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*sigh* I'm home from Michigan, but I'm not very happy right now. I have an abscess on my face. It's not just a little one, either. It has my whole face swollen up. I look like a chipmunk. I've been scared silly that the rabbits would get an abscess, but I never thought I would get one! :(
Nope, haven't picked them up yet. I am getting them after 6:00pm tonight. I have to go to the doctor today and get my abscess looked at again. The nurse I worked with today kept calling me "our little chipmunk" because of how swollen the one side of my face is. *sigh* A few weeks of sinus crap followed by a big old poofy face.
Doctor's Office Update

Well, I was at the doctor's office for 2[sup]1/2 [/sup]hours yesterday afternoon. When I went in, I felt icky. I was felt kind of woozy. I like the doctor I saw, though. She fed me. :p I got a bag of Chex Mix, a Coke, and two juice boxes. :biggrin2: I felt better after eating a bit. Anyway, here is the rundown of my appointment:

- Doctor came in and poked at my face with her hands. She also looked in my ears, nose, throat, and the other doctor stuff.

- Ordered me to get a CBC (blood count) done. I frolicked off to the lab and got blood taken (bad needle stick, too)!

- Doctor said my white blood cells (WBC) looked normal, so more tests! Yay!

- I needed a CT scan of my head (there's a scary thought)! Since someone was using the machine, I took a nap in the exam room.

- Actually, I called Will first (he was at work) and was crying for him to leave work early, even though I knew he couldn't leave work... But he did! (I was freaked out because they said that if the CT scan showed the abscess moving into my eye socket, they would probably need to do some form of surgery on it. I was less than thrilled).

- Will got there in time to sit with me while they set-up an IV line for the CT contrast stuff.

- Will had to leave the room and I got my head put in a giant doughnut (CT machine).

- I watched the pretty CT magnet spin around my head, then the radiologist gave me the contrast stuff. It makes your mouth taste funny, you smell that funny taste, it gets kind of hard to breathe, and makes you feel like you peed yourself. :grumpy:

- IV was taken out (it left less of a mark than the blood draw did!), and I was sent back to the room to wait.

- CT came back, and it showed that the abscess was enclosed in a small pocket that did not spread. It is just in the skin, not any deeper (woohoo)!

- The doctor didn't need to lance it, and told me to just stay on the antibiotics.

- Follow-up appointment today.

I think my checkbook is crying, but I found out that I :hearts insurance! :p
Bunny Update

The bunnies are good. They were less-than-happy to see me yesterday, but they warmed up eventually. I got the bunny butt from TWO upset rabbits. My mum said they behaved, minus Sammi getting out a few nights ago and having a field day in all of the boxes in the room (Mum's packing up my stuff that I left there when I moved out). Mum said you could hear some "major binky-age" going on (in her own words, too! lol). Also, Toby bit her. Wonderful, she's on blood thinners! Luckily, he was just being the little brat that he always is and only pinched the skin. She bruised from it, though. Actually, if I stare at her wrong, I think she bruises, too! Blood thinners stink!

My dad was getting annoyed with the rabbits, because every time he (or Mum) would walk up the stairs, somebunny would thump at them. My guess would be Sammi. She's quite the thumper. Also, I think that she would thump because my parents aren't very quiet about walking up the stairs. The bunnies probably thought my parents were thumping at them! lol Sammi will thump back if I drop a remote on the carpet (if it makes the same WHUMP! noise that a thump makes).

My parent's dog, Brody (Boogers), stayed away for the most part. Being that he's a West Highland Terrier, we don't trust him around prey animals. The last time he went nose-to-nose with Toby (when Boogers was a puppy), Toby came out victorious by bapping Boogers in the nose with some serious, flailing bunny paws.

Everybun is home, safe and sound. I hope that they forgive me soon!
Kelly, you have such an entertaining way of writing things - even serious ones like your doctors appointment :D. Glad to hear the abscess hasn't spread, and nothing more drastic is needed to get rid of it. And awwww for Will getting off work to come to you :).

Sounds like your parents are quite fond of the bunnies, despite the thumping and nipping. Hope Toby and Sammi forgive you soon (craisins work well ;))

Today at breakfast time, the bunnies didn't seem to remember that they were snubbing me. They were all about begging for food from the Mama! :p My mum said that every morning at 5:00am, the bunnies would be sitting by their food bowls, waiting for their pellets! :p They were getting mad that she was upsetting their schedule!

Went back to the doctor. Everything is OK as of now. I have sinus problems, so he prescribed me some nasal spray. I get to snort that once a day. He also knocked my antibiotics down to a lower dose. I was feeling sick from the antibiotics that I got from Michigan. So... Hopefully four different kinds of antibiotics and a nasal spray make my sinuses behave! ... And I thought bunny infections were hard to treat!
Hooray, it's BUNDAY! :p The bunnies seemed to know that it was Bunday, because as soon as they were let out for their separate play times, they were going nuts and binkying up a storm! I got a few little videos, so enjoy! :D

Toby with his little scamper-butt.

Some major binky-age out of Toby. Note the thump at Sammi at the very end of the video clip!

Toby nosing around in the closet while Will was putting on a shirt. At the end, you can hear Will say, "Get outta here!" He wasn't mad at Toby, but he has some sinus stuff going on, so his voice sounds extra-gruff! Our bunnies love to run into the closet when we're in it. They just like to follow us in and sit by the door. It's like they know they aren't supposed to be there, so they do it just for the fun of running away!

Sammi and a big leap (it totally looks like I threw her, but I was on the bed)!

Some Sammi binky-age!

Happy Bunday, everyone!

I have a question guys: Does Toby do this because he wants to be by Sammi, or does he do it like a "neener-neener" thing? Is he taunting her by relaxing by her cage, or do they want to be by each other? They still pull each others' fur out during dates. Sammi will go hunch-up by Toby's cage, too, when it's her run time. Why are bunnies so complicated!?

I honestly think of it as neener neener. Elvis likes doing this. :pssd:

kherrmann3 wrote:
I have a question guys: Does Toby do this because he wants to be by Sammi, or does he do it like a "neener-neener" thing? Is he taunting her by relaxing by her cage, or do they want to be by each other? They still pull each others' fur out during dates. Sammi will go hunch-up by Toby's cage, too, when it's her run time. Why are bunnies so complicated!?

JadeIcing wrote:
I honestly think of it as neener neener. Elvis likes doing this. :pssd:
Yeah, Jester and Shadow do it too, then if they do get togeter without a cage between them, all hell breaks loose :rollseyes

However, I have to say that when they do lay like that together, they still try and nip each other through the bars, so they may be some chance that Toby and Sammi are getting used to each other :)

They stick their noses in each others' pens, and no one has lost a nose like poor Shadow did! They do jump back suddenly, but I think they are startling each other instead of hurting each other. Who knows? I wish bunnies could talk!
Well, back to MY facial abscess. When I went to the emergency room in Michigan, they lanced and drained it. They took the goo so they could culture it and see which bacteria would grow from it. I called them yesterday to talk to the doctor I saw. Well, I was supposed to call on Friday, but I kind-of forgot to... The test was positive for what I really didn't want it to be. It tested positive for MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus).

MRSA is just a staphylococcus (staph.) infection. A lot of people have heard of streptococcus (strep.) infections, like "strep. throat". Staph. is just another kind of bacteria. Most staph. infections are not anything to worry about (they need immediate medical attention, though). They go away with a course of antibiotics. MRSA, however, is a "super-bug". That means it is immune to the common antibiotics. They just have to give you a stronger one.

However, just because I had an active infection of MRSA does not mean I am a disgusting disease-bag. It just means that I had an active infection of it. I could have had it for months in the dormant phase, which means I have it, but no one can catch it. It just happened to come up as an abscess on my face.

I must have picked it up from the nursing home... We have a lot of resident's that had/have MRSA and never picked up on it. I could have caught it from someone coughing or sneezing in a room that I was in. I don't believe they test all residents at the nursing home for MRSA unless they have symptoms. Once they have symptoms, they are tested, but the test results normally come back after the "flare-up" is already done, and the people are back in the "dormant/colonized" phase.

Yeah, mini-nerd-rant is partially complete. I have to go to work now! I called the ADON (Assistant Director of Nursing) at work, and she said that I can work as long as the wound is not draining and as long as I keep it covered. Hooray for those tiny, "useless" Band-Aids that you get in the variety pack. You know, those little square ones that are practically useless? They work perfect on facial blemishes!


Awe... Sorry to hear of the troubles you have had with this abscess. At least you know what is now. Is it going to be too late to get the stronger antibiotics? Or will the bacteria have more resistance because of taking the not-so-strong antibiotics?

Healthcare really is one of those careers where no one can be careful enough. There really is no knowing what is flying around in the air. Sorry it happened to you.... Hope this gets better for you.

:sickbunny:Get better.....
