I feel like it's been too long since I've updated! It's been pretty chaotic lately with work, school, Homecoming, and making sure I'm setting aside time to give the bunnies attention daily.
Bugs and Evie's half birthday is later this month and I think I might order them some new toys. I've been making their toys recently and I might get some basic wooden chews and dip them in fruit and then dry them. I was scrolling through some pictures of my past hamster when I came across a picture of a diy house I used to make her. I completely forgot about it and I think I'm going to make large ones for Bugs and Evie. I used paper towels and napkins and I would wet then down and add another layer until I liked how thick it was. I even used fruits to dye it. My hamster never actually ate it but I'm sure Bugs will. Bugs eats cardboard after he chews it off his box. I'm sure it won't do much if he eats it and he's a good hay eater.
I'm going to be starting a rabbit YouTube channel soon because I need a hobby but I'm struggling to film my first video. I can't decide if I want to do an introduction video where I introduce the bunnies and I or if I start making actual videos right away. I'm very socially awkward and the many times I've tried filming I sound stupid or I leave out an important detail. Making the diy bunny houses may be a good video because people (myself included) love those types of videos. Should I even bother with an introduction? You guys always have good advice.
The bunnies have been very photogenic lately so I'm going to share those pictures. Evie doesn't like her picture taken but Bugs loves it. The first picture is from this morning when I was making my bed and put the blanket on Bugs. It kind of looks like he was sleeping under the covers on my pillow! Bugs has been sleeping on my bed recently after months of him not even venturing up there so I had to take advantage of it and get a picture.

Bugs and Evie's half birthday is later this month and I think I might order them some new toys. I've been making their toys recently and I might get some basic wooden chews and dip them in fruit and then dry them. I was scrolling through some pictures of my past hamster when I came across a picture of a diy house I used to make her. I completely forgot about it and I think I'm going to make large ones for Bugs and Evie. I used paper towels and napkins and I would wet then down and add another layer until I liked how thick it was. I even used fruits to dye it. My hamster never actually ate it but I'm sure Bugs will. Bugs eats cardboard after he chews it off his box. I'm sure it won't do much if he eats it and he's a good hay eater.
I'm going to be starting a rabbit YouTube channel soon because I need a hobby but I'm struggling to film my first video. I can't decide if I want to do an introduction video where I introduce the bunnies and I or if I start making actual videos right away. I'm very socially awkward and the many times I've tried filming I sound stupid or I leave out an important detail. Making the diy bunny houses may be a good video because people (myself included) love those types of videos. Should I even bother with an introduction? You guys always have good advice.
The bunnies have been very photogenic lately so I'm going to share those pictures. Evie doesn't like her picture taken but Bugs loves it. The first picture is from this morning when I was making my bed and put the blanket on Bugs. It kind of looks like he was sleeping under the covers on my pillow! Bugs has been sleeping on my bed recently after months of him not even venturing up there so I had to take advantage of it and get a picture.