My son loves to "help", sometimes by picking up some toys or helping me carry laundry from one place to the next for sorting, washing, etc. Then sometimes he likes to make huge messes and then watch me clean them up, it's really 50/50. ^_^
My husband's knife was sharp on purpose, as he uses it for work and home purposes, he was just unlucky this time I guess. Apparently it's a family tradition for someone to go to the ER on Christmas too...>_>
I love all my fur-kids, and everyone got something for Christmas. Edward got a new waterbottle and some chew sticks, Jack and shelby got the white fleecy-looking pet beds you saw them lounging in, and Charley got a little truck. I see them as little hairy people and don't think they should be left out when the love is being spread around.
I mind as well not have neighbors, as they do not speak to me unless they need me to move my car for their construction efforts. From what I can tell, Germans are wary of befriending Americans who are living here while in the Services as they like to maintain their friendships and tend to be left hanging once a family moves back to the states. At least, this is what they told us in our orientation classes. I guess too many families got burned during WW2 and other campaigns that had us living over here and then stopped talking to them after we went home.
As for the bar, I've got a bottle of un-opened Bacardi Razz rum, and opened bottles of Jager, vodka, Disarono, various schnapps and such in the fridge. I'm planning on moving everything out to the counter because it's taking too much space in the fridge, and as far as I know you can let alcohol sit at room temp once opened without any adverse effects. I'm wanting to add a few bottles of wine to the rack as I love a glass of sweet red wine when I'm having an Italian dinner night. ^_^
Happy new year to everyone, in case I'm not back before then ^_^