It's been a while but I thought I'd give a brief (somewhat long) update since we had to run to the vet today.
Bandit's been perfectly happy, hoppy and healthy until this morning. I got up around 9am gave him his pellets (which he didn't move for, a little odd), grabbed his litter tray and went outside to clean it. 15 minutes later when I come back in, he still hadn't moved and I noticed he was belly pressing. I shoved all of his favourite foods in his face and he drew away from every single one, not even a sniff. Much to his disgust I then dragged him out the cage and took him outside to brush him (brushing always makes him move around and gave me a chance to massage his belly, plus avoiding further fur ingestion since he's shedding).
I brought him back inside and bullied him around the lounge room a little to make him move about and hopefully stimulate some digestion. I let him be and he hopped around a tiny bit, would lay down for a minute then a few more hops. At about 10:20 he was hunkered down in a tight space belly pressing and looking very unhappy again. So I decided to call the vet. On Saturdays my vet closes at midday, and to avoid the cost of an after hours vet and also since I had no idea how long he'd been like this already (could have been 20 minutes before I got up or 5 hours) I thought it was better if I took him in.
After sub-cutaneous fluids, pain killers, gut motility meds, consult fee and some critical care (just in case, I didn't expect to use it but my last bag was too old anyway), and an x-ray because I believed it to be a fur blockage and they wanted to double-check it wasn't fully blocked cause of the way it felt. I came away almost $200 poorer. Worth it for my little man though.
So now we've been home from the vet for about 3 hours. In the past hour he's started accepting strands of hay and ate a single pellet, though he isn't looking for hay or really moving around. He hasn't pooped, so I've got no idea how long it's been since that happened (at least 6 or 7 hours). He's not belly pressing anymore but he's sitting hunched up like it's still uncomfortable. I'm not considering him out of the woods until he's pooped, but at least he's showing signs of improvement.
Will post photos when he's feeling better, no one likes their sick face plastered on the internet