Big rabbit poos

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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2006
Reaction score
, New Jersey, USA
There was a poop in our rabbits cage that wasthe size of a mini hot dog. I was like what is that and here it was apoop and it was all in balls stuck together but it was all in onepiece. Does this sound normal? My daughter just cleaned out her cageand her litter box and I just went in there and her poop smells so bad.It smells like a dog went. We brought her in because mice are gettingin her cage. I never remember her poop smelling like this. She has beenpooping a lot and it is smooshed and gets all over her butt. I thoughtit was the food with the dried colored veggies in it so we switched tothe healthy rabbit food pellets. The timothy hay pellets. Now I amwondering if there is something wrong with her with the poop smellingso bad. I can't keep her in my daughters room with it smelling likethis. Any advice?
You have just experienced the joy of cecalpellets! They look like a long black raspberry, and normallyhave a very strong odour.

Rabbits create normal excretion (small round black/brown poop), andcecals, a moist collection of nutrients collected in the cecum thennormally eaten straight from the anus.

Too many treats, or too much carbs, or too much protien can causeexcess cecals, it's just a matter of discovering which one is effectingyour bunny.

You could try cutting down on the amount of pellets, and giving herlots of hay. Bunnies should get as much grass hay (ieTimothy) as they want, with a good quality pellet to suppliment in alimited amount.

Have you looked in the resource center for information about how tofeed rabbits? This thread is a good starting place:

Also, what kind of litter are you using? Different littersare better at absorbing odours than others. I use a woodpellet litter, and I can almost never smell them.

Hi SmokeysMomMom

I have 2 bunnies with similar problems.

With both, it's an issue of regulating the protein and carbs that they get.
It helps, but they still have bouts of excess cecals.
They usually need a tushie cleaning/trimming a couple times a month.

I use a mix of pellets to help adjust the protein and carbs.
Pellets are limited
They both get a pinch of rolled oats with their pellets (mostly as a treat)
Lots of timothy hay
A few small pieces of dried papaya during the week
They both love timothy cubes and get them daily
Greens and veggies will usually bring on bouts of soft poops andcecals, so they're VERY limited....maybe a smal portion of romaine onceor twice a week.

They have wire bottom cages and most of the cecals drop through. Butit's a problem if they're in the litter pans, on blankies or boards, orin sleepie boxes. It can be a messy smelly experience.


well hunny has been having something looks sorta wet and was really smelly...i think thats cause igave them too much lettuce at one point but i stopped thatimmediatly..and now her poops are back to normal....

i also clean her bum every so often to make sure that its clean andclean there cage every 3 days make sure they dont get ill...justthaught id mention it

Karona had a big one today simply because I ranour of hay so she didnt get any today. They tummys are sooosensative!!:bunnydance:
We will cut back on the timothy hay pellet andgive her tons of timothy hay to eat this weekend and I will see howthat is. She is in my daughters room and it smells really bad:( We justcleaned her last night. I have been getting that light colored litterthat looks like little stones. It is like a light color. We used to getthe dark grey ones. I am starting to think they work a lot better. Shehas a poo poo bottom all the time. It got all over my daughter when shepicked her up. My daughter gives her a bath when it gets bad and drysher really well. We have to get her trimmed somehow and buy thecornstarch powder. Wish me luck.

P.S. Thanks so much for all of your help. You are the best. Ilove this forum and hope it is around for a really long time. I don'tknow what I would do without it.
Hi Smokeysmommom,

I have been trying to catch up on whats been going on herewith all my bunny buddys on the RO as I havent been on the puter forawhile. I just read your concern about your bunnys poo and odor andjust want to give ya my 2 bits.

I am very concerned for your bunny. Abnormal poops and badodor lasting more than 24 hours is not a good sign. Then having themessy bottom also has me even more concerned. I dont want to panic you( I panic about every thing with my buns )

however, I have been in this situation before and things went as bad asthey can get within 48 hours. I lost my Babygirl. I have learned alotfrom my vet sence then and have again on more than one acation beenfaced with the large poo, bad odor, messy bottom, ect. and I canhonestly tell you the best thing for this was to take away all foods (pellets, fruit, greens, and treats ) and only feed unlimited timothyhay and plenty of fresh cold water for a FULL 24 hours. If her poo hasnot gone back to normal in 24 hours get your bunny to a vet imediantly.If poo is normal in size and consistancy after 24 hrs then you canoffer a small amount of alfala or a small amount of pellets (no morethan 1/4 cup) and slowly offer more if her odor is improving. As forfruits, veggies, and treats she will prefer to eat them but herdigestive system will not agree with this food untill you can get herprotine/fiber balanced again.

My advice on the litter is carefresh. I only use it in thelitter box and I have been very happy with it, My vet suggested it so (because he is my hero! and saved the life of our precious littleNuggles more than once) what he says goes with me.:bow:goodluck

I hope everything gets better and please keep us updated!

Shye, Nuggles, Nibbles

and all foster buns
SmokeysMomMom wrote:
I have been getting that light colored litter thatlooks like little stones. It is like a light color. We used to get thedark grey ones. I am starting to think they work a lot better.

You may want to try a wood pellet litter.

I have 8 house bunnies and I use Woody Pet in all of their litter pans. controls odor better than most other products out there.

Not sure where in NJ you are.
I get mine at an Agway in Morristown, NJ. It's about a 30 min drive for me....but well worth it.

It sounds like an issue of excess cecals,

Keep her diet consistent for a few days. It might take several days foryou to notice the reduction of the excess cecals if it is diet related.
Lots of hay!
You may want to take her to the vet and have them do some tests to make sure it's not and underlying heath issue, too.



You have received great advice regarding smokeysproblem. I think Shye and Jim have given you the best courseof action for a digestive track disorder. I assume you werefeeding Hartsbrand which contains those colorfulveggie lookingbiscuits which are very bad for yourbun. If you have followed their advice and it is just smokeysbody doinga carb dump- you should see drastic changes thismorning.

However, Iamveryconcerned with the duration of Smokeysillness and the mice invading smokeys living space. Mice cancarry bacteria and viri which are fatal to European rabbitbreeds. The introduction of a new bacteria in combinationwith a high carb diet could go very bad very fast. If one of our kidshad the same symptoms we would make an emergency trip to thevet. Antibiotics and treatment for dehydration in atimely manner can be crucial.

We are hoping all goes well for Smokey.
We have been feeding Smokey a lot ofTimothy Hay and water and just a few Timothy Hay pellets. She has a lotmore of the normal little marble poo poos. There wasn't a smell tonightwhen I was near her cage. I think it was her old food and too manytreats and other things.I am going to check her tomorrow, but it seemslike things are looking up. My daughter cleaned out her cage and saidthere weren't any mushy poops in there. I feel so much better now.
Hi everyone.

I took Smokey to the vet on March 10th (last Saturday) and she has beendoing so much betterwith the poo poo all over her butt sincewe changed her diet like I wrote about previously on here. She did havesome poo poo stuck to her butt so the vet shaved her fur on her butt.Boy did he take a lot of fur off of her and then he checked her buttand said she was fine and we got her there in time before she had noinfection which is great news. He also trimmed her nails. My daughterwas sad cuz she wasn't there for her rabbit. But she was fine. A bitscarred but she did well. Thanks for all of your help.
Glad to hear she's doing well, though I've got aquestion. Are you still keeping her inside? Poopy butt is a target forflystrike, which can kill a rabbit quickly. Rabbits kept outdoors are*very* susceptible to flystrike, though you have to watch out for itindoors, too.

Here's a good article on dry (and wet) baths for bunnies with poopy butt:

Something else for me to worry about. She will never be outside now.Now I am wondering if she had poopy butt last summer. I don't thinkso.... Oh my... We have these little tiny bugs flying around in ourhouse because we bought a bad plant and we can't get rid of them. Wesprayed the plants and resprayed them. We took one plant out and threwit out because we felt that one was the culprit. These arent't the bugsyou are talking about. You are talking about those dirty black fliesthat fly on the dog poop outside. OMG:shock:My smokey is thecutest most lovable and relaxed bunny and we don't want anything tohappen to her. I worried enough keeping her cool outside last summer.My husband wants her back outside. Oh Jeez:X:X:X:X
I'm just glad to hear that Smokey is doing so well - and I didn't mean to alarm you by posting the link to the article.

truthfully, if Smokey had had poopy butt last summer- and developedflystrike - well... Smokey probably wouldn't be here. You're takinggood care of her, and obviousy love her very much. That's what counts!Believe me, I've made some mistakes with Nibbles, too (mostly out ofignorance). But I'm learning. :)