Hi Smokeysmommom,
I have been trying to catch up on whats been going on herewith all my bunny buddys on the RO as I havent been on the puter forawhile. I just read your concern about your bunnys poo and odor andjust want to give ya my 2 bits.
I am very concerned for your bunny. Abnormal poops and badodor lasting more than 24 hours is not a good sign. Then having themessy bottom also has me even more concerned. I dont want to panic you( I panic about every thing with my buns )
however, I have been in this situation before and things went as bad asthey can get within 48 hours. I lost my Babygirl. I have learned alotfrom my vet sence then and have again on more than one acation beenfaced with the large poo, bad odor, messy bottom, ect. and I canhonestly tell you the best thing for this was to take away all foods (pellets, fruit, greens, and treats ) and only feed unlimited timothyhay and plenty of fresh cold water for a FULL 24 hours. If her poo hasnot gone back to normal in 24 hours get your bunny to a vet imediantly.If poo is normal in size and consistancy after 24 hrs then you canoffer a small amount of alfala or a small amount of pellets (no morethan 1/4 cup) and slowly offer more if her odor is improving. As forfruits, veggies, and treats she will prefer to eat them but herdigestive system will not agree with this food untill you can get herprotine/fiber balanced again.
My advice on the litter is carefresh. I only use it in thelitter box and I have been very happy with it, My vet suggested it so (because he is my hero! and saved the life of our precious littleNuggles more than once) what he says goes with me.:bow:goodluck
I hope everything gets better and please keep us updated!
Shye, Nuggles, Nibbles
and all foster buns