Blog for the Bun-Buns!

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I think he's a "lazy good-for-nothing male species". I'm not sure, though! ;) Just kidding, Will made me scrambled eggs and bacon for dinner. It was delicious! :) The picture was his idea, too! lol

The finches are adorable! I love seeing them in stores when they get in their nests and pile like 20 birdies in one - where they have 2 or 3 nests LOL!
He seems nice, Mat's only made me dinner once or twice ever.

Just make sure Willbun doens't lick himself too often, hairballs ya know.

I like the cage you guys made, it's a good size, good use of space too.
Michelle - Thank you! :) Will makes dinners quite often. I am the chef, but I tell him what to do and he obeys... Most of the time! ;) He has a few dishes that are "his", but they are heart-attacks on a plate. One is chicken cooked in Italian salad dressing, fried potatoes, and mozzarella cheese melted on top. Sooo good, but sooo bad for you!

Bo - I know! I love our finches! We got them from the Humane Society this last summer. Their original names were Hor-Devours and Entree. :? Their previous owner had cats... I love them cramming into their nest at night. They are brothers, and they get all snuggly. We've called them our "incestuous gay finches". I love seeing their little beaks and beady black eyes peeking out of their nest each morning. I love their little *beep* noises. :biggrin2:
Hehe, I hope Will doesn't check my blog. He has a name on here, too, but hardly uses it. I would get "yelled at". :p Pssh! Like yelling at me does ANYTHING! :p

By the way, Will broke and gave in today and let the bunnies out of their cage/pen. I opened their cage this morning and let them frolic in their pen. While I was away at work, he let them go in the room again. I guess the ban that he put on rabbits in the bedroom has been lifted!
kherrmann3 wrote:
Hehe, I hope Will doesn't check my blog. He has a name on here, too, but hardly uses it. I would get "yelled at". :p Pssh! Like yelling at me does ANYTHING! :p

By the way, Will broke and gave in today and let the bunnies out of their cage/pen. I opened their cage this morning and let them frolic in their pen. While I was away at work, he let them go in the room again. I guess the ban that he put on rabbits in the bedroom has been lifted!
Men are the biggest softies when it comes to animals. Ours walk all over John, his own dog doesn't listen to him. I'm the disciplinarian around here. Exhibit A.........


kherrmann3 wrote:
We've called them our "incestuous gay finches". I love seeing their little beaks and beady black eyes peeking out of their nest each morning. I love their little *beep* noises. :biggrin2:
LOL! I thought we were the only people who said things like that about our animals. We've had the evil gerbil from hell, Cinnamon, and the moron kittay Tank, ..... all sorts of things like that........ I love the gay boy finches.... LOL!
My mum calls her dog "Booger" affectionately! :) We have all sorts of odd names for our animals! :p

That's a hilarious picture with your man with critters all over him! That must be the best way to stay warm this time of year!
kherrmann3 wrote:
That's a hilarious picture with your man with critters all over him! That must be the best way to stay warm this time of year!
LOL, yep. I'm sure the very same thing is going on right now out in the family room.
Right now, the buns are slinking out into the hallway. They do their funny "sneaky-walk" until they realize that I'm not going to chase them back into the room! :p I have some cute pictures of them sticking their faces under the other bun trying to get groomed. I am too lazy to put them up right now, though. I have to go to bed in 16 minutes. :p
kherrmann3 wrote:
Right now, the buns are slinking out into the hallway. They do their funny "sneaky-walk" until they realize that I'm not going to chase them back into the room! :p I have some cute pictures of them sticking their faces under the other bun trying to get groomed. I am too lazy to put them up right now, though. I have to go to bed in 16 minutes. :p

Can't wait to see them.
I will probably put them up tomorrow. Right now, I am being lazy. They are too. They're chillin' out up in their "loft" (the upper level of their condo). They seem to love the new cage! :biggrin2:
Yawning Toby! You have no idea how long I have been trying to get this darn picture!


Toby, "Groom me?"
Emma, "Hrmph!"

Toby, "Fine, don't groom me!"
Emma, "..."

Emma, "Groom me?"
Toby, ":grumpy:"

More photos! :)

Toby's impressive whiskers.

Emma being sneaky under the bed...

Toby investigating the camera.

More of Emma being weird under the bed...

"Hey, Mom! Are you on RO?!?"

Cuddle buns!

Emma is melting!
