Another visit to the vet for Shadow

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Jul 9, 2004
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Shadow was a bit 'off' on Friday. Nothing I could put my finger on, just not himself. However, he was back to normal on Saturday, so I gave a sigh of relief.

Sunday, he ate very little in the morning, and spent most of the day under our bed, only coming out when made to. He ate a minimal amount in the afternoon/evening, which, for Shadow is very worrying. This morning he was still under our bed, supper untouched, and no pee or poops in the litter tray -, which is in 'his' room along the hallway. I gave him a bowl of water, and he drank loads, then I carried him to his litter tray, where he pee'd a river, and did a few poops.

When I put him down, he seemed awkward, and when he was sitting, he was kind of leaning to one side. I rang the vet, and we went in this afternoon. She checked him all over, and said that he is very sore along his back, and his left hind leg is swollen over the stifle. We think he has hurt himself somehow, possibly by jumping off our bed. She thinks that the fact he is in pain is the reason he isn't eating. So, he is on Metacam and another painkiller (Novo something), and we have Critical Care in case he doesn't start eating on his own again. We have another appointment for Thursday to see how he is getting on. If he is no better, then she will do x-rays to see if anything shows up.

My poor boy :(. He hasn't been ill in his life until the past month, with his nose operation and now this. He is laying quietly under our bed, and I'll givehim his meds later on. Please keep him in your thoughts.

Poor guy. It does sound like he's in pain. I hope the x-rays don't show a break or anything! C'mon Shadow, eat and eat and poop!
Ahh poor Shadow. I sure hope it's nothing too serious.

I'll say a prayer that he gets better real soon.

Have you ever thought about getting those "Doggy Stairs" for him, so he doesn't have to jump off the bed? We have them for Buttercup, of course he has a red carpet on them as he is the King after all. :rollseyes

Susan :panic:
He misses Pebbles.

I am just reading this now. Sorry Shadow is feeling poorly. I haven't seen you or the bunnies for awhile. It's been crazy at work, and I am tired from the trip to Calgary. Cocoa is staying with us for a month, and she is peeing everywhere except her in her litter box. Pebbles and Bebe had a fight. Bebe didn't like the smell of Cocoa on Pebbles. Both of them had fur pulled but there were no bite marks.They are avoiding each other for now.

Hope the pain meds help withany discomfort and lets him gain his appetite again. At this point I would give him anything he wants to eat. Do you need any more Alfalfa Hay?

When rabbits stop eating, one thing we overlook is molar spurs causing pain in their mouths.Did the Doctor check that? Could it be GI Statis? Has his nose healed completely, no infection?
Thanks for the replies

Unfortunately, he isn't any better - if anything, he's worse :(. All he has eaten is a little kale and salad - no pellets, or hay. He took his meds, but fought the Critical Care, and I'm frightened to restrain him too much in case I hurt his back more. The vet just rang to see how he was doing, and when I told her, she said she thinks it would be better to hospitalize him, and perhaps give him an IV to get the right nutrients in him, in case he develops fatty liver. That worried me, as that is one of the things Pernod had. So I am taking him in shortly :(

John isn't very happy about it, but he is working most of the time, and not here to help me with Shadow, so really, I could care less what he thinks (don't tell him that, Stan ;)). All I want is my boy to get better.

Please keep the prayers coming.

:( Poor Shadow and poor you. I hope that hospital helps him. Try not to worry too much about the 'maybes'. Remember that Pernod had a load of other stuff going on and their situations are completely different. I know it's hard not to compare and worry, but just try to focus on you and Shadow.

I'm just a PM away if you need a chat or anything.

We'll be keeping you and Shadow in our thoughts and prayers.

Jan, I am just finding out about Shadow now.... I am so sorry you had to take him back to the vet for a stay. Maybe some fluids and IV will help, although being apart doesn't help you one bit.

Poor little guy... Sending tons of prayers and good wishes that a one-night stay is all Shadow needs to get back to himself.


Thanks everyone :hug:

Well, I took him back and another vet (Dr Black) checked him in. We both noticed that Shadow was kind of 'tilted' - not head tilt, but his whole body. She checked his neck, and he is REALLY sore when she turned it to the left - not so much to the right. She did the thing with the feet, where they bend the foot and rest it with the toes underneath to see if they right it to stand properly. He did with his right foot, but not the left :(. But, she was pleased to see that he can actually move his left leg, even if it is awkwardly.

So, they have him in a kennel, and are feeding him and giving him pain relief. I just rang to see how he was doing, and they said he is settling in fine, and that he has had a little hay, so the pain meds must be having some effect, as he hasn't eaten hay since Sunday night.

He looked so sad and in pain when I left :(. But they all remember him from his recent nose operation, so they are making a big fuss of him, which makes me feel better. I have to phone in between work shifts tomorrow, and I hope he can come home then, but we obviously need to find out what is happening with his back/neck/leg. I don't think I'll get much sleep tonight - SHadow usually sleeps under our bed, and I'll miss him. Even Jester, who tries to kill him at every opportunity, seems to be looking for him.

Thanks again.

Poor Shadow.... Are they going to do any tests or x-rays while they have him? Or are they just doing the pain relief therapy to see how he does with that?
myheart wrote:
Poor Shadow.... Are they going to do any tests or x-rays while they have him? Or are they just doing the pain relief therapy to see how he does with that?
They were going to do blood tests, but I asked them to hold off on them, as I really don't think it's anything that bloodwork would show - I'm sure it's more of an injury, and the vet agreed.

They were going to do x-rays on Thursday if he was no better from yesterday, but that was before he was hospitalized. I discussed it with the vet, and they may do it when Shadow has settled and is in less pain. She said that if it's a soft tissue injury, that most likely won't show on an x-ray. She said it could be a prolapsed disc, and that too, may not show. So, I guess we wait and see how he is after rest and pain meds, and take it from there :?

Jan - I've been there with my Penny and, while it was the hardest ever to leave her, she did come round with critical care at the vets. She too looked at me so sadly when i left her there. I brought her home after 3 days later with Oxbow Critical care, IV fluids, and 3 meds for gut motility and antibiotics. I will pray for Shadow tonight as I do for all my crew each night, and pray for you too. My Pen is a constant worry with her intake and output since her stay in Boston in March. Our hearts are so invested, and I completely understand your worry, concern and love. Shadow does too, I believe. Hugs!!!:pray:
LuvaBun wrote:
I don't think I'll get much sleep tonight -
I am sure Shadow will get the best care.At least you don't have to worry about giving medication and feeding Shadow Critical Care tonight.

Maybe Jester will miss Shadow enough that the two will start to warm up to each other.

Stan :hug:
Oh no, Jan! I've only just seen this!

I'm sorry you're going through so much worry. It's horrible when they are hospitalised, especially overnight and you spend the whole time worrying about them. We were the same with Chalk.

Poor Shadow- I hope that he picks up quickly and that it's nothing too serious.....

Aww, thanks for all the comforting words - it means a lot.

I rang the vet, and she said Shadow had a good night, is eating a little, and seems a bit 'easier' in himself :). Both Dr Steele and Dr Black had a discussion about him, and they decided to put him on antibiotics, because of the tilt. They said they are concerned about pasteurella(sp) so he's on them to be on the safe side. They worry in case he has the infection, which made him dizzy and caused him to fall off the bed. Not too sure about that, but I guess the antibiotics can't hurt.

And ... he is coming home tonight :). I have to go into some darn meeting at work (it was going to be fire training, but we can't light fires as there is a fire ban, so it's now just a 'meeting' :rollseyes), then I'm going to pick him up. Dr Black says she will examine him again while I'm there, and we'll see where to go from here.

Thanks, all for your support. I'll let you know how things go on.


ps - Stan, Jester has looked all over for Shadow. When he found he wasn't here, he has pooped all over his room, and played in the sandbox :foreheadsmack:


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