I'm actually at my brother's house, housesitting, so I don't have it with me, but I looked it up and here iswhat I found about Bene-Bac
15 grams of live naturally occurring micro-organisms for dogs,cats and other small mammals subjected to changing environment,training, working, transporting or hand feeding.
Guaranteed total live (viable) Lactic Acid Producing Bacteria: 10million colony forming units per gram. (Lactobacillus acidophilus,Lactobacillus plantarum, Streptococcus faecium, Lactobacillus casei).
For Newborns
0.5 g at birth; 0.5 g on day 3, 5, and 7 and at weaning. Hand fedorphans increase to 1 g on days 7, 14 and at introduction to solid food
Maintenance: 1 g for each 10 lbs of body weight up to 50 lbs. 5gfor 50 lbs body weight and over. Administer 1 day prior and 1 dayfollowing conditions above.
It is made by Pet Ag and comes in a few different forms, but this is the one for mammals.
Peter's also makes a powder specifically for rabbits:
ProBiotic Digestive Tract Conditioner, with lactobacillus acidophilus,helps recondition the digestive tract for rabbits and small animals.Aid and maintain proper digestive health. Enhances rabbits ability toefficiently absorb nutrients. Natural supplement to remedy digestivedisorders. Improves overall skin and coat appearance.
Pam- What kind of nutri-cal do you use, I know they make a ferretspecific and one for cats and dogs....I was just wondering. Ilike to have that kind of thing on hand, just in case