Alicia and the Zoo Crew 2010

Rabbits Online Forum

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JadeIcing wrote:
Posted this on a reptile site and thought I would share.

I am slowly building my reptile collection but I think I played it smart in the sense that I learned a lot in 6 years owning my BTS and 5 years with my first leo to know this is what I want. The fact that I went from 2 to 5 in a few months to a few of my families and friends is bothering them. All I added was another leo, and two vipers.

Now I also have had rabbits for 5years. They are all spayed and neutered well minus one who can't due to health reasons. I find homes for all the rescue ones. My personal rabbits have all lost their previous homes for one reason or another. Currently we have 10, 8personal rabbits, a sanctuary one and a foster. They are all litter box trained etc.

Between my husband and I we spot clean litter boxes one time a week and do a full clean once a week. I do a spot clean once a week and a full clean every other week on the tanks. I feed reptiles every other day, bunnies we feed 8pm every night, and toss hay in as needed.

We know we can handle this, I know I can handle two more reptiles. I will keep it to something I know to care for another leo and an aft. More than we have now? No. We do plan on letting our rabbit numbers become half of what it is now and increasing reptile numbers.

Anyone else looks at us and it is like oh god hoarders. We each have our own limits it is knowing them and sticking to them that sets us apart. As pet owners and not breeders people tend to be even more suspious. They might get a breeder having more but not a pet owner.
You and I talk often enough that I knew this - but I just have to say that having two people work together on this makes a HUGE difference....and as others have said - you know your limits.

I think having the bonded sets helps and having your routine down helps also.

I'll be so excited when you get some new additions to your reptiles...not that I don't love bunnies - but I love to hear yo talk about your others also.

Oh - and how is sweet Kashi? Give her a pet for me...such a sweet dog!
Yes it is a big difference with two people doing it. Rob does help more than most husbands.

Bonding makes a bigger difference than most know.

Thanks, as I said on the phone I should be getting the classroom gecko in a week. *grr*

Will do. She is nutty as always.
So I am getting the classroom gecko. I don't know how he will be he has come a long way since my friend got him. I do plan on rehoming him though everyone keeps saying that I will end up keeping him. If it is him.
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I am watching an old show called Major Dad. In the current episode it shows the Marines coming back from the gulf war. I remember the soldiers coming home. I also remember those who didn't.

Our country has been at "war" for several years now. I may not agree with war but I am damn proud of the men and women of OUR armed forces.I am happy for those who have come home and those yet to come home. I also honor those who have lost their lives in this war and any other.

We may not always agree with what our government says, it may not be what we believe but the military only does what they are told. They go where they are needed and pray to make it home safely.

Eh I think what I am saying is that while we may not agree with all that goes on just respect those who fight for freedom for all.

Thanks it's just not the same. I'm struggling something fierce. I'm getting so tired of putting a brave face. I want to curl up and cry. I don't get this. I don't accept it and I sure don't feel like smiling anymore. I'm happy because I have family, friends and my animals but I feel broken. I don't know how to explain what I'm feeling.
Harlequin Jinx my African Fat-Tail....she/he is awesome, hatched 2mnths ago.





So my time off started off rough but ended on a mostly good note. While still struggling with somethings others seem to be getting better.

Lots to do today. At work till 2 and than busting our behinds to get somethings done. Lots to do.
JadeIcing wrote:
I hate watching my boys I can tell they miss Dallas. Chibi seems so lost.

I worriedso much about Zappa and Callie when Patrick left us. It's taken a few months, but my girls figured their relationship out, and do fine together.

Let your boys grieve for as long as they need to. In the end, I'm sure they will figure their relationship out also. It is comforting when they start spending more time with each other for companionship and grooming needs. Then you will know they are doing better. :)

I absolutely love your new little Harlequin Jinx. Such baby-soft looking skin, and his/her colors are really awesome!! :p Such a nice addition to your family!!


*** goes to put Harlequin Jinx on nabbing list next to Apple:ph34r2***

I am seeing a little more activity out of them but not enough to my liking. I have to say it makes me panic about Elvis and Teresa they only have each other. I think Teresa would do ok but Elvis? So because of that we are considering a few things... One trying to bond the two groups. Worse case seperating Teresa and trying to add Elvis to the boys. That may sound bad but I know Teresa is fine on her own. Honestly I think she is better on her own. My concern is Elvis and how needy he is.

I got the call about Dallas' ashes. Not ready but by the end of the week I will bring them home. Minda has offered and will be making something to hold his ashes. We feel so lucky that he will have something made just for him. It is the best we could hope for.

Harliis doing awesome. Has eatten some and has pooped and peed so we are very happy. She is bringing a lot of smiles to my face. So calm, I am so in love.
Ok so weighed the geckos... Jax the leopard gecko weighs 74grams... Isa the leopard gecko weighs 47grams..Harli the AFT weighs 6grams...Madison and Sage the viper geckos weigh....3grams together...
I am going to post this in my blog because I know it won't be seen as much.

I think sometimes people think to much of themselves or to much of what this forum should be to them. What it was or is. Simple fact is that this forum started with the purpose of helping rabbits. Now it has evolved into so much more. We have been able to help lots of bunnies but also people. This forum like everything in life is always changing. Do I miss some of what has changed? Yes I am struggling like never before and sadly very little support. Not everyone is comfortable going somewhere else to post certain things. I know I wouldn't post some of what I posted here anyone else.

My life is more than just my rabbits. More than just my dog. More than just my lizards. More than just this forum. It is a lot of things make up the whole of my life. I choose to share it here. Same with others their lives are so much more than just rabbits. They feel like this is a place where they can share it all. That is what I want this forum to be.

I love hearing about ALL pets, ALL parts of peoples lives. To hear the good and the bad. To be supportive, to be a sounding block.

Now I have been on this forum for several years and I have seen many changes. Many comings and goings. I have seen what people complain goes on now, not happening before. It did it was just hidden trust me I know first hand. You sometimes don't see all of what is going on. There is more than one side to things. Things ALWAYS go on. No one is ALWAYS happy. No one agrees ALL the time. That is just life. Why does anyone have to fit to someone else standards? I won't lie I am not perfect have made mistakes. Some that hurt people most of which I have been able to work through.

A big thing is we need to know when it is best to just avoid topics that we feel to passionately about. It isn't easy when we feel so strongly which is why it is best to just avoid them. I am one that has said to myself and other mods and friends "I am walking away, I can't deal with this." I just don't bother commenting at all because I know I can not be nice about it. I try to keep two things in mind as a moderator and as a member... 1) The golden rule... "Treat others as you would want to be treated." I know it isn't always easy but it is something we should apply to all aspects of our lives. 2) The definition of a moderator... 1. One that moderates, as:
a. One that arbitrates or mediates.
b. One who presides over a meeting, forum, or debate.

Don't be afraid to jump into a discussion and say your peace but be respectful. If you know you can't than don't jump in. There is also time to share your opinion and a time not to. I think sometimes people use "I don't mean to offend" or "Don't get mad" or something along those lines that is like waving a red flag in front of a bull. We have a right to our opinion and as Peg says.. "We all have feet just some of them stink." (or something to that effect.) Doesn't mean we can't share them just that we aren't always right. Its ok to voice your anger to a friend or a mod in PM. Or even just taking a break without making a huge deal. I do it often, I will mention in my blog just to give a heads up.

Now another thing that is really bothering me is the comments about the forum. It feels like a slap in the face when people sit there and say what they say. We try so hard to keep this forum running. Most times the ones talking are doing nothing to improve the forum. They aren't trying to keep things that they enjoy alive. It is kind of like don't complain about who is in office if you can not bother to vote. Well sort of kind of what I mean is if you don't want to help continue the good things than why bother complain. You like the contest? Than ask Minda if you can help her. You like the chat topics? Than come to me and see if I need help. Like the blogs than encourage people to keep them. Like bunny pictures? Than post some and encourage others to post them. ETC!

You are allowed to have a life! Real life always comes first!

In the end have confidence in yourself that YOU are doing the best YOU can for YOUR bunnies. Don't doubt yourself and never be afraid to ask for help. Don't put others down because they don't do it your way. You don't have to have the answer to everything. Your way is not the only way. We are not the bunny police, we are not the grammar or spelling police or even the stupid police. We are here to help ALL bunnies (sometimes other animals and humans) no matter the circumstances. We are working at making this forum a learning tool for all bunny owners and possibly even a tool to use to find new and int resting ways to better the lives of an animal we all hold dear.

Hi Ali,

How are you doing today? You seem to be doing great with the geckos/reptiles (can't keep up with that you have lol). WowHarli looks great. :)