I get cranky when i dont sleep. roomates were being loud. i told them to get out or shut up before they wake my daughter up, they left. i couldnt sleep so opened up the NIC cage Fallow is in and laid there for a bit. he let me pet him for a bit then laid down far enough away to watch me but close enough to receive pets when i felt like not being lazy.
Ty was whining last night too. he is kinda worrying me. took him to the vet this morning, everything seemed fine to them. said he might just be sore from the rough playing yesterday at the dog park...but he had screamed when i touched his worser leg.

maybe strained it? hes fine now...a bit slow. if you didnt know he was only a year old you would guess he was ten.
threw up most the morning. have a temp of 98-100F. keeps going up and down. been trying to relax all morning meaning i work tomorrow. i know its from the staph...the anti-biotics just make it seem to flare.
im exhausted. i just want to curl up in bed and sleep...but laying down makes me feel sick.
im going to my parents after bit to start cleaning my old room...decide where Fallow and Mimzy will go...along with all the other stuff I can't fit into my room. ugh.
so it's done. i give up. i put in a good run...and both my legs are broken. teehee...i need my dumb humour to keep from crying. i guess this has been a depressing blog of late, though.
ill try and make it happier with some pictures later.
Hopefully Cait can take Sara. If not, I will talk to my local rabbit rescue about me fostering Sara and Blake (gawd its even horrible to even think about) and them helping me find them a good home.
now ill cry...just i just burnt oyster stew somehow...how is it seriously possible for me to be such an idiot? ugh.
on a good note. there is a woman i know, with a few kids, who needs some time to herself and would like company. im going to bake bread!! she has a rabbit that reminds me of poor Ess(RIP), but a lot older i think. I will cuddle while she bakes. i best not touch the kitchen lest it burns down -.-