOVE the one of Emma buried in the grass.
Great job on the pictures.
Thanks! :) That was my entry for the Easter Bunny photo contest!

Did you happen to see the video of me "burying" her in plastic eggs, too? It's the last video in that post.

I am glad you liked my pictures! :D

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