Well-Known Member
whaleyk98 wrote:
Keep me informed...
undergunfire wrote:Not as of yet but I will be. I am getting all new pedigreed stock and once Im in my new house and settled then I will start breeding again more seriously....I have a bunch of rescues right now.Im on hold as a breederfor the timebeing.I have a mentor now so this makes things a little easier. I do have a website..http://www.freewebs.com/luckylops. =)JadeIcing wrote:Uh, yeah....WHY can't I still be living in Johnstown, NY right now ?! I want that dumbo black rex baby and that blue baby with the blaze on his head.You breed...In upstate New York....
Whaley...are you registered with NARR and do you have a website ?!
Keep me informed...