I've heard the mean complaint and the breeder was forthcoming about some of her does being problematic. One doe lunged at the judges, apparently! But she was quick to reassure me that her bucks tend to be laid-back and my boy in particular is supposed to be the most laidback in his litter. I don't mind a lapbunny, trust me.

I just don't want to wind up with a furry little monster out for blood! I probably got lucky with Heidi, she is super sweet and laidback. Her only problem is that she growls sometimes, haha. She boxed me for the first time two days ago - and it was my fault, I just startled her. But I hear so often that does are the spitfires and often have the behavioral problems.
Hopefully, so long as I'm gentle and raise him well, he won't turn out mean.
I've heard about the hard to breed thing... Lots of things said that their babies died often. Maybe a "normal" rabbit would be best for a first-time show and breeder... No rush on sending the powerpoint! If you do find it, I'd love to see it. I'm probably at least a year away from doing anything in terms of showing/breeding but I can't turn down some good information and reading material.
Wow! I live about 2 hours away from Nashville. I didn't realize there were "conventions". I will have to investigate this further!

I can just imagine my family's reaction when I explain to them that I want to go to Texas to get a
rabbit. They already view them as "livestock" so they'd probably think I was going crazy LOL.