So I'm in a pretty good mood today, despite the fact that it's now cloudy and windy it's a beautiful 25C out there, and since it was sunny this morning I finally got to go birdwatching. Bird watching and photography is my absolute favourite hobby, it's what keeps me sane. Until today, I hadn't been bird-watching for over a month, which is a huge deal for me as I had been going once or twice a week. So it was just nice to get out there. Haven't perused my photos yet, but I think I may have a couple decent ones of some rainbow lorikeets.
In Bandit's world today there's been a lot of cardboard chaos. He dug and tore up part of the cardboard flooring in his temp cage and spilled water on it. Then when I fed him his pellets, he was very rude and decided to throw the bowl around, so then I had to pick them up from outside his cage and pop them back in. He's been very good since we got home from birding though and has been chilling out in the spacious laundry since then. I picked up some loose pages from the phone book, and on a spur of the moment, I decided to scrunch them up a tiny bit, and shove them inside his hidey box in the laundry. He either loved it or hated it, because there was a lot of movement, digging and shifting of crinkling paper, and then when I came by 45 minutes later, all of the paper had been shoved out of the box. Of course I promptly put it all back in again
For anyone who didn't read it in my other thread, I've just purchased some oxbow pellets. I've made up 4 batches of transition food and have sprinkled a few pellets into what remains of his previous food (which isn't a whole lot so I bought the oxbow just in time). While it cost me four times as much as the old pellets, oxbow is at least twice as healthy, it has double the fibre, which is a fantastic start. So I'm looking forward to transitioning. Plus, the cost is pretty much irrelevant anyway seeing as how a bag will last me at least a month, maybe two, and $20 a month is nothing to feed an animal (plus hay of course but now that I'm buying a bale, I'm pretty much saving at least $20 a month from that anyway!). So everything is working out.
I'm trying to transition him to being outside again, the fiance and I lifted his temp cage outside yesterday and he spent a couple hours out there. The laundry is right by the back door so I've had the door open all day while he's been in there since the weather is nice. I'm thinking of having him spend the night outside today, because it's been a warm day it should be a fairly mild night compared to some of the quite cool ones we've been having recently and would be less of a shock to the system.
Anyway, to the point of this post... a cute picture!!
This is Bandit, curled up in his litter tray. Not sure why but he was feeling a little off yesterday, and whenever he feels off, for some reason he lays in his litter tray, he never does any other time. His face is all squished =3 Apologies that it's not very sharp, I had to have the shutter speed way down low to get enough light.
In Bandit's world today there's been a lot of cardboard chaos. He dug and tore up part of the cardboard flooring in his temp cage and spilled water on it. Then when I fed him his pellets, he was very rude and decided to throw the bowl around, so then I had to pick them up from outside his cage and pop them back in. He's been very good since we got home from birding though and has been chilling out in the spacious laundry since then. I picked up some loose pages from the phone book, and on a spur of the moment, I decided to scrunch them up a tiny bit, and shove them inside his hidey box in the laundry. He either loved it or hated it, because there was a lot of movement, digging and shifting of crinkling paper, and then when I came by 45 minutes later, all of the paper had been shoved out of the box. Of course I promptly put it all back in again
For anyone who didn't read it in my other thread, I've just purchased some oxbow pellets. I've made up 4 batches of transition food and have sprinkled a few pellets into what remains of his previous food (which isn't a whole lot so I bought the oxbow just in time). While it cost me four times as much as the old pellets, oxbow is at least twice as healthy, it has double the fibre, which is a fantastic start. So I'm looking forward to transitioning. Plus, the cost is pretty much irrelevant anyway seeing as how a bag will last me at least a month, maybe two, and $20 a month is nothing to feed an animal (plus hay of course but now that I'm buying a bale, I'm pretty much saving at least $20 a month from that anyway!). So everything is working out.
I'm trying to transition him to being outside again, the fiance and I lifted his temp cage outside yesterday and he spent a couple hours out there. The laundry is right by the back door so I've had the door open all day while he's been in there since the weather is nice. I'm thinking of having him spend the night outside today, because it's been a warm day it should be a fairly mild night compared to some of the quite cool ones we've been having recently and would be less of a shock to the system.
Anyway, to the point of this post... a cute picture!!
This is Bandit, curled up in his litter tray. Not sure why but he was feeling a little off yesterday, and whenever he feels off, for some reason he lays in his litter tray, he never does any other time. His face is all squished =3 Apologies that it's not very sharp, I had to have the shutter speed way down low to get enough light.

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