Well-Known Member
Just curious, what breed is Will? He looks happy in his new cage - cute disaproving expression
Aren't they all?I think he's a "lazy good-for-nothing male species".
Men are the biggest softies when it comes to animals. Ours walk all over John, his own dog doesn't listen to him. I'm the disciplinarian around here. Exhibit A.........Hehe, I hope Will doesn't check my blog. He has a name on here, too, but hardly uses it. I would get "yelled at".Pssh! Like yelling at me does ANYTHING!
By the way, Will broke and gave in today and let the bunnies out of their cage/pen. I opened their cage this morning and let them frolic in their pen. While I was away at work, he let them go in the room again. I guess the ban that he put on rabbits in the bedroom has been lifted!
LOL! I thought we were the only people who said things like that about our animals. We've had the evil gerbil from hell, Cinnamon, and the moron kittay Tank, ..... all sorts of things like that........ I love the gay boy finches.... LOL!We've called them our "incestuous gay finches". I love seeing their little beaks and beady black eyes peeking out of their nest each morning. I love their little *beep* noises. :biggrin2:
LOL, yep. I'm sure the very same thing is going on right now out in the family room.That's a hilarious picture with your man with critters all over him! That must be the best way to stay warm this time of year!
Right now, the buns are slinking out into the hallway. They do their funny "sneaky-walk" until they realize that I'm not going to chase them back into the room!I have some cute pictures of them sticking their faces under the other bun trying to get groomed. I am too lazy to put them up right now, though. I have to go to bed in 16 minutes.
That is too funny!