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Ahhhhh, Jim. I am so sorry to hearthis. I know it was hard to make this decision but, I knowyou made the right one. We know that Buck will keep hercompany until you are ready to join her. ((((((Hugs)))))))for you and the family, Charlotte
Oh, Jim D I am so sorry for your loss!I know how much you all loved Reya. She was very lucky to bepart of such a caring family. Please extend our sympathies toDanielle, Jessica, Mrs. D and the rest of the crew.

Donna, Scott, Hef, Skittles & JawsII

Oh, Jim D and family, I am so sorry to hearabout your loss. You will be in my prayers. It'sjust so hard to lose a good dog. This is one of my favoritequotes:

I have sometimes thought of the final cause of dogs having such shortlives and I am quite satisfied it is in compassion to the human race;for if we suffer so much in losing a dog after an acquaintance of tenor twelve years, what would it be if [highlight=#ffff88]they were to live double that time?

-- Sir Walter Scott

Jen and the Critter Crew
it was just over a year ago that my mini-lop,Marge, crossed the bridge. this came a shock, she was healthy andenergetic to the last. her age was unknown

her partner of only 8 months, little Pilot, a holland, was so strickenby the loss he didnt eat for 3 days, on the 4th he started eating, butwas showing signs of snuffles. my parents took him to the vet and gothim the proper antibiotics, and said we caught it early, he should befine. but he just got worse. it seemed he just didnt have the will togo on without her. he passed a few days later.hewasonly a year and a half old.

i blamed myself; i was in the process of movign to a different state,and was trying to get settled, so i took my buns to my parents farm tostay for a month or so. they were kept in the barn, with their rabbits,and i know they got plenty of attention (Marge quickly became my mom'sfavorite).

its been a year, but it still hurts sometimes. i cant help but feellike if they were here with me they'd still be here with me now.

As Buck Jones used to say, "We drive ourselves crazy with the should've, could've, would've's..."

We did the best we knew how at the time we were going throughit. It breaks my heart to hear how you are beating yourselfup still, but I understand it and do the same thing. Margeand Little Pilot were given a loving home and an excellent parent inyou.

You should check this video out if you haven't already seenit.http://www.indigo.org/rainbowbridge_ver2.html

i wouldnt say i'm beating myself up about it.not much, anyway. it just occured to me that it's been maybe a few daysover a year now, and it made me sad. most of my memories of them arefond, so the good outweighs the bad for sure.

that and i have the little one here to keep me occupied :D
starseed wrote:
it just occured to me that it's been maybe a few days over ayear now, and it made me sad. most of my memories of them are fond, sothe good outweighs the bad for sure.?
My sweet little boy has now joined Scooby and all the others on the other side of the rainbow...

Thank you so much for coming into my life Lucky...even if was only fora few moments of time, your love has touched my soul, and you willnever be forgotten.

Till we meet again...



Bassetluv, so sorry that you lost little Lucky,especially so soon after Scooby. You did all youcould. That's such a tough age for them. You've gota couple of bunny-shapped holes in your heart.Hopefullyyou'llbe aching a little less with timeand maybewith somebunnyelse warm and fuzzy to loveand be loved by.

With much sorrow,

SAS :tears2:

I am sorry Bassetluv. :tears2:

Lucky may have not known of Scooby, but they aretogether now, having shared the same love fromyou. :hearts:

The brightest flame seems to burn out the fastest...... :bunnyangel:

Rainbows :rose: