Thank you for the advice!
I know it'll be a lot of work but I wanted to do "small-scale" to begin with. Maybe a pair or two (probably one, to begin with...).
The breeds I've been interested in working with are Dutch, Netherland Dwarf, Himalayan, Mini Satin, and Holland Lop. I wouldn't do ALL of them, it would just depend on whichever I feel I'm drawn to more, you know? If my Nethie baby works out and I really like what I see of the breed, Nethies would most likely be my choice. My only worry with them is the "peanut" babies... The necessity to breed a dwarf to a false dwarf worries me greatly, I wouldn't want to screw up somehow.

So after Nethies, my second choice is either Hima or Lops.
I'll definitely talk to a few exhibitors! I've always wanted to show rabbits or dogs or SOMETHING so it really is something I'm very interested in doing, I just never had the chance to. My biggest worry was the exhibitors not wanting to talk, hehe. Now that I know they enjoy talking about their rabbits and such, I feel more comfortable.

I'm really excited to go to my first rabbit show, even if I'm not participating.
Some more questions I have... How do you control smell and how does "exercise time" go? I imagine with more than a couple rabbits, finding time/space to allow them to run around is difficult... So how do you manage that personally? I know unaltered rabbits spray/their urine smells stronger and that's the only reason I'm asking. My unaltered girl (she's getting fixed soon, hehe) hasn't sprayed before for some reason, so I've never had to deal with spraying but I've heard/can imagine it is difficult to deal with.