Berry-Boo has gone to her forever home...

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I guess this is where I get to step in to offer my support. I was in the same position you are in now.... Happy that your foster-bunny was fortunate to have found a forever home, but heart-broken over losing somebun who took over a part of your life.

Treat it as a loss for a little while, but at some point, start to celebrate the fact that you were able to help a little soul find a good home. I had a very difficult time with letting go of Princess Katie. She became a part of my household for about four months and had managed to steel my heart in the process. Here is her thread...

I keep the link in My Account because there are many times that I want to go back to look at all of the pictures and re-read about the things we did together. Her pictures are priceless to me and I will always treasure her in my heart. My door and home will always be open for her return if need be.

It was so hard for me to not get that snack of greens ready for Katie after she was adopted. Broke my heart to wake up in the morning and not see her cage set-up. I cried so much for her, or maybe I cried for myself because I let her go. It was difficult to keep that small bit of distance fromKatie knowing that the call might come to say that a potential adopter was waiting for a date.

Looking back, I am glad I did get to know Katie's heart before she left. I would have adopted her myself, if I hadn't received the call. I actually had the choice to keep her even though there was an interested party. It was a tough decision to go through with the dates. Do I regret letting her go? Yes, I do. But if she had stayed, I would not be able to help other rabbits with larger than life personalities.

I do hope Berry-Boo's new parents join RO. Maybe they will want to find a boyfriend for her someday. Wouldn't that be the best?!!!!! Berry-Boo, a new home, and perhaps a husbun...!!!! Makes me cry with happiness for her! Now Toby will be able to start dating, perhaps a foster-bun whose foster parents will want updates and pictures. It can be a wonderful circle....

Thank you, Myheart :hug: Now I know that I'm not alone. I feel like such a sap. For awhile, I was kind of upset that Berry-Boo was here (she kept peeing everywhere and destroying the apartment carpeting). I am mad at myself for feeling that way. Once spayed, she was perfect. Just a piggy...

I think Toby knows that something is wrong with me right now. I think he knows that I am sad. Normally, once I put him in his cage and go on the computer, he starts chewing/pulling on the bars of his cage. He has been so quiet tonight.

I think I am going to have to have Will take down her cage. I keep tearing up and being a sissy just thinking about it.
kherrmann3 wrote:
Thanks, Bo B :):hug:

Will is a bit sad, but being he's of the male species, he doesn't let his feelings show.  I held back tears all day, but writing in here is what set me off.  I won't get to see her silly antics anymore.  I almost feel like no one was going to be good enough for our little Berry-Boo.  I don't even know if they are keeping her name.  Poor girlie.  She must be terrified in a new home right now.  We did let them have her old things, though.  She took along two fleecy blankets, two towels, an old scrub top, a carpet/mat, and some toys.  So, she has things that smell like "home".  I hope that she transitions well.  At least better than I am...

Here is a picture of her. :)

shes beautiful berry-boo! is she doing a binkie? flopsey does that wehn i let him out of the cage alot!
Awwww, I knew Berry Boo was a foster, but for some reason I thought you would end up keeping her forever anyway. I'm glad she got a good home though and I hope her new parents come post on the forum!
As much as I know you'll miss her and I know I miss her myself, I just read Myheart's post and it made me think of when she adopted Luna. I know how much I love that girl - she stole my heart on here when naturestee first got her! I am SO happy that she took care of her and helped her get through some of her health and shyness issues - so that she ended up being such a good spouse for Patrick.

I know deep in my heart that Berry is where she was supposed to be all along......... and I sure hope they stop in with updates!
That is why fostering isn't for everyone. I know one lady who her fosters didn't leave so she did other things for the rescue. Calls, events and so on.

Letting go is so hard. Worse is when they come back. I recently had two that came back. Though they found a better home now.
I would love to foster again, but because of space, I won't be able to. Will would kill me. Once I have a bigger place, I would really consider doing it again. Especially through TreasuredFriend. She is just awesome. I can handle a few bunnies. :p I am happier today for Berry-Boo, too. I think that the long day, tied in with being really tired, made me have a mini-meltdown. It was just one of those wallowing-in-self-pity nights. Bleh.

Mother_of_flopsey, she was binkying in that picture. I don't have too many pictures of her NOT doing binkies or being naughty!
They were given a life-saving chance because YOU cared ... and fostered.

Please remember that, though it's very hard to see them go out the door to new parents.

Angieluv - saving Oberon

Angieluv - saving EmmaLee

Margi - adopting EmmaLee and hitching her up with a ManSnuggly.

Naturestee - fostering and adopting Oberon

Naturestee - pulling Luna so she could receive the right care! Posting pictures.

Myheart - Seeing Luna, and Patrick falling in Love with her!! :hearts:

Myheart - fostering Kate! Watching her go to a forever home...

K ~ emailing me about an offer to do something SRR helper-wise, then getting a binky handful of Berry-Boo goodness!! :pinkbouce:

Starting blogs. Sharing their transitions.

You guys provide a Whole Lotta Love ... to those who woulda been TAKEN TO THE BACK ROOM. Never forget that.

They woulda been carried to the back room if you hadn't been there.

Lots of love, and support for all the Foster/Rescue persons in the network (inc/BlueFrog and the fosterers like JadeIcing, Haley, slavetoabunny, RO community).

i was cryin' when I read this thread too at 12:44 a.m. Sobbin' tears on the computer desk.

Hug your darlin's.
Rescue/Foster/Adoption - Saves Lives.

Great job, Kelly! You've got Berry-Boo to where she was supposed to be. I'm so glad you were able to save her, and take such good care of her until she found her home. I know how you feel about letting her go... I had to let the little feralManx Kit, Heidi, go in early September. It was really hard, and yes, I cried. I wished I could have kept her, but I knew she had found the perfect home.

I hope you consider fostering buns until Toby clicks with one of them. So Happy you could do this for Berry-Boo:hug:
kherrmann3 wrote:
I was getting all blubbery when I saw the icons... She's not my bun anymore. She has a new set of parents. I didn't think I would miss her this much...

:yeahthat:I did the same thing when I came back with an empty cage because Katie's second date was such a success and her new parents adopted her right on the spot. It was so difficult to change my avatar, even though she wasn't mine anymore.

I was jealous when you got Luna! I wanted her so much! Isn't that funny? Now I am so happy you have her!

It's weird too cause it's just like she struck me as adorable..... berry-boo as well.... I love all the bunnies but now and then someone just takes my heart.

I didn't realize how much of a hold Berry-Boo had on me until she was gone. I am a lot better today. Berry-Boo probably forgot Will and I already :p She has a new mom who is going to spoil the heck out of her. I can tell this already! ;)
:p Like I said, I am going to try and start getting him bunny dates. First, there is a little girlie on Craigslist that I am interested in. I will be contacting her current owner today and try and get the buns together. I want to see how they get along (this bun was recently vet checked, is spayed, and about the same age as Toby). Maybe I will start a new blog for Toby's girlie adventures!
Bo B Bunny wrote:
I was jealous when you got Luna! I wanted her so much! Isn't that funny? Now I am so happy you have her!

It's weird too cause it's just like she struck me as adorable..... berry-boo as well.... I love all the bunnies but now and then someone just takes my heart.


Let me know if you're looking for anything specific re: Toby's girlie bun. If nothing else you could drive up here for a bunny date and hang out!

Too bad Toby's a boy, I was at Hoffer's Tropic Live yesterday and they have the most darling 2 year old dutch boy- looks and acts like Janet's Patrick. James just fell in love with him, utterly charming. His sign said his family replaced him with a puppy for Christmas.:grumpy:

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