Benjamin Getting Neutered On Wednesday (RESOLVED)

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Yikes! Poor Benjamin! I hope he does ok, I'll be thinking of him today....

I agree with Tracy re the pain shot as well. With all of my girls it's worn off by the end of the day, if not by the next morning, it'll have worn off for sure. I know it's different for boys but I'm sure there's still some discomfort there... Take a read of irishlop's thread in here about Eyore who was neutered the other week... :)

And the nail clipping thing- I do that too! My vets normally do our buns anyway if they have to go under for something, and they never charge for it. :)

Becca wrote:
But Jen what shall I do?
Calm down! It will be ok! :hug:

I'm not sure on the hot water bottle- hopefully someone else will come along who has an idea. I would have thought the hot water bottle would be ok if it was wrapped up well in a towel, but you'd have to keep a very careful watch that he doesn't try to chew it. And that it's not too hot. You want to keep him warm, but not too warm. And also make sure he can get away from the heat source if he wants to- some of my girls just didn't like it lol, wheras Dotty cuddled up under the warm towel. So just put the towels etc at one end of the cage maybe.

Do you have an airing cupboard? You can put towels in there to warm up if you're heating is one, or if you have a tumble dryer, put one on the dryer for 10 mins or so.

Vets just phoned this is what they said:

He has come round well, is quite lively, he hasn't eaten yet so they are going to try and syringe feed him some recovery food. We should be able to pick him up at 4 if we don't hear from them again.
I think he will be ok with out longer pain meds, Sooty was nuetered and he didnt need his pain meds, i had them just in case and i just payed attention to his eating and behaviour. He was fine after one day . I dont know anything about the hot water bottle either.
Hey Becca your such a good bun mom.

OK I am no expert but when storm got nuetered they said watch for him huddled up in a corner which means he is probally in pain. Like rolled into a ball almost sitting up.

If he is not eating from everyhting I have read rabbits are food for prey animals sorry cant say that any better. So he is not going to so pain as much as not do the normal things like eat. The second day befor I got storm his pain meds he did eat but he jumoed really funny I cant explain it any better you know your rabbit. He did not do any jumping but along the floor but I could tell the difference.

He also only required one more day of pain meds the day I went to the vet to get them they gave me four days but I still have 3 days worth. cause I woke up the next morning and he was back to normal.

Benji will be ok Hope you get to pick him up soon I know your time difference from me is huge its only 9 am here
I am not sure but I can say that storm likes his bowls a lot better then the bottle once I put the bowl and bottle he diod not touh the bottle at all.

I also wanted to say apple juice was a big hiot when he would not drink.

I have to go storm is now tearing his cardboard up to let me know that he wants his breakfast.
Hey Becca....try not to worry too much if the vet doesn't give you extra pain meds. Whiskers had the "big shot", and was fine...he actually limited him movement by himself for the first day or so. We just kept him in his night-time house, and he did really well. Mostly, he was just pretty mad at us for a few days! You're in my thoughts and prayers today, as is little Benjamin.
Thanks pumpkinandwhiskers.. I'll see how he goes, if it looks like hes in pain will take him back to the vets.

PBJ, I'm going to make him some banana water (soak a banana in water) because he loves banana!

Leaving to collect him at quarter to 4 so in 25 mins.
wow it is almost 4 there,lol it is only about 10:30 am here,lol.

As far as water if you are using a bottle just keep it the same no need to give him a bowl if he is not use to using one.

Lastly Becca BREATH IN, BREATH OUT, BREATH IN, BREATH OUT, lol. We all know how you feel and how worried a bun parent can get with something like this.
LOl Sorry, I am just soaking a banana in water so he has the option of plain water or banana flavoured. How long shall i leave the banana in for before I take it out and pour the water in his bottle?
I hope that by the time you get this you are a little calmer. You must be exhausted from all the panicking.

Let us know how he is and how you are.

Okay well I am fine because we got him home and put in his banana and BAM he's munching on his banana right now :D

Took a picture of his underside which I will post soon!!

I have put a warm towel in, he has lots of hay, pellets, plain water and banana water!!!

He's still eating now!!!

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