Thanks so much everyone.

Now that he's bigger, it just means that there's more cute to love too!
Hard to believe that was him as a baby!! How adorable!!
Yeah, the pens my two have are SUPER tall!! I realized both could jump a baby gate without actually even pushing off of the top... I've been super paranoid about it ever since!
It's nice to hear that you're taking bandit out I bet he really enjoys that!
Yeah, he comes out every day. I've had him for a month now, and he's been let out every day except two. So I think I'm off to a pretty good start considering you know I still have to go to work work, and friend/family commitments etc etc. He either gets let out on the lawn in his pen (which is usually less time 2-4 hours depending on how much stuff I have to do outside because he's under constant supervision out there), and when he comes inside to the laundry, which is where he goes most of the time, I usually bring him in between 12-1pm and he stays in anywhere from 4-9 hours. It's handy for me because he's inside so I walk by a lot and can go in with him anytime, but if there's other things I need to do I can still do that too (although it really restricts when I can do loads of washing, lol). If we weren't renting I would be trying to convince the other half about letting him have free range in more of the place, but we're not even supposed to have a rabbit indoors as it is
He seems to be getting friendlier still, I guess we're still building up trust and he's still getting to know us. I've noticed the past couple of days he's been starting to develop a little bit of gas, so tomorrow I'm going to cut out a couple of things from his salad to see if that helps, then slowly start to reintroduce them to find out which one it is. I'm thinking it's probably either the bok choy or brussel sprouts, as I don't see parsley, romaine lettuce or celery causing too many problems.
For those who saw my thread in the behaviour forum, we also had a rough couple of days this week, because each time I brought him inside he was freaking out for up to the first 30 minutes. As he was scared, he decided to jump the gate, first he jumped the 65cm high one (3 times in a row), so I thought if I added more height it would dissuade him. So I added another panel at the top, making it about 110cm tall. He jumped once and fell back, then when he tried again he landed right on top of the fence. I was amazed and terrified at the same time and quickly picked him up off it. After that, I took the additional panel down to prevent him hurting himself, because if he really wanted to jump it, he would jump it either way.
Fortunately, I managed to figure out what had been scaring him (an ill positioned toilet brush on top of the washing machine) and I removed it and he has been fine since, no more frantic behaviour or gate jumping.
Also, when I find my adaptor cable for my point and shoot camera, I'll upload some pics of all three of his set-ups. Hutch, outdoor run and laundry.