Well-Known Member
I guess this is where I get to step in to offer my support. I was in the same position you are in now.... Happy that your foster-bunny was fortunate to have found a forever home, but heart-broken over losing somebun who took over a part of your life.
Treat it as a loss for a little while, but at some point, start to celebrate the fact that you were able to help a little soul find a good home. I had a very difficult time with letting go of Princess Katie. She became a part of my household for about four months and had managed to steel my heart in the process. Here is her thread...
I keep the link in My Account because there are many times that I want to go back to look at all of the pictures and re-read about the things we did together. Her pictures are priceless to me and I will always treasure her in my heart. My door and home will always be open for her return if need be.
It was so hard for me to not get that snack of greens ready for Katie after she was adopted. Broke my heart to wake up in the morning and not see her cage set-up. I cried so much for her, or maybe I cried for myself because I let her go. It was difficult to keep that small bit of distance fromKatie knowing that the call might come to say that a potential adopter was waiting for a date.
Looking back, I am glad I did get to know Katie's heart before she left. I would have adopted her myself, if I hadn't received the call. I actually had the choice to keep her even though there was an interested party. It was a tough decision to go through with the dates. Do I regret letting her go? Yes, I do. But if she had stayed, I would not be able to help other rabbits with larger than life personalities.
I do hope Berry-Boo's new parents join RO. Maybe they will want to find a boyfriend for her someday. Wouldn't that be the best?!!!!! Berry-Boo, a new home, and perhaps a husbun...!!!! Makes me cry with happiness for her! Now Toby will be able to start dating, perhaps a foster-bun whose foster parents will want updates and pictures. It can be a wonderful circle....
Treat it as a loss for a little while, but at some point, start to celebrate the fact that you were able to help a little soul find a good home. I had a very difficult time with letting go of Princess Katie. She became a part of my household for about four months and had managed to steel my heart in the process. Here is her thread...
I keep the link in My Account because there are many times that I want to go back to look at all of the pictures and re-read about the things we did together. Her pictures are priceless to me and I will always treasure her in my heart. My door and home will always be open for her return if need be.
It was so hard for me to not get that snack of greens ready for Katie after she was adopted. Broke my heart to wake up in the morning and not see her cage set-up. I cried so much for her, or maybe I cried for myself because I let her go. It was difficult to keep that small bit of distance fromKatie knowing that the call might come to say that a potential adopter was waiting for a date.
Looking back, I am glad I did get to know Katie's heart before she left. I would have adopted her myself, if I hadn't received the call. I actually had the choice to keep her even though there was an interested party. It was a tough decision to go through with the dates. Do I regret letting her go? Yes, I do. But if she had stayed, I would not be able to help other rabbits with larger than life personalities.
I do hope Berry-Boo's new parents join RO. Maybe they will want to find a boyfriend for her someday. Wouldn't that be the best?!!!!! Berry-Boo, a new home, and perhaps a husbun...!!!! Makes me cry with happiness for her! Now Toby will be able to start dating, perhaps a foster-bun whose foster parents will want updates and pictures. It can be a wonderful circle....