What is it you need help with? The fact it's more swollen?
To be honest, that seems to be quite common, however, he probably does need some anti-inflammatories (i.e. Metacam) to help combat that. Most of mine balloon a bit the next day, but some more than others.
How undignified having your 'bits' posted on the web
Some swell more than others. tonyshuman posted somewhere on here, I think, about using ice. Maybe reread through the thread and find where she said that because that could be useful.
Could you find a way to give him a bowl? Is it that you haven't seen him drink, or that his water hasn't gone down? Also, if he has had more fresh than normal he will be getting his hydration from that. If he is syringe trained you could use that method to give him some more water, but it's probably not worth actually giving him it forcefully by a syringe just yet, especially as he is eating fine).
when storm came home from surgry I was watching his water intake and it seemed less then normal. same with when he had stasis well was coming out of that but anyway. His water intake is not that much anyway from what I have been watching I still think its not enough.
But there small animals and get fresh veggys and your also adding water to his hay. So the water intake I would defently watch. But also remember that. omeone told me that when storm came home and it helped a lot.
Something you can do to encourage the wee might be to bring Fluffball or Dippy into the area where Benjamin is. Keep Benjamin in the cage, and have them near by (but be careful there is no fighting between the bars) and that might encourage him to spray. Whilst not very pleasant, lol, it will show you he is weeing. I used this trick with Hope after his neuter because he wouldn't poo, and it worked like a charm.
It won't happen instantly. It will take his hormones a few weeks to die down, right now, he still feels a full man, and doesn't realise his manhood has been removed.
just wait when he realsies some thing is gone.... some thing important.....
his man hood!!!!!!
then he will hold a grudge for the next few hours... glaring at you. then let you pet him then hold him then, it is pushed to the back of his mind.ready to pop up when he needs some thing to get on to you about.....lol
When Benjamin was neutered, the vet recommended putting an ice pack wrapped in a towel on the area for 10 min at a time, 2-3 times a day to help with swelling.