Another visit to the vet for Shadow

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Pasturella is a bacteria, and panacur is an antiparasitic. Novo-trimel is an antibiotic. This is confusing. I wouldn't expect panacur to be effective at all against pasturella...
are you sure that your vet did not say EC instead of pasturella?

Panacur is for e -cuniculi
and pasturella would need an antibiotic because it is bacteria as Claire has stated ???
Duh, I must be having a senior moment (another one).

I asked the vet about e-cuniculi, after what you mentioned. She said it was possible, and that is why she put him on Panacur. She didn't do a titer, as she said treating for it would do no harm. Sorry about the confusion :embarrassed:

This is the same vet Laura (Mybunnybabies) went to with Naomi when she had head tilt. Coincidence is - her Chase came from the same overcrowded house as my Jester, and both bunnies they are in contact with ended up with this :?

Shadow is a bit more himself today - throwing his cardboard tube around, running up for treats, and eating all his food straight away. He still isn't fully back to normal, but he is so much better than before :)

That makes sense now

if it is EC it should respond to the Panacur and if it isn't maybe the vet can look harder for a possible inner ear infection

most tilts are cause by an ear infection but Shadow does have other symptoms
We'll hope that he improves whatever it is :)
LuvaBun wrote:
Coincidence is - her Chase came from the same overcrowded house as my Jester, and both bunnies they are in contact with ended up with this :?

That is a possibility. It was Naomi that had the head tilt. Laura got Chase from the first group in April, and Naomi wasone of thefirst rabbits to get adopted from the second group in October.

Another possibilitycould be the fall Shadow had, hurting his leg which led to stress and weaken immune system for the inner ear infection which caused the head tilt. Just a thought.

Fuzzy's Elly is from the firstgroup of house rabbits too. Hope Bunny is fine.I know Bunny was getting periodic checks on a liver condition, butI am not sure if that wasbefore Elly was adopted.
I just spoke to Jan by PM. This is from the message I got from her.

"Shadow seems to be doing better - he even boxed at Jester through the cage last night :rollseyes. He is back to eating everything in sight (I'm pleased to say). Dr Steele told me to mix the Panacur with juice to make it taste better. I mixed in a little fresh orange juice, and Shadow loved it - he nearly ate the syringe as well!!! He did spit the Novo trimel all over me yesterday, though!"

I am glad Shadow is better and hope he stays that way.
Thanks for asking, Maureen, and for replying, Stan :)

Yes, Shadow is so much better - the tilt is so slight that unless you were really looking for it, you would just think he was looking a bit quizzical. He does still seem to favour his rear left leg still. Like last night, when I gave him his meds and he did the 'flicky feet' his left foot kind of flicked to the side. Other than that, it doesn't seem to bother him at all. He even came down the stairs this morning, looking for his breakfast.

I normally give his meds at 11 am and 11 pm, but I forgot his Novo Trimel this morning, and only remebered at 3.30. I rang the vet and she said just to miss it out and give his normal night time dose, so I hope that doesn't alter anything :expressionless

Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts. We go back next Thursday, and I'm hoping he will be OK then :)

