Charley seems to be done quilling; I haven't found any dropped quills or new ones comming in for almost a week. He is currently having the time of his life with a completely new cage set-up including custom liners, blankies, etc that I made yesterday.
My husband hasn't been able to complete his therapy yet, he still has a few more sessions to go which will have to wait for at least 3 more weeks as he's being sent to a class a few hours away. He's doing a bit better though, he's about to be promoted and has somehow proven himself to everyone so he's no longer getting the short end of the stick from his superiors. IMHO, it's about time.
My son is so proud of himself, he managed to do his business in the potty yesterday! He also mimicks daddy's pee stance and occasionally makes it in, which tickles him pink. I couldn't be more proud of him and visions of diaper-free days are dancing in my head. ^_^
As for me, I could be better, but I could be worse too. I'm happy in the sense that everything in my life is going smoothly at the moment; seeing a decent therapist and discussing the possibility of my having Adult ADD in conjunction with whatever else is going on in my noodle. I'm having some marital moments, but luckily since hubby is less down and out because of work, he's able to help with most things.
The kitties are doing well, they chase each other around the house during the day and then fight over who gets to sleep on mommy's head/legs at night. It's great to be wanted, but I fee so bad when I have to move them so I can shift positions. ^_^
Edward is a happy little bun as well, loving the new salad mix I found for him at the grocery (a mix of 5 different lettuces) that I mix in with his other greens and veggies. Too bad strawberries aren't in season anymore, he goes nuts for those.

I try to let him out while I'm working in or near the kitchen by blocking off the kitchen with a baby gate and giving him free run there, but if I'm not in there he wants none of it. He just sits by the gate and stands up to look for me. He really is a momma's bunny, but I love the cuddle time. My only complaint is that my skin marks easy, so even him snuggling in his fave spot (y chest) leaves all kinds of scratch-like marks and makes my physcian wonder what the heck I'm up to these days. ^_^
Thanks for asking about everyone, it means alot to me.