Baby Tans

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MORE BABIES :D ...I posted some babies for you to peek at on my blog ;)
I am going to talk to kelly sometime this week to see what her take is on all of this since what she got was mostly malibu lines from joe. I was hoping so too but maybe her brother will be in coat to do what she couldnt lol. If I did breed her I would definitely stay away from ANY imported lines. This might be hard to do unless I contact everyone in a rabbits pedigree lol.

Yeah, hopefully Kelly has some good information for you. You're right, she pretty much got everything she has from Joe Kim so she should definitely know about it. I really hope that she doesn't still have these issues since I'm picking up a rabbit from her at Nationals, eek!

Have you had any other white toenails pop up out of Sinatra or was this just sort of a "perfect storm"? It's almost impossible today to avoid it completely since everyone is so mixed. You might try Bonny or maybe Morgan/Paula. They've both been working with their herds for quite some time so they might now have the same issues.
Waiting to hear back from Kelly. I'm not exactly sure what happened. The only other white toenails I got were from beyonce and Chevy but that was one out of 7 babies. Sinatra hasn't ever thrown those before an Dana didn't either with Tahoe and yukon when paired with Chevy.

Thank you Charlene

Kaley I have no Idea! Lol but showing an breeding rabbits is a great way for me to get experience in them for my future vet career in case I ever want to start treating them. I make sure to set aside time on the weekends for my bunny habit. A huge part of it is the behind the scenes stuff like feeding and watering which my mom faithfully does and I couldn't do it without her!! I wish next time you come to Houston you could come out and see all the bunnies :) we don't have many but more than the normal bunny owner lol. And of course rocky would love to say hi again!

We're at a show right now. Chevy and Tahoe are showing against each other :) Chevy has a beautiful coat for once so I had to bring him out of retirement. This show is only 45 minutes away so it's not too bad for him. No new pics of the baby but man is he squirmy ill post a video of Dino running and try to get pics of the others
dont tempt me! I'll be home the 15th through the 30th ish of march. Hubby and co will be moving in with my parents at that time as well. Hopefully after this deployment we'll end up in huntsville.
Lol just in time for the rodeo! The rabbit show is on the 9th though :/ ill be breeding on the 29th haha. I'm excited if you do come to Huntsville! You'll love it!
Dino is sam's sister so out of Dana and monster. Elizabeth I have figured out what to do I will message you on Facebook and then we can discuss it.

The show went well. I was the only one except for one other girl that just had a baby black. First show Dino got bob and sw2 got bosb second show Tahoe got bob and sw2 got bosb. I have a video of Travis Finkle judging Dino for best in show an man he was so close and definitely caught Travis's eye. But his head still has some dead rust fur on it so he didn't win anything. Ill upload the video in a little and post a pic of my baby blue. So far the four fosters are doing well also.
Oh, I just love the way they move, he´s fantastic. I´d be so scared he´d jump off the table and disappear...have any ever done that ?? The more I see the tans, the more I fall in love with them. They are just such good looking bunnies.
Haha. . . I'm sad to say that yes yes they do. My boy gunner actually got scared and shot right off the table when I went to run him one morning before show at convention. I do get nervous but the young ones are usually less likely to do it just for lack of experience. Some of them know the table really isn't that far or they just don't hit the brakes in time. The way Dino runs he makes me nervous but he ends up stopping just in time lol
Usually if they fall off their like what just happened and someone can grab them right then. Unlike gunners case he started running down an isle of cooped buns before someone could catch him. It was early in the morning and there weren't that many people there. Luckily someone got him stopped and I quickly snatched him up. He lost his privilege of running without people on the ends after that lol
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I believe I used one of your Chocolates as a model for SUMMER:

This might sound silly, but do they just 'know' how to run on the boards?
Also, I watched the video of Dino running before the show and he looked so happy! Just this happy bunny running along the board, sniffing the cages! It was funny. I also watched the video of Whiskey and babies and the baby fell off the board, I laughed. haha. And I think I watched the one of Tahoe(?) and I really thought he was going to jump on the counter, lol.
I really want a tan! I'm so glad that I never go to Texas because I would be stalking you for a tan!
Aw thank you that lady :) I try to post up videos for my potential buyers and of my young ones. I will also link them on my website. I am so flattered as I LOVE those four seasons graphics!! I am definitely going to get them on something. I didn't follow it on the tan Facebook but will they be printed on things at nationals? Is there a way to Pre-order or were they just going in the raffle?

Morgan. Tans are probably the smartest and most fun rabbits I have dealt with. Their drive to just explore makes me so happy. What I do is get the babies out on a running board when they are maybe 3-8 weeks old. This helps with their confidence and sometimes I even bring mom out to show them how it's done like in whiskeys video. They are so hilarious because some will just tiptoe or walk across the board (I'm not sure if I have a video of it but I will look). As they grow I let them out more and more. It comes very naturally to them and I show them once they hit 2lbs (abt 3mos old). Most of them catch on super quick and are pros by that age. I hate watching tans that don't move so I make sure mine do.

Lol yea I have a lot of videos on there :) I would definitely be a bad influence :p
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I thought Dino was going to run off the board, too! LOL He was sniffing, sniffing...then GONE! Fun to watch, but I'd be a nervous wreck standing there hoping they stopped in time. They are such beautiful rabbits...after Chewy goes bye-bye on Wednesday I can look for a tan doe for our agility/hopping bunny. And then I'll want another, and another...and when I'm then breeding them I'll blame you! :-D
That is so funny, I would be terrified of them jumping off and then running off and not being able to catch them. I´ve had to chase mine when they just don´t want to come in and it is not easy in a restricted area.

They do look so good on those boards, they just move so beautifully. I want a tan...good job they´re so far away.

that graphic is just gorgeous, such lovely colours, are they for sale ???
Lol Sam is actually for sale as a pet if anyone is interested. I will take her to Kentucky for our national show in april if there is anyone that way.

Yay Wendy there are plenty of breeders in New York and Ohio!! :)

Here is the video of Dino up for Best In Show as promised. He was so close but his little head has rustiness on it and that's what stopped him from doing anything else. Travis looked like he liked him!