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I think the pink ones may not turn out to bewhite because it looks like their is red hair growing in... There isone that is a broken red. My mom said I can keep what ever ones I wan'tsince this is her first litter but after that no more bunnies...(unless I decide to breed her again) but I wont since I wan't to gether used to me. She still thinks I am evil, will not come near me, andevery time someone trys to touch her she thinks she is going to getbred again.

I think they may have never touched her other than to pick her up andput her in the bucks cage. She hates being touched and if you touchanywhere near her backside she raises up and lifts her tail... Eventhough you are just petting her, up and down, up and down. She gruntsthe whole time to..
They dont lookskinny to me , they seem to bebeing fed otherwise theywould really be shriveld theselook healthy , I take it thisis the first litter you havedelt with ?


this one has a nice tummy on him , breathand stop worrying so much theyall look healthy .
yes, it is the first litter I have dealt with. Ijust seem to find things to worry about. Like what if the mom getsscared and attacks them? What if she accidentaly sits on them and killsthem? I just have read so much negitave stuff. I don't know how I couldrelax. I wan't to be there every minute making sure nothing goes wrong.I hold them all the time because I wan't them to grow up and not turninto their mom. (Evil). I wan't them to love me and love seeing me!What if they hate me, like their mother? What if they start to attackme like their mom does! I don't think I will breed again intill I amsure they are completly comfortable with me and their is no wayanything can go wrong! Maybe, I jsut won't breed again. At least intillI am out of school, have money, a good vet, and experience (not with mybunnies).
*BUMP*... I just wanted to say... Look at howmuch I learned! Its amazing. I answered all of my own questions! Ididn't even know I aquired this knowledge but I was going through myold posts and read things that made me sound VERY stupid and youngg atthe time!!
just for people who dont know. I bred my minirex once and she had a litter of babies (posted about) and this wasabout a yr ago. I was commenting on how much I had learned over theyear. Now when I have babies I will so know what to do!:D

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