Active Member
[align=left]This afternoon I called all the pet andfeed stores in my area to find a probiotic without much luck until Igot down to the next to last listing. A feed store half anhour from my home and they had something better, it's called RabbitNutri-drench, the poweraid for bunnies. The owner (who isalso a mini rex breeder)assured me that Nutri-drench combinedwith blackberry leaves will have Talia up and hopping again.Since you don't hear about rabbits that havesurvivedEnterotoxemia very often, thelady didn'tknow how long it would take for Talia to get completely back tonormal. [/align]
[align=left]As far as I can tell, my girl is wellon her way to recovery. She still has diarrhea right now andgrinds her teeth - but not nearly as much. She'sstarting to preen herselfand can get comfortable on my lapagain. I'm going to keep her on the Simethicone for nowuntill her pellets return to normal.[/align]
[align=left]Things are starting to look up!
[align=left]This afternoon I called all the pet andfeed stores in my area to find a probiotic without much luck until Igot down to the next to last listing. A feed store half anhour from my home and they had something better, it's called RabbitNutri-drench, the poweraid for bunnies. The owner (who isalso a mini rex breeder)assured me that Nutri-drench combinedwith blackberry leaves will have Talia up and hopping again.Since you don't hear about rabbits that havesurvivedEnterotoxemia very often, thelady didn'tknow how long it would take for Talia to get completely back tonormal. [/align]
[align=left]As far as I can tell, my girl is wellon her way to recovery. She still has diarrhea right now andgrinds her teeth - but not nearly as much. She'sstarting to preen herselfand can get comfortable on my lapagain. I'm going to keep her on the Simethicone for nowuntill her pellets return to normal.[/align]
[align=left]Things are starting to look up!