Another visit to the vet for Shadow

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LuvaBun wrote:
ps - Stan, Jester has looked all over for Shadow. When he found he wasn't here, he has pooped all over his room, and played in the sandbox :foreheadsmack:

Oh Jester isjust too spoiled to miss his buddy Shadow and taking advantage of the free space.

With the antibiotics, it's a hit and miss thing. If Shadow has an inner ear infection, pasturella, or head tilt, antibiotics may help if it is the correct drug. But usually doctors would prescribe a common antibiotic to cover everything and if Shadow didn't need it, then the antibodies would become resistant to it. Find out what they are going to give Shadow, and for how long he has to take it.

The brushfires are getting bad with the dry weather and windy conditions, especially when all the vegetation are still brown around here. We need some rain and for all the plants to start turning green. Don't stay at the work meeting too long.

Oh Jan I'm so sorry I didn't see this sooner. You now how much Shadow means to me, I hate to think of our poor boy not feeling himself.

At least he is coming home tonight. You will feel better having him with you. Keeping you and Shadow in my thoughts.:hug::hearts:
I hope he keeps improving. I bet he will feel all the better for being home :) Even if it's very stressful for you.
I personally would feel better if they did an X-ray. That way they'd be able to see a slipped disc and/or check for other fractures. I don't know why his whole body would be tilted from an inner ear infection. Did they swab and culture from his ears? That might be helpful to determine if he has an infection. I don't like the idea of giving antibiotics if an infection is suspected but not confirmed. Is he on a probiotic as well, to keep his gut moving?

I don't want to scare you, though!
I picked Shadow up yesterday afternoon, and settled him in back home. At first, I was really worried - he didn't seem any better, and was very quiet. However, I was downstairs, and heard him moving about upstairs, so went to check on him. He'd somehow managed to open my bedroom door, and was laying in there, with a satisfied look on his face. So, I let him stay in there all night.

He seemed to get better as the night went on. He has eaten some pellets, veggies and a little hay, and drank lots of water. We have plenty of poops and pee, so I'm happy about that :). He is obviously still uncomfortable, but the tight/tense feeling seems to have eased a little.

He is on Turbogesic and Novo trimel twice a day, and Metacam once a day. I don't have to take him to the vet this afternoon, as he is doing better, but go back on Monday. Unless, (God forbid) he worsens.

Claire, the vet said that an x-ray most likely wouldn't show anything yet, as there is inflamation, and if it was soft tissue damage it wouldn't show anyway. If it is no better on Monday, then I think they will x-ray (I will ask them to). They checked his ears, and they are fine, and he actually seems less 'tilted' today (to me, anyways. Unless it's wishful thinking). Don't worry about scaring me - when it comes to my bunnies, I'm easily scared!

We aren't out the woods yet, but I'm more hopeful today than the past two days. Thanks for all the support :hug:

Oh ok. I don't know much about spinal injuries, so I just assumed that you can see the discs on x-ray. I guess that isn't the case. The Novo-trimel is the antibiotic. I guess it could make sense that a soft tissue injury could cause a tilt--I'm thinking about my own experiences with neck spasms that led to lots of pain and tilting, and if one of those happened further down the spine, it could lead to the same kind of thing Shadow has been having.

I'm so glad he's moving around and eating/pooing. Keep it up, big guy!
I'm really glad that he's improving but , I like Claire, would not know why they would have hesitated on an x-ray as it could show up something unexpected?

He probably will be just fine and it sounds as if he is improving...

I know you will let us know!!!

Aw, he'a a determined little guy isn't he. I hope he keeps improving and showing his feisty attitude :)
Jan, I am so glad Shadow is at home with you and seems to be improving. Poo's and pee's, and eating bits here and there, aswell as him making up his own mind on where he wants to settle inare good signs. ;)I hope his meds help in the healing process. Don't they say that soft-tissue injuries are worse at healing than just breaking a bone? Too hard to keep still without causing more strain to the tissue....

Still sending prayers forShadow's total recovery. :pray:

Just reading about Shadow and wondering if any changes? Hopefully he's on the mend. My fingers and toes are crossed and I'm thinking of you!!

How are you doing by the way? Survived your first Canadian winter alright?


Jan, I haven't been "all there" if you know what I mean, and I totally missed this! I hope that Shadow is feeling better today. You are in my thoughts.
Thanks for the continued good thoughts.

The good news is ... Shadow is doing a LOT better :). He is back to eating normally (thank goodness. I hate force feeding him), and he is pooping and peeing normally. He is drinking more than usual - would the medications make him more thirsty? And he refuses what usually is his favourite treat - banana!! He sniffs at it, then gets a look like it's going to make him throw up, and turns away from it :?

The not so good news is that he still isn't 'right', if you know what I mean. He is still very slightly tilted, and although he is hopping around, he still looks like it is a little awkward for him. His eyes don't have that healthy clear look to them - although they are nowhere near as dull as they were at the beginning of the week. Also, and I don't know if I'm imagining this or noticing it more because I'm looking for it, but he seems to be shaking/scratching at his ears more. The vet did look inside his ears last week, and saw nothing. We have an appointment on Monday afternoon, so I'm going to ask her more about it then. And sometimes, when he sitting up grooming himself, he kind of topples over, like his balance is affected :(.

So, although I'm pleased that things are better than they were, they still aren't as good as they could be. I'll let you know what happens on Monday.

I just reread this thread a couple of time because something doesn't seem right here.
I don't know what the previous nasal problem was?I cannot find the thread

It seemsas ifShadow has not been really been diagnosed. Ifhehad a swollen foot and went to the vet and may have sprained it the doctor may say "let's givehim some pain medication and see if this resolves on it's own. " but if it turned into something like possible head tiltor body tilt and/or dizziness I would think that more tests are needed.

If theire are neurological (dizziness and falling over) symptoms I would think that either he has an inner ear infection or some type of brain infection and /or he has sustained an injury in a fallthatinjured his spine. ?

if he does have an infection in his inner ear he is not on approriate medications to treat it.; I believe there was nothing to culture in his ears but Novo-trimmel is not enough to treat an ear infection
Certain things suggest EC ,,hind left legproblems and also the possible kidney involvement with increased thirst and urination

You have daily contact with Shadow so I am really just responding to what I am reading. I wonder why the vet isis sure this is soft tissue trauma when there are other symptoms that suggest either oneinjury that is resulting in other issues with balance etc or more than 1 unrelated problem going on at one time.

Just some of my thoughts based on a gut feeling and not much more....

Previous nasal problem was simply a bite to the nose, correct?

It does worry me that we don't know much about what's going on here.
I'm glad to hear Shadow is feeling a bit better, that must be such a relief! Let's hope this is the start of him being on the mend. I'm keeping everything crossed for our special little man!

Thinking of you both, Jan.:hug:
Sorry I didn't get on yesterday to update - a pretty hectic day!!

I took Shadow back to the vet yesterday - Dr Steel, the first vet, saw him. She was pleased that he is back to eating normally (even his banana) and said he is moving around a lot better. She checked his back and abdomen, and they aren't painful any more. His head is tilted still. Not a huge amount, but definitely tilted. She again checked his ears (and let me look too), and there was just a tiny bit of wax, which they flushed out.

She thinks it may be pasteurella, and has put him on Panacur for 14 days. I flavour it with juice, and he seems to like it:). We go back in 10 days, but if he has trouble with his ears, she has put on his file that he can have drops. So far he is doing OK and isn't shaking his head or anything.

He does appear to be happier in himself, though I wouldn't say he is back to normal yet. Oh, he is off the Metacam and Turbogesic, as the pain has gone, so now just takes the Novo trimel and panacur.

The vet techs all made a big fuss of him, and remember him as the 'bunny with the nose' :D. (Claire, yes,his nose was just to repair a bite by Jester). It helps, because he doesn't seem to be bothered by going to the vet at all, and doesn't get stressed out.

I will keep you updated as to how the Panacur works out.
