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I don't think they're completely unbondable either, but since the fight I have noticed a lot of aggression from Bugs towards Evie. He's never been any bit aggressive so this is a complete shock to me. I do think that if I took it very slow it may work eventually.

I spent all day yesterday redoing the pen and my room and I love how the pen turned out. It's now 6ft by 4ft, 2×4 feet bigger than the last pen setup. Now they can actually run around when they're in the pen and I'm hoping it keeps them entertained.

I was woken up 10 minutes ago to find Bugs in the pen attacking Evie. I think she was able to get away from him because she was in the box while he was standing next to a pile of her fur. I have 0 idea how he got in there so I have no idea how to fix it. There's nothing near the pen that he can jump up on. The hay box and litter is directly next to the pen and my organizer thing is next to that but he can't get from my organizer thing to the box and get in. I'm guessing he climbed it which is weird because he's never been a good climber and there's no way he jumped over it because he's not a great jumper either. I don't even recognize him anymore...

I just asked him to show me how he got in and he got in the litterbox and put his paws on the pen bars. He definitely went in through the top.20190723_061926.jpeg20190723_062037.jpeg20190723_061942.jpeg20190723_061951.jpeg20190723_062043.jpeg
I made a digging box for the bunnies and they love it! I haven't made one until now because I didn't know what to put in it. I wanted something that would seem natural but I can't use sand or dirt because that would be a nightmare to get out of their fur. I am using Kaytee Soft Granule Blend bedding in it along with a few apple and willow sticks. I only made one because I know if it wasn't in the pen they wouldn't use it. The bedding gets stuck to their paws and it gets tracked everywhere but at least they're having fun with it. Bugs is digging in it as I type now. @Butterscotch I can't remember what you're using in your digging box. If they don't use theirs much I recommend getting some of this. I believe the bag was a little under $6 for 10 liters.

I think I may start having play dates with the bunnies so they can be around another bun occasionally. That can also help me decide if I should bond them or not. My grandma is moving in her house tomorrow so that makes bonding harder for me because I have no where to do overnights. I think that after Bugs got into the pen and attacked her, I may have hurt their chances of ever bonding because I didn't force them to snuggle. I wish I would have thought to do that then. I'm the worst bunny momma sometimes.

I think I found a new job so I'm pretty excited! I'll get at least triple the hours I get at my current job and I'll be paid more. I have a good chance of getting the job because my mom's friend owns it.

My mom's boss has bunnies and he bred them a few months ago. The babies are going to their new homes but when they weren't selling he said he was going to let the babies go outside if they weren't all gone by this weekend. My mom offered to take all of them so we could find them homes ourselves. Some older guy took all of them and is apparently going to breed them constantly. I was going to take one but I wouldn't have been ready for one by tomorrow. I do miss my little 8 week old though. If Bugs and Evie bond, then I'll take in another. Her boss doesn't believe in getting his animals fixed because of his religious beliefs and he was pretty rude when he learned my two are fixed. I'll probably tell him that she's probably going to get cancer if they don't spay her but ultimately, that's his decision. I'm going to attach a picture of some of the babies along with one of Bugs playing in the digging box.20190725_091457.jpeg20190726_115308.jpeg
First of all, it would only take a quick peek on Craigslist to provide absolute proof that you couldn't possibly be the worst bunny mom ever. That's just not possible.

Second, thank you for the dig box suggestion! Mine was not a hit. It just became another litter box. I will most definitely try your suggestion!

Congrats on the new job!!! That's very exciting! I hope you love it!

I have some stern words for your mom's boss but I will keep those to myself. Those are gorgeous bunnies tho! Do you think you'll ever have 3 rabbits? I think if my house was bigger I'd have a pair for every room (I'm exaggerating but I'd definitely have more than one pair). I am so in love with these little furry critters! I'm sad I wasted so may years of my life not knowing what great pets rabbits can be.
I'm suprised mine hasn't been used as a litter box yet. I totally expected it to be.

I would love to have a third, but it's just not the right time for me, Bugs, and Evie. They're English Spots. I have no doubt that there will be another litter in the near future unfortunately.

I got Bugs off of Craigslist and when I was searching for a bun, I saw many mistreated or unhappy ones and it still breaks my heart. I wish I could take them all in.
I put the bunnies together today because I'm determined to get them bonded. I was expecting fighting but instead they groomed each other! They seem to love each other and that their fight was a sign that they weren't ready and I rushed it. I have a little under a month to get them bonded before I have school. I'd like to get them bonded in 2-3 weeks so I have a week to cement before I move them into my room. I'm not going to rush the process though. I just wish I knew how the fight started.
Yay!! I've heard bonding can take months. I really think you have a good pair, Alyssa. I have no experience to back that up but my gut just tells me your rabbits don't hate each other and they have the potential to get along eventually. I've read a lot of books and stories lately and I never got the impression from your stories that this is a lost cause for you. I just think patience is the key. I think you're doing a fabulous job, I really do!
Bonding has been going amazing. Probably another week of sessions then we'll do cementing. Bugs is incredibly clingy but she doesn't mind at all. They're both very happy around each other. The only issue we're having is that Bugs hates being humped, but during yesterday's session he allowed it for a few seconds before running away. If all continues to go well, Sunday/Monday I'll use the pen instead of the tub. I find that the humping has slowed down because they've been in the tub for sessions for almost a week instead of switching areas every few sessions. My sister has offered to switch bedrooms for a few days to a week for cementing. The length of time we cement depends on when they are bonded. I'd like to finish bonding next week, cement the week after that and then I have a week to get them settled in before I start school. I'm nervous that something is going to happen that sets them back. I don't want to rush the process but I don't want to hold them back either. Last time they were perfect until they weren't, probably because I rushed it. I can't imagine if they had fought when I moved them in together. I'm getting a camera just so I don't have to worry when I'm not home.
I have a lot to update you guys on, so be ready for a long one.

A couple days ago my parents and I got into an argument about the bunnies. My parents told me that the bunnies are ruining my life. They also told me that if I have another bonding session, they'll get rid of them. My dad said he might get rid of them just because he can. That's bs because I don't make him buy anything for them, he doesn't do their laundry or dishes, he doesn't clean up after them and he doesn't even need to pay them any attention. My mom disagrees on him with that thankfully. My mom however, thinks that because Bugs and Evie are never going to be friends (her words completely), it's selfish to keep her and that Evie has only been a problem because "Bugs hates her". The only one that would benefit from getting rid of her would be Bugs but even then, he loves her. This is a surprise because I knew my mom didn't like Lola but I had no idea she didn't like Evie. She refers to both bunnies as her grandbunnies so I figured she loved them both. I'm incredibly frustrated, especially because they were so close to being bonded. I can always try to bond them in a few years when I move out though. I've been told to not talk about the bunnies because I'm "obsessed", so that makes my next point incredibly difficult to deal with.

I think Bugs and Evie are getting sick. They both have sneezing fits often and Bugs's eye is running (not severely, but the fur is clumped together and he has been having very dark and occasionally, small poops. I read that eye problems are related to the teeth and that could also be a cause of his poop problems but he's eating fine and aside from his sneezing and eye, I wouldn't have suspected anything. His sneezes are quiet and I have to be watching him to notice it but Evie's sneezing is violent. She sneezes more than Bugs (either that or I don't notice his as often, which is a possibility) and it's very loud. Nothing is coming out of their noses. It has to be something that one of them got and passed it to the other. My sister's cat just had a severe eye issue (his whole eye turned red and leaked so much it was all down his chest) and I'm wondering if because Bugs's eye started leaking right after he was let out into the living room where the cat is most of the time, our cat passed it to Bugs through the carpet somehow. That does seem like a stretch though.
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I've been thinking a lot about what my next move with the bunnies is and I think I've come up with a plan. I really want them to be bonded more than anything. If I can't bond them myself, I'll have to find someone who can. Around spring I'd like to board both bunnies with the lady that did the dates for the rescue so she can bond them. I can't find anywhere on their website that says they offer that service but I bet we could arrange something. It's worth a shot. Bugs has been sitting and just watching Evie all day and I can't imagine how much he misses snuggling with her.

I did get the new job! I'm working a lot more and I'm loving it. My check on Tuesday will be a little over $200 and that's going to go towards the new pen setup and vet funds, along with a few more things I need to get before school starts on the 26th. It's going to be hard to manage my time with working almost everyday, school and homework, taking care of the bunnies and making sure they get lots of attention, and making sure I'm taking care of myself mentally and physically but I'll do it.

Bugs is starting to come around again! I've been giving him love for at least 20 minutes a day (same with Evie) and he's actually ventured up onto my bed again! He's digging at my blankets, but hey, it's something.

There was more that I wanted to share but I can't remember what so that's it for now!

I love following your little blog, and I just wanted to pop in here to say that you're doing a fantastic job and that it is ok if you take a breather and just let the buns be by themselves for a bit. I love my rabbits -- they're so important to me, but you also come first, and Bugs is also probably fine on his own for a bit...animals don't think like us. They live in the moment and while, yes, they can be lonely, it's not as horrible as it is for us because they can't think the thought that 'oh woe is me! I have been abandoned and am unloved!' So don't be too hard on yourself about it. I remember being your age and thinking that my animals must miss each other when they had to be kept separate...and in all honestly, the may have been a little lonely but they were also just fine :)
I thought I'd update because I (temporarily) have a 3rd rabbit.

The story behind this is very simple, my neighbor has a rabbit that she decided she didn't want anymore and I agreed to take him in and find him a new home. She seemed to think she knew everything about how him and I didn't have the heart to tell her she was doing it wrong. She invited me in to see him and he was laying right by the door by one of her five dogs. He let me pick him up very easily and submit to my pets I gave him. She showed me what she fed him (spring mix with iceberg, lots of carrots, and a muesli mix). His poos were very tiny and I didn't see any hay. I get the feeling that I'm really going to struggle getting him to eat hay and eat the pellets which will be something new. He's a REW and the sweetest little boy. If I had the space for him I'd gladly keep him, he's perfect. If any of you are willing to take him or know of anyone who can, please let me know! I'm going to keep him until his diet/litter training/poos are 100% then he'll be ready. If nobody here on RO can take him I will message the rescue but they're full at the moment. He's going to be kept in my sister's room so it doesn't disrupt Bugs and Evie's routine.

There's more I'd like to discuss but I want to share this asap!
I have some questions about new bun because it's been a year since I've had a little baby. I'm going to be using the extra xpen panels and a dog crate as his cage. I was not planning on taking him in so I have next to no time to prepare. I did order him some young bunny pellets (oxbow). He will get let out when he's litter trained and then he will be out while my sister is at school. She said she'd keep her dog out of her room and the door closed whenever she's gone. Despite him staying in her room, it's my responsibility to feed/clean/groom/monitor droppings. I really don't want to put him up for adoption because he's a REW and we all know how discriminated against REW's are. I'd like to find him a home myself. Is REW a breed? If not, I have no idea as to what he could be. My questions are:
Does hay have to be introduced?
Should I continue feeding him spring mix because he is used to having it?
Is getting him on veggies or getting him on correct pellets more important?
If he doesn't take to the pellets or hay, could I put him with Bugs or Evie so they can show him to eat the food? This would NOT be a bonding session and will be very heavily supervised.

Thank you!
Most important would be introducing hay and slowly change his diet so the stomach won’t get upset [emoji5]
My sister and I went over to our neighbors house so she could meet him and long story short, my neighbor ended up handing him to me and telling us to take him then. We weren't ready and the cage wasn't at all set up but she insisted we took him then. His alfalfa pellets aren't here so I had to use his muesli mix. There are pellets in that but he won't even touch those. Before bed I just gave him some of it so he doesn't starve. He really likes the hay and is using the litter box! He's such a sweetie and acts like a little of Evie and a little of Bugs. He really likes to dig and has already flopped multiple times that I've seen. He likes to spill his water bowl then sit in the water while grooming himself. He's such a good little boy and I wish I could keep him. I sent a message to the rescue and my mom put out a message on her Facebook and she said that if anyone on there takes him she'll give them my phone number. I'm going to put out a post here on RO in a bit. I may put an ad out on Craigslist but I'm hesitant to do that because I don't want him to either end up as snake food or go to a place that won't treat him as well as I'd like. If I did that I would be very strict on who he'd go to. I know not everyone on Craigslist is bad because I got Bugs off of the site. His name is Snowball. He's going to get decently big because he's about the same size as Evie already and he's only 3-4 months old. My mom has a few pictures that are better quality than mine is so I'll post them later.
Picture didn't attach.20190906_053336.jpeg
Please get him off the Iceberg lettuce. Rabbits cannot have that.
I am aware of that. I threw that away instantly. He's not being given any veggies until I get his diet straight anyway. The spring mix was given to Bugs and Evie. :)
I've typed 3 different responses this week but now I finally have found some time to actually post. With school being back in session I've been trying to get back into a routine and finding time for the forum isn't easy.

Bugs and Evie are doing amazing. Bugs got into some more human food this morning and he's been chewing holes in my clothes like crazy lately but that's just Bugs. I had a pop tart on my fridge earlier and when I left to grab our laundry I came back and he was eating it. It was smores flavored but I'm not too concerned as it wasn't real chocolate/marshmallow. I gave him some simethicone before I left for school and he's still doing good 13 hours later. Yesterday when I went to give them their veggies they were completely spoiled. They were only 4 days old so I wasn't expecting them to be that bad. I took out the few pieces of good veggies out of the bag and then harvested the cilantro and parsley I've been growing. I felt bad because they didn't have nearly as many veggies as usual. Evie's doing perfectly. Her and my mom have actually become best friends recently. I stayed with my grandmother a few weeks ago and left my mom in charge of the bunnies. She said Bugs drove her insane but Evie behaved herself the whole time. She called me as she was giving them their pellets and it was pretty funny. He gets incredibly excited when he smells pellets and if you don't hurry up he'll dig at your leg to make sure you didn't somehow forget which she didn't appreciate.

Snowball is a completely different story. I love him but I can't wait for him to go to his new home. He deserves much more than I can offer. I sent Larry a PM last night but haven't heard anything back yet. I'm working on getting him to Las Vegas but I'm not having much luck.

I'm incredibly tired and I haven't even made a dent in my homework yet so I'm going to end it here. I'll try and update as soon as I can.

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