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Ohh fair enough. I thought they didn't cos I read it on one
of those weird facts things lol.

but like if you can't feel them the way you can with girls
wouldn't it make a difference in sexing? cos my two boy bunnies I can feel theirs at all and my Harvey loves his tummy
rubbed. but as soon as I pick up Moshi I can feel hers instantly... oh well, Guess i'll have to sex them the normal

Thanks Rue, that is helpful their is a bunnings 15 minutes
away from me so I'll have a look in there :)
I use the horse stall bedding pellets because they are much cheaper. I started with carefresh, found it stunk to high heaven. Then switched to wood stove pellets and liked them. Then I found out how cheap the same thing is when it is sold as horse stall bedding. I use a plastic grating (soft plastic from the craft store) over the pellets. That way the pee goes through and I can dump the poo daily. I'm paranoid but I think it keeps things healthier/cleaner for their feet.

I checked and can find nipples on Gary but not Houdini. I think Houdini is just too furry though, it's hard to feel all the way to his skin.

Yesterday Gary was just having a grumpy day, I think because he's molting. He chased Becky around the room twice :(

Do your buns ever have just a grumpy day and act out of character?
Yeah Harvey has his quiet sulking days where he won't leave the bedroom much if at all. But the last couple of days he's been out and about doing his binkies, playing with/chasing the cat, etc.

Oooh and was he cute last night. I was so out of it, I was falling asleep on the sofa. He behaved fine but he saw me come into the bedroom and came bounding up to me so happy but I was so groggy I didn't register that until after. :(
I asked Bunnings...
They didn't even know what I was talking about...
and then they were confused on why I need it
as litter for my bunny... :(

I'm getting annoyed that people think bunnies are so
"stupid" my dad thinks they have a brain like a fish...
but he loves them anyway and thinks they're cute lol.

I have a fodder store where I buy the hay and pellets
so I'll check in there for those horse stall pellets.
Thanks heaps for the input Brandy :) It really is appreciated.

Haha Emily you Harvey really sounds so funny when I hear
about him :) You should try take more photos and what not

My Harvey is also really emotional some days... it's strange but he's always loving it's just sometimes he has
PMS and is just angry...
and Moshi is a bit like it too and one day she's obsessed
and wants to be taken out of her cage and held and then
another day she just ignores my presence... strange...
Lol Lakecondo! I always think of Horses as dogs...they kind of act gimpy in the same way lol.

So I asked around for wood stove pellets and horse stall bedding pellets... Nobody seems to sell them or know what I'm talking about...

Is there another name I could call it? and how often would I have to change the litter if I were to start using the wood pellet stuff?? :)

Hmmm... I'm a little drained out today... All of highschool I was the girl that was inlove with all things rabbits... and everyone else was all in to seeing who attract the most guys... and now when I go on facebook I see everybody starting to buy bunnies... and I feel like they will just end up forgotten in the backyard after they've finished taking their photos with a little baby bunny for their profile pic

Do I seem kind of rude to hate them a little for getting
a bunny? I feel awful but I can't get over it... hmmm
Maybe Australia doesn't have enough wood for there to be wood pellets there. They are for use in certain wood-burning stoves.
It's hard to stop worrying about what MIGHT happen. Just keep in mind who has rabbits, then if they don't mention them for awhile, ask about them & tell them about this site. Maybe when & if someone doesn't want their rabbit anymore, you could adopt it.
I'm not sure what else to call the pellets. Did you check a feed store? That's where I get mine, but in AU things may be different. I have a plastic mesh on top of the litter that I can dump the poo every day, but the pee goes into the pellets. I only have to change the box once a week because there is no smell and their feet don't touch the wet stuff.

I totally understand Bonnie, I feel the same way. This time of year is great for finding bunny themed stuff- socks, ear rings, decorations etc. but I just cringe with the people running out to get LIVE rabbits. Honestly even look at the uptick of new owners here. Most of which don't have a clue. I am hopeful at least the ones that make it to here will get educated and take good care of their buns.
I guess that's a good way to look at it Lakecondo :) Thanks.

I've noticed on Gumtree where people sell and buy stuff...
that heaps of people are advertising baby bunnies now and
posting them as "Bunnies ready for easter"

Yeah I hope everyone finds this site and learns heaps!
Although I notice a lot of people here introduce themselves
and then you never see them post again... makes me a bit
sad but I guess it's good that atleast know this site is
here if they need it. :)
So I have a new question after seeing that valentine post :)
Which I think is really cute and I love seeing bonded bunnies.

But why do people encourage it so much?
I don't want to be rude or hate or make anybody feel uncomfortable of any sort...

But I live in the hills and there are literally wild rabbits everywhere here, I could walk 2 minutes up to the paddocks and see heaps or scattered... we even had one a few years ago that the cat brought inside and it must have only been like 5 weeks old

But what gets to me is... If rabbits love each others company so much why do they get territorial? and why does one usually try and be the dominant of the two? and although they live close to each other wild rabbits leave the burrow and dig their own hole

Once again I'm sorry if this offends anybody I do love bonded pairs and I think it's really good to know people put time and effort in bonding them but
I dislike going to a pet store and seeing people buy two bunnies without knowing one day they'll need to desex them or maybe they are gendered wrong and will have babies too young and what not...
Rabbits really do benefit from company. They're herd animals, and in the wild live in a community for both safety and companionship. The reason they're territorial basically boils down to the most dominant male gets to breed with the females and the most dominant female gets the best burrow location. But even when they're neutered and in captivity there's still a "pecking order" and rabbits need to sort that out before they can be friends.

Hope that makes sense! :)

:) That does make a lot of sense!

But if I'm the type of person with a lot of time to give
my bunnies heaps of attention all day is it just as good?
Honestly, I let my buns pick out their mates so I never went through the whole "bonding process". They picked each other (both fixed when they met) so I just put them together when they got home and watched. Everything was good in the home territory so, TADA! Instant bonds. It really is so much easier when you let them date and they are adults.

I know that they say one has to be dominant, but shucks if I can tell in either of my pairs. They both groom each other. The only dominance I can see is between pairs when they play together. Houdini is the boss of Gary and Becky. Cindi is the boss of Becky. Other than that I cna't tell.

I think the rabbits honestly give eachother something I can't. For example, when Cindi was very sick, I was taking care of her the best I could. I would check on her every hour and stroke her gently. She seemed comforted by my being there with her. However, Houdini would jump into the basket and lick her ears and face. She would lean into him the same way I lean into my husband when I'm sick. It's hard to explain, but it's just a deeper level of love. Plus, when they are in the carrier to go to the vet they huddle up together, I can't fit in there.

I think if you have lots of time to give then your bun can be perfectly happy being a single. I just knew I had more room and resources so I wanted to rescue more animals. I also cringe when people get too babies and try to force them to like eachother. Arranged mariages don't work as well as picking for love.
Aww Brandy I love your reply so much :)
It's so sweet! and I understand what you mean as if I were
sick and my mum was comforting me I would love her heaps
and be greatful but it wouldn't be the same feeling as being loved and comforted from my boyfriend :)

I feel bad for my bunnies now because I do want to breed
them but I want them to know the feeling of having a
companion so maybe I can cut breeding lives short and retire them after a year or something and desex them
... or would that be too difficult? hmm

Thanks for your reply :)
Bonnie my Harvey is definitely a character. I love the little guy to pieces and he's got such a big personality for a rabbit. So not stupid either. He's gotten very good at going into his cage when I shake his treat bags.

I honestly wonder at times if he knows he is a rabbit with the way he treats the cats haha. I never thought I'd see the day when a tiny bunny when have a big cat on the run. My fat cat loves it since my older cat won't play with him. It usually ends with the cat being treed haha. Oh and if I am not careful with the cat food Harvey will shove both cats away from their bowls so he can eat their food. XD
Bonnie Lee wrote:
I feel bad for my bunnies now because I do want to breed
them but I want them to know the feeling of having a
companion so maybe I can cut breeding lives short and retire them after a year or something and desex them
... or would that be too difficult? hmm

Thanks for your reply :)
I guess it depends on why you want to breed them.

Before Honey came to the shelter where I got her, she'd been bred & had had a litter. The shelter had her spayed. When I took her to the vet the 1st time, he could tell from feeling her that she'd been bred, so it definitely makes a difference in their bodies.
Sorry for not reading all of the replies but having bread rabbits, after a week or so you can see little bunny balls if it is a male.
Lol Emily what kind of cat food does your bunny eat?
I once read on yahoo questions that somebodies bunny liked
chicken and rabbit flavoured cat biscuits... a bit scary lol. Hopefully it doesn't harm them.

Chase that's amazing news. although if the bunnies were all the same colour once they grow fur over those little balls it would probably be hard lol
@Lakecondo :)
It's really hard to explain why I want to breed without turning it into a story but I'll just say it all anyways.

I want to breed because we had to drive so extremely far for two of our mini lops and the other that we got close by she is a horrible breeder and lies and gives bunnies with eye infections and moon eye and all sorts and I just want her to go out of business as she's the only mini lop breeder close to our area about 20 minutes away...

there are two great bunny breeders which I haven't met in person but by email and they only breed dwarf lops and have waiting lists to the moon and back. there's one other breeder close by and she sells them at 4 weeks old... we tried to stop her and report her but the RSPCA won't do anything about it cos they aren't cats or dogs... we also don't have any rabbit shelters in my state at all for people to rescue bunnies :( and the pet shops around here are getting a lot of business selling bunnies smaller than the size of my palm and I want it to stop.

we have a fodder store that breeds bunnies and they claim everything is purebred but the rex's and angora's are all lop eared bunnies and the flemish giants are in like a small dog crate their entire life :( not to mention all the bunnies seem to have scars and missing bits from their ears from fighting...

I just want to be a good breeder that can educate people that buy my bunnies.. I want my bunnies to be the perfect mini lops and show people how great and loving they really are and I want to be able to sell bunnies to people giving people the option that I'm always here and if something happens and they cant take care of the bunny I will take it back and give it a home until I can find it a forever home...

but yeah... :)

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