Alicia and the Zoo Crew 2010

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So glad to hear that Izzy continues to thrive in your care! I am generally pleased with my placements, but you've definitely exceeded my expectations :) Great work.
JadeIcing wrote:
Busy busy busy won't be around much.

Don't blame ya.... things are busy here also, and my critter-care load is no where near as heavy as yours.

Just keep us posted once in a while how the kids are doing, especially Apple. :inlove:
Posted this on a reptile site and thought I would share.

I am slowly building my reptile collection but I think I played it smart in the sense that I learned a lot in 6 years owning my BTS and 5 years with my first leo to know this is what I want. The fact that I went from 2 to 5 in a few months to a few of my families and friends is bothering them. All I added was another leo, and two vipers.

Now I also have had rabbits for 5years. They are all spayed and neutered well minus one who can't due to health reasons. I find homes for all the rescue ones. My personal rabbits have all lost their previous homes for one reason or another. Currently we have 10, 8personal rabbits, a sanctuary one and a foster. They are all litter box trained etc.

Between my husband and I we spot clean litter boxes one time a week and do a full clean once a week. I do a spot clean once a week and a full clean every other week on the tanks. I feed reptiles every other day, bunnies we feed 8pm every night, and toss hay in as needed.

We know we can handle this, I know I can handle two more reptiles. I will keep it to something I know to care for another leo and an aft. More than we have now? No. We do plan on letting our rabbit numbers become half of what it is now and increasing reptile numbers.

Anyone else looks at us and it is like oh god hoarders. We each have our own limits it is knowing them and sticking to them that sets us apart. As pet owners and not breeders people tend to be even more suspious. They might get a breeder having more but not a pet owner.
I'm happy you are building your reptile collection because I know you are very passionate about them. Like you, I have a love for rabbits and reptiles (Geckos more than anything). I'm super excited to be attending the Sacramento Reptile show this weekend; one of the largest attended reptile shows in the country. Last year I came home with Taji, my crestie. ;)

The difference between a hoarder and someone that shares their home with more critters than the average person is the feeling of being overwhelmed. Hoarders can not financially, physically or emotionally care for all the animals they have. There is almost always a breeding problem and extremely unsanitary conditions. Hoarding is also a mental illness, they live in their own world, not seeing the neglect they show their animals and themselves. Remind this to people that dare stick you with such a serious label.

I agree with Erika. If you know your limits in the number you are capable of caring for and financial limits, why should it be a problem to others?

I am going crazy having only four rabbits (three of my own and one foster). I felt a little overwhelmed at six, but I developed a routine. I am really looking forward to bonding my Ellie with a bachelor, and if fate has it, bonding another trio. Yes, I could be up to six rabbits again, but I've been there and know that is my limit. I just won't be able to foster anymore... :(

You know what you're doing Ali and your husband actively helps with critter-care. That makes all of the difference in the world. :biggrin2:

Without a doubt!!! I would say that bonded buns take so much pressure off, mostly during play-time, or free-roam time. I hate limiting time they have out of cages trying to run singles. Being bonded, the buns have each other for companionship and grooming. I would adopt bonded pairs, trios, orquads any day over a single bun.

It just happened that Ellie was supposed to have been my foster, but I knew in my heart that she was mine. Now, she desperately needs a hus-bun because my arm is getting tired from petting/grooming her so much. She is so sweet, and been through so much in her life to not have anything in the world to make her happy. (Little stinker has her head under my foot waiting for love while I type this.... :p)