I LuV MaH BuNs
Well-Known Member
Im so sorry!
Kiona Copper and Talia are now together running through the feilds over the rainbow bridge
Anyone who has such experiences really MUST file a complaintwith the state board of veterinary medicine. (Their address will be inthe government pages in the phone book.) Most likely no action willever be taken, or at most a written reprimand. However, it is importantto file for two reasons:
1. To send a warning. There is no feeling quite like getting a letterwith your name from the state board. (I got one once, and it was awful,even though it turned out to be only a request for info on a case filedagainst another vet where I had also seen the cat.) It's terrifying!And they deserve it. The state board controls veterinary licensing.Unethical vets can have their license suspended or revoked.
2. Even if the board does nothing, if everyone who's wrongly treatedwould complain, eventually the file on that clinic would become prettythick, and then action would have to be taken.
If you're feeling particularly creative, write a letter to the editorof your local newspaper. This would be greatly beneficial in educatingother pet owners, who may not know that this is unethical or what to doin such cases, and also let all vets know that this is not okay to do,ever!
Dr. Jean