Baby Tans

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Sam going to the show :)




Tahoes hard life lol
Love Sam, but sorry about the white toenails. How in the world do tans (without any white, ever) end up with white toenails? You should have tattooed Sam I Am in there, just for a giggle when the judge reads it. haha
How did you get sam to sit still in the car out of a cage?!
Well white toenails are usually seen in blues but genetically can pop up. Wade Burkhalter explained it was due to imported lines from Europe because they don't have the same DQ's like us. Well turns out her daddy is straight out of those imported lines. He said white nails will show up on the tans with real dark and even tan factor from those lines. I am even more sad because on the way home from the show I ran over a dog in my moms new truck. I wish today would just end already
She is a pretty calm girl and pretty sweet for a baby tan. I felt like letting her out and petting her but she more so wanted to look out of the window lol. She is such a cool rabbit I don't know what to do with her now :(

Lol no kaley I don't think that would work plus I don't think after this night I could purposely do that. Judges that know me personally have already heard so there's no hiding it now.

Lol Wendy I would have but her name was derived from the rat packs Sammy Davis jr because her daddy's name was Sinatra. Her brother is tattood Dino after Dean Martin.
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Oh no...that's TERRIBLE news! I'm so sorry to hear about Sam. Is that Sinatra that it came from? Poor little girl, she's so beautiful!

Glad to see that Tahoe was taking it easy at the show :D
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sounds dumb but can you paint the toenails and not tell anyone?

Not only is this dishonest, it's bad for the breed. Any reputable Tan breeder (like Sarah) would tell you that while it may get you some wins in the short-term it would be really bad long-term. We're all doing what we can to try to get rid of this problem but it seems to be pretty prevalent in some lines.
Yep it sure was from sinatra. His whole dads side is malibu(from Joe Kim) so that's where it came from :(

Ugh, that's awful! There are a lot of breeders that put that guy up on a pedestal but I think that he also did a lot of damage to the breed as a whole.

Is M still going to buy him? I'm just so so sorry about this whole situation. If you bred Sam and only kept her offspring that did NOT have white toenails..I imagine that it would still be possible to show up in future generations?

Also, what if Sam had not had white toenails and her siblings had (and were culled/not bred) - would she still be a carrier?

Hopefully these questions aren't too painful for you right now. I'm just very curious as I've had white toenails pop up in one litter and was concerned about using the siblings that didn't have them.
Obviously, you can't show her least, no shows with certain judges. Your options are to sell her as a pet or take a chance and when she's old enough, do a test breed - her to a buck with no imported lines in the pedigree. You could end up with a beautiful Tan with no wihite toenails! So, take a chance or play it might consider talking to the breeder you got the Dad from because she is a respected, successful breeder and obviously overcame this same problem.

Yea, it was a bummer of a day. We felt so bad for that dog, but highway driving at night in the happens. Minor damage to the lower front bumper, but I'm just glad we weren't in her Eclipse!
Yes she is still going to take sinatra. She was aware of what came with the Malibu lines. Oh and elizabeth maddie liked tahoe and gave him good comments but just commented about his long body. I am going to talk to some people and hopefully I can figure out something.
Yes she is still going to take sinatra. She was aware of what came with the Malibu lines. Oh and elizabeth maddie liked tahoe and gave him good comments but just commented about his long body. I am going to talk to some people and hopefully I can figure out something.

Yay go Tahoe! Hopefully pairing him with a shorter doe will help. He looked gorgeous in that younger video. :)

Good luck with your little girl. Did the two judges at the last show she was in really miss the white toenails? Did you get a second opinion to see if they really are white? I've seen rabbits DQ'd for white toenails weren't actually white!
They are definitely white. Mikey Franke was standing there as I checked. He was utterly surprised and disappointed as well. I haven't told the other judge Cheryl who loves her but Ill see her at Crosby this weekend. She won't be too happy. . .i definitely don't hold it against them as the barn lighting in the last show was HORRIBLE and yellow. Cheryl made sure when doing best in show she took Sam in natural light to honestly see the tan.

Here are some pics of my lonely blue and her fake siblings my moms two black polish babies




The tan rainbow I'm just missing lilac

Dana, Sam, and Dino hanging out
Hi Dana!!!! *waves* It's a real bummer about Sam but hopefully you can still breed her and get all of her good qualities without the bad. She is such a stunning little girl, I was hoping that you'd beat the pants off of everyone with her at Nationals. In any case, maybe you'll get some gorgeous babies from her. Who do you think that you'd pair her up with when she's old enough??
I am going to talk to kelly sometime this week to see what her take is on all of this since what she got was mostly malibu lines from joe. I was hoping so too but maybe her brother will be in coat to do what she couldnt lol. If I did breed her I would definitely stay away from ANY imported lines. This might be hard to do unless I contact everyone in a rabbits pedigree lol.