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We had Jack, Pyro, and Silly...Silly doesn't make a sound at all, Pyro could barely squeak for her breakfast, and Jack really only "talks" when my son catches her in her hiding place and she has to call in the cavalry (Me).

Perhaps it's a genetic thing?
Edward's Story:

A tale of cuteness that could not be ignored...

One warm day a couple of months ago, my husband and I were visiting a local pet shop looking for things for our cats. Of course, me being me, I stopped by the large open play area that housed the shop's male and female rabbit and guinea pig populations (in 2 separate tanks). After observing the occupants of both tanks for a while, I stretched my arm over the barrier and let my hand hover inside the tank with the males. Almost every animal in there took this as a sign to head for the hills and did their best to hide; everyone but a little white bunny who instead of running away slowly approached my outstretched hand.

He started giving me kisses and just didn't stop, I think he licked my entire hand clean before my arm began to go numb and I had to withdraw my hand from the tank. With my hand gone, the little white bunny stood up to stretch as far as he could against the glass, trying to get a good look around. Maybe he was looking for me?

I was trying to leave the shop without bringing home any animals, but something about this little bunny just tugged at my heart-strings; I couldn't leave him there, I knew somehow that he should come home with me. Out of all the others, this little guy picked me, and it still makes me feel special whenever he snuggles up on my chest and settles in to watch TV or read a book (though he tries to eat them half the time).

My little snuggle bunny is named Edward, and from what I can tell he is a Rhinelander breed. He's a little smaller than a football from nose to tail, and is approximately 6 months old. I'm in love with the calico rings around his eyes, they really set off the rich chocolate brown of his little eyes. I'm not sure how much he weighs, I can't get him to sit still long enough to weigh on our bathroom scale, and I'm not all too sure of it's accuracy anyway (so I don't know if it would even work to hold him and weight us both to get his weight). I do know that he is healthy and happy and eats like a little piglet. ^_^
could be that a sensible little bunny was checking out the humans to see which one was going to give him his forever home:)..he definitely chose the right family:inlove:

hows the quilling going?

Charley is doing better, he's a little less cranky now, and from what I can see the new quills have all worked their way through the skin so they just have to finish growing in. Hopefully in a week or so he'll be done quilling and will feel better.

I have an order of fabric coming so I can make him new cage liners and get him off of wood bedding, and a new wheel to replace the one the pet store gave us for him which is quite frankly in sore need of disposal. Just gotta wait on the speed of snail mail...

Edward is a saint. I know animals that wouldn't put up with an enthusiastic toddler, but my bun just sits quietly in his lap and let's my son pet him, no matter if he's going against the fur. I have to keep an eye on them so I can make sure everyone's playing nice, but since Edward and Adreyan get along, Edward can have lots more out-of-the-hutch time because he has a friend to play with! He also likes to play with Charley in his playpen, or at least hop around in there with him and give him a sniff or two. ^_^
and last but not least, Charley the Hedgehog

My family piled into the car and drove downtown in search of new per supply stores we had not yet explored. It's always good to know what kinds of things you can find locally, and what you just have to order online. My husband spied a sign for a store, and we turned around to go have a look inside.

This store seemed to specialize in small animals and fish; there was an enormous dog who had her own couch and play area who was apparently the store mascot. She was very sweet, just really really big...^_^

I was poking around looking for toys for Edward when my husband called me over to see something. At first when I looked into the cage, all I could see was a smallish animal curled in a ball in a corner of the cage, but my husband excitedly assured me it was a hedgehog! I was immediately intrigued.

My husband has been wanting a hedgehog ever since I've known him, and we had the extra money, so I said yes to bringing him home. I only have a say-so because I'm the designated animal caregiver/pooper scooper/etc...*grin* That and I love animals, so I'm usually the one who's paying attention to diet, making sure everyone has enough toys and gets enough play time...

The sign beside the hedgie's cage told us that he was a 1-yr old male, and that his name was Charley. We liked the name, and he seemed to respond it it once he was awakened, so we kept it and it's definitely grown on us (my 3 year old can even say it!).

We've only had Charley for about 3 weeks, but he's settling in very well. He's not a big fan of bath time, but since he tends to get poopy-feet, he at least has to have a foot bath every few days. Since he is quilling I have been giving him an oil bath every few days as well to help with his dry skin and to help ease the discomfort of being stabbed from the inside out by his new quills.

We just made the transition from wood shavings to fleece as bedding last night, and he seems to be loving it. I've got to say I do too, as I'm allergic to most of the bedding due to dust/mold/etc.

Charley likes to come out and play after we have breakfast in the morning and hang out for about an hour or so (I think he stays for the mealworms...), and during this time he's our little explorer. He also comes out in the evening and plays for a bit, though during this time he's more of a cuddler, preferring to hang out in a warm lap wrapped up in a towel or piece of blanket.

I've been teaching my son how to hold Charley, and apparently Charley approves of his technique; he doesn't even roll up into a ball anymore when he sees a hand coming toward him. I've also been bribing him into loving on my husband and son by encouraging them both to feed him his daily mealworms. The way to a hedgie heart is through the tummy, at least in part.

Such nice stories about all of your fur-kids. Sounds like you have had a varied past in pet care. Any other critter(s) you are looking forward to having as a family member?

I would love to have another snake, but they give my hubby the willies. I had a small Sand Boa a few years ago and he was ok with him, so perhaps another small snake won't bother him much. Any future pets will have to wait till we get back to the it sits I may have to find a shipping company to get Edward and Charley back home (the gov't will take care of our two cats).

I do miss my sugar gliders, but they have a good home with one of my husband's former battle-buddies and I wouldn't take them away from that after they've bonded with a new family.

I think for now I'm fairly happy with my kiddos, no matter their species. I've got to say I'm liking the hedgie-momma feeling, so there may be another in our future...^_^
Edwards_Mommy wrote:
...I've got to say I'm liking the hedgie-momma feeling, so there may be another in our future...^_^

I think I tend to gravitate towards those that need more attention from me also. With all of the extra care you have to give Charley during his quilling, it just makes it that much easier to fall madly in love with him. I know it puts me over the top when I get to do extra mothering... ;)

*grin* I know what you would be great if all the animals could cuddle in the bed with me, but my husband would have a fit. Apparently "accidents" bother him alot more than they do me. I just wash the soiled linens.....*shrugs*

But the cats would try to play "catch the bunny" and lord only knows where Charley would get stuck if left to his own devices. Kiddos need supervised play time!

I'm just the mothering type. If I could bear it I'd be working at an animal shelter helping with rescues, but the ones who've been hurt or abandoned break my heart, so for now I'm happy with donating funds and food to rescue groups and no-kill shelters back home. ^_^
My little prickly buddy ^_^

Tonight I was fixing everyone their late night snack before bed, and guess who helped me make my fruit salad? Charley!

He sat on my shoulder the whole time and just sniffed and watched. It was the sweetest thing I've seen in a while, normally he doesn't like being anywhere up high and will do his darndest to get down. He won't take any from me, but I think that"s just him being shy.
Sounds like one of those moments that make you say, "Awe..." and wish is would never end. :D

Do you belong to any other forums for your other critters? I just figure there has to be a hedgehog site that has tons of information for newbies. Charley sounds so cute, he makes me wonder if I can find more room in my house for one more cage.

I do belong to a hedgehog forum ( and it's a really cool place if you want to learn more about hedgies, see some cute pictures, etc. It's able to be viewed by non-members, you just can't reply to topics. ^_^

Charley's got a prickly little personality, but I think alot of it stems from being uncomfy as he's growing in new quills. He LOVES to go outside and explore, but it's getting way too cold here for that; he seems content to run around the pen in the kitchen I made for him, or chill in his cage in my bedroom where it's nice and warm.
They're very popular in western Europe as well as in the US. There is alot of confusion as to their health and dietary requirements, so lots of research is a must before you decide to bring a quilled buddy of your own home with you. We didn't know all that much when we bought Charley, and some of the care books available in print are 14 years old...

I'd definitely check out that link to the hhc forums, there are quite a few breeders there who can answer questions and recommend the best care and feeding for hedgies. ^_^
im sticking to bunnies and dogs:biggrin2: perhaps when the kids have left home:pleaseplease::pleaseplease::waiting::waiting:then i shall have the space for more pets:D
Just thought I would check in with you to find out how your fur-kids are doing, as well as life in general. Is everyone happy and healthy? Is Charley done quilling?

Has your husband been deployed yet? How did his therapy go? How about yourself, are you managing okay?


Charley seems to be done quilling; I haven't found any dropped quills or new ones comming in for almost a week. He is currently having the time of his life with a completely new cage set-up including custom liners, blankies, etc that I made yesterday.

My husband hasn't been able to complete his therapy yet, he still has a few more sessions to go which will have to wait for at least 3 more weeks as he's being sent to a class a few hours away. He's doing a bit better though, he's about to be promoted and has somehow proven himself to everyone so he's no longer getting the short end of the stick from his superiors. IMHO, it's about time.

My son is so proud of himself, he managed to do his business in the potty yesterday! He also mimicks daddy's pee stance and occasionally makes it in, which tickles him pink. I couldn't be more proud of him and visions of diaper-free days are dancing in my head. ^_^

As for me, I could be better, but I could be worse too. I'm happy in the sense that everything in my life is going smoothly at the moment; seeing a decent therapist and discussing the possibility of my having Adult ADD in conjunction with whatever else is going on in my noodle. I'm having some marital moments, but luckily since hubby is less down and out because of work, he's able to help with most things.

The kitties are doing well, they chase each other around the house during the day and then fight over who gets to sleep on mommy's head/legs at night. It's great to be wanted, but I fee so bad when I have to move them so I can shift positions. ^_^

Edward is a happy little bun as well, loving the new salad mix I found for him at the grocery (a mix of 5 different lettuces) that I mix in with his other greens and veggies. Too bad strawberries aren't in season anymore, he goes nuts for those. :) I try to let him out while I'm working in or near the kitchen by blocking off the kitchen with a baby gate and giving him free run there, but if I'm not in there he wants none of it. He just sits by the gate and stands up to look for me. He really is a momma's bunny, but I love the cuddle time. My only complaint is that my skin marks easy, so even him snuggling in his fave spot (y chest) leaves all kinds of scratch-like marks and makes my physcian wonder what the heck I'm up to these days. ^_^

Thanks for asking about everyone, it means alot to me.

I am so happy to hear about what has been going on...the gud, the bad, and the ugly lol

I havent seen u on in a while I was getting worried. I feel better now lol

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