Blog for the Bun-Buns!

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This won't be a photo update, but I figured that sometimes, typed ones are just as good (just no cute pictures).

Toby and Emma are bonded (they have been for awhile). They love to snuggle up with each other, and it melts my heart. I feel that I did a good thing by bringing Miss Emma home to Toby. He seems happier. He still loves my company, and when I sit in their pen with them, he hops over to investigate and give me nose bumps. I still get my bunny kisses! Eee!

Emma is not as shy as she was before. She is coming around quite nicely. When we first got her, she would dart into hiding as soon as you came into the room. Now, she only bolts away if you do a sudden movement or do something that she is unsure of. She allows me to pet her, now. She only allows it when she is eating, or if she comes up next to Toby while I am petting him. I lay on the floor with my face pointing towards them, and Toby will hop over, followed by Emma. They both flatten out by my face and I will start to "groom" them. I swear, it's the funniest thing to hear them tooth-purring back and forth! It's like it's in stereo-sound!

That is all I can think of for an update. I will try to post more pictures soon! School and work are killing me!
Will has been letting Toby & Emma out of their cage/run for the past few days. They have been good, for the most part. Emma likes to poop near our hamster cages. I put a litter box there, and, so far so good! :D I will have to post some more pictures soon!
:bump for myheart! :p

Here is a video of Emma. She starts off licking the mirror, does a little periscope, then hops away... Then a binky! You can't see all of it, but you see her do a little spring!

Here is a freeze-frame of the binky at its highest (but clearest) point!

More cuddle buns! :D

Also, Emma has finally decided that the footstool that is next to the bed is not evil, and in fact, is quite fun to climb on. She took her first cautious steps onto our bed today. She really wanted that craisin! She just hops off right away. I don't know why she is so weird...
Does anyone even read my blog anymore? Check out the photos? Anything? :(

Anyway, it snowed here yesterday. I decided to let the rabbits go outside and have an adventure. They hated it. Here are some pictures of their misery! :(

As you can see, Miss Emma was less than impressed.

She jumped into the empty litter box almost instantly after letting her out of her carrier.

Sad eyes begging to go back inside.

Toby had a little more fun than Emma. Not much, but it's something!

Poor, innocent Toby.

Will was kicking around in the snow and kicked too hard... He did not mean to get snow on Toby, it just kind of happened.

Snowy butt.

I am Bunneh, creator of worlds.

When Toby had had enough, I picked him up and plopped him in my coat. He was all snuggled up against me. So cute!
Note: I know I have a creepy smile in this picture. Sorry! :D

Snorgling, in action!

Back in the house, Toby actually did not want to come out of my coat. I even got kissies!

That's all, folks!
That is the craziest binky I've ever seen. It almost looks like she's taking a flying leap. LOL

kherrmann3 wrote:
:bump for myheart! :p

Here is a video of Emma. She starts off licking the mirror, does a little periscope, then hops away... Then a binky! You can't see all of it, but you see her do a little spring!

Here is a freeze-frame of the binky at its highest (but clearest) point!
kherrmann3 wrote:
When Toby had had enough, I picked him up and plopped him in my coat. He was all snuggled up against me. So cute!
Note: I know I have a creepy smile in this picture. Sorry! :D

Snorgling, in action!

Back in the house, Toby actually did not want to come out of my coat. I even got kissies!

That's all, folks!

Those pictures are the cutest thing ever!!! Look at little snuggly Toby!! :D
mouse_chalk wrote:
Those pictures are the cutest thing ever!!! Look at little snuggly Toby!! :D
Yeah! After we came in, he refused to come out of the coat. I tried to unzip it, because I was melting, and he bit me! He did it a few times until I finally got the coat off. Then, he sat on my lap for another hour, begging for ear rubs and head scratchies! I caught Will baby-talking to Toby. It was a good afternoon. :) Once Toby was done being pampered, he jumped down from the couch, ran down the hall, and promptly started digging at the "bunny board" that we use to block off our room. That was that! He was done! lol
I am so sorry I have not been faithfully checking Toby and Emma's blog on a more frequent basis. So much on my mind lately...

I abolutely love the video of Emma. What is with the licking the mirror thing...? You must have a tastey mirror or something. :ponder: Emma's little binky was just too cute!

Congtrats on Toby's yawn pic. I never seem to be fast enough to get those shots. Even the binky moves elude me. I usually end up with the cuddly pics when they are sleeping... more my pace.

It is heartwarming to see cuddling bunners, isn't it? There are so many times I walk past my trio when they are cuddling, and just say, "Awe...". There really are no words to express the type of contentment that bonded bunners have. I think it is just something that is felt by their moms and dads because they know their bunners' personalities and what true happiness is to them. For my Patrick, it's lounginga nice sunny spot with his girls and a little "action" afterwards. He is such a guy..... ;)

I promise not to be so remiss in my duty of checking in on your blog....

I was thinking of you, today. I was gonna ask you to be an RO Star...but you were one already. :p

Love the Toby photos! So are they totally bonded and all?
They are bonded... Kind of. They were all snuggly and cute before, but now Emma's horns are coming out. Whenever there is a treat involved, they both come a'runnin', but then Emma chases Toby away and he cowers in the corner or some other hidden place. He wouldn't take a craisin from me before after she chased him. I don't know what to do.


I did buy them a large(r) litter box for outside of the cage. It's a large kitty box, and it's awesome! It's a high-back one, and isn't THAT big, but it does the job and prevents litter-kicking. It's awesome. :D
They're both very beautiful buns but I seriously think Emma looks evil lol! It's probably the red eyes!
Numbat wrote:
They're both very beautiful buns but I seriously think Emma looks evil lol! It's probably the red eyes!
I know what you mean, but it's not her eyes... It's her butt. Her butt glares at you. See?

Here are some pictures from today. The poor bunnies were wondering why Mom was being crazy and crawling around on the floor after them...

Toby being a sunny-bunny.

Why are you doing this?


Toby grooming Emma.

Emma grooming Toby.

Toby grooming himself and Emma ignoring him.

Emma groomed herself and left some of her mane in her mouth.
Toby has lots of whiskerage, doesn't he?!!! I never really noticed that about him until you posted his sunny-bunny pics. Then that was the first thing that came to my mind. For such a little bunner, Toby has really long whiskers..... :D

Oh, yes! He has some major whiskerage going on! Here are some older pictures showing off his whiskers. He also uses them to his advantage to wake me up. He likes shoving them in my face. :grumpy:



