Doctor's Office Update
Well, I was at the doctor's office for
1/2 [/sup]hours yesterday afternoon. When I went in, I felt icky. I was felt kind of woozy. I like the doctor I saw, though. She fed me.

I got a bag of Chex Mix, a Coke, and two juice boxes. :biggrin2: I felt better after eating a bit. Anyway, here is the rundown of my appointment:
- Doctor came in and poked at my face with her hands. She also looked in my ears, nose, throat, and the other doctor stuff.
- Ordered me to get a CBC (blood count) done. I frolicked off to the lab and got blood taken (bad needle stick, too)!
- Doctor said my white blood cells (WBC) looked normal, so more tests! Yay!
- I needed a CT scan of my head (there's a scary thought)! Since someone was using the machine, I took a nap in the exam room.
- Actually, I called Will first (he was at work) and was crying for him to leave work early, even though I knew he couldn't leave work... But he did! (I was freaked out because they said that if the CT scan showed the abscess moving into my eye socket, they would probably need to do some form of surgery on it. I was less than thrilled).
- Will got there in time to sit with me while they set-up an IV line for the CT contrast stuff.
- Will had to leave the room and I got my head put in a giant doughnut (CT machine).
- I watched the pretty CT magnet spin around my head, then the radiologist gave me the contrast stuff. It makes your mouth taste funny, you smell that funny taste, it gets kind of hard to breathe, and makes you feel like you peed yourself. :grumpy:
- IV was taken out (it left less of a mark than the blood draw did!), and I was sent back to the room to wait.
- CT came back, and it showed that the abscess was enclosed in a small pocket that did not spread. It is just in the skin, not any deeper (woohoo)!
- The doctor didn't need to lance it, and told me to just stay on the antibiotics.
- Follow-up appointment today.
I think my checkbook is crying, but I found out that I :hearts insurance!