Animal Neglect

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I was thinking about those buns lastnight. Thinking those poor babies (probably) never get anyexcercise! I bet they have never binkied. I waswatching my buns hop and act all crazy last night. It made meappreciate them SO much. Made me terribly sad at the sametime thinking how those rabbits have probably never ran a Bunny500. Probably never had fresh veggies or fruit.Never played with a slinky or empty towel roll.They have never really BEEN bunnies. Same with theducks! The ducks looked deformed. Almostunderdeveloped...sadness....
Kricket wrote:
gypsy wrote:
Firstof all call thePolice then theHumane Society , Callthe HRS also andmaybe the mayor of your townthen call the HQ of the store ,call everyone and anyone thatcomes to mind even friends andrelatives Get your voice outthere let everyone know whats happening

damn I wish i wascloser all hell would be aboutto come crashing downon these people.

The police? OK. I'm not trying to be a "namedropper" but I am DJ at a large-scale radio station and, trust me, Ihave considered talking about it on the air!! What is the HQof the store? I didn't even think of calling themayor. Good call, Gypsy! Thanks y'all! Ilove you!!
The corperate offices, mostlarger chains have a headcompany they have to account to , Asa Dj on a major Radio StationHon get the word out!!! they sure as heckwould Here , Does anyone listento Greg and the Morning Buzz ?On Rock 101 ? They have Pitchsessions all the time lol I lovetheir " whats your Point "slot its awsome ,
I would hold off on saying it on the airuntil the authoraties have been there. Don't want to give this good fornothing a heads up. Afterwards I would be telling it all over theair.

Sadly our farm store has gotten into the habitof treatingt he bunnies and small animals the same way. Nothing can bedone about them.

I would wait until animal control calls you back about it. Then put the word out on them.
Peoplemake me so angry!!! I know the laws in PA, but I also knowthat they differ from state to state and some from county tocounty. However in PA, if somewhere sells animals, they haveto report to the Department of Agriculture. There is someonewho works there who specifically polices stores and their treatment ofsmall animals, reptiles and birds (someone else for dogs andcats). This person should also be conctacted so they can makemore frequent visits. You can call your local Dept. of Ag tosee if they can help.

Can you call a local TV station? Wehave "investigative" reportersat our stations here that lookinto stuff like that.

I have to admire your control....I probably would have gone into thestore and made a big scene :mad:and then got arrested :?
cirrustwi wrote:
People make me so angry!!! I know the laws in PA, but I also know thatthey differ from state to state and some from county to county. Howeverin PA, if somewhere sells animals, they have to report to theDepartment of Agriculture. There is someone who works there whospecifically polices stores and their treatment of small animals,reptiles and birds (someone else for dogs and cats). This person shouldalso be conctacted so they can make more frequent visits. You can callyour local Dept. of Ag to see if they can help.

omg i totally forgot about the Dept of Ag , what a dope I have toreport to them once a month ( smacks self between the eyes)
At least it is on report you called the police about it they will havethe taped conversation on your concerns goes a long way in court if itgets that far,
Rose : LOL You should have been with me when we closed the bunny mill 2towns over I had one cop holding me back and another whisking her outof the area lol between the filth , deformed babies, ddead babies andshoddy housing I was more than livid . I did feel sorry for the HumaneSociety Lady tho she was white as a ghost lol . I think she was moreafraid of me than hse was appalled at the situation .:angel:
I hope one of the authorities you contacted getsdown there right away. Do you have a digital camera? Could you sneaksome pics as evidence in case the owner finds out he's about to getsmacked by the law and moves/dumps the rabbits?

Also, I'd check with your radio station or a lawyer before saying anything on the air. You don't want a lawsuit!

Thanks for mentioning the name. I am not in Tucson very often, but now I know...

Please let us all know how it turns out.
Hey y'all. Thanks so much for all theadvice! I will contact the Dept of Ag. Greatidea! I will also call a local TV station. They doa "9 On Your Side" feature once a day. I was thinking I amgoing to go back there on Wednesday and see how those little crittersare doing. If the cages haven't been cleaned and if the wateris still rancid, I will call again, and again, and again! Itgets me so angry!! Those animals better get the care theyneed and deserve! GRRRrrrrr!.... :mad: (cool newmad face!)

When you get the # for 9 on your side, do you want me to call them too and make inquiries?

Give me for specific details and I'll call 'em too.
Ok, y'all. I went back to thatpathetic excuse of a feed store. UGH! Well, thesituation has improved, but is still bad. The rabbits hadwater & pellets. They even had frozen water bottlesin their cages :D BUT, the cages are stillfilthy!! I kid you not, there must be a pound of poop in thetray of each cage! The ducks had been moved from the pen fullof slop to another pen that was pretty messy. They still hadrancid water to swim in, but NONE of them were in it. Poorthings! And a sidenote-I am upset that the bunnies cages areSO small! I am sure they don't get any excerise :((All of the same rabbits were there none were purchased) Thedogs' pens looked better. They had fresh bedding andfood.

I am sure someone was out there to investigate, but I am not completelyhappy with the results. I AM happy that they have fresh water& food. I was very impressed with the frozen bottles,but disappointed with the filth collecting under them :(.

Should I call back? Maybe these people don't understand howimportant it is to keep cages clean and flies away...? TheHUGE piles of poop was still really bad! Poorthings. I still think they would be better off if they wereout in the wild. I wanna bunny-nap and duckie-nap these guys:X
I woulddefinately call again and again tillthings improved or they place theanimals with a rescue service ,no animal deserves to live like that poorbabies :X
As soon as you can call the RSPCA or whateverthe American version is, ASPCA i think. Poor poor creatures. Grrr i getso angry when people think they can treat animals like dirt!! Mybrother is at University and him and his friends have to keep rescuingtheir next door neigbours rabbit from the garden, they won' get it inbecause it only cost £9!!! The nerve of some people!! At least thereare people who DO care out there!!

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