Alicia and the Zoo Crew 2010

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Harli seems good. The vet said if she didn't know she wasn't eatting she would say just a little under weight but not at a danger. We are thinking it may be a heating issue. I'll post more when I get home.
Thank you it means a lot to know people are supporting me.

Ok so we are going to be syringing her food... Don't ask... Kind of gross. Though we also have stuff to help. Like critical care but for reptiles. Actually by Oxbow. I did manage to get some food in her... She is back at 7grams.

Isa is still at 48 and Jax at 76.
So it sounds like you just need to stimulate her appetite a bit by feeding her. I hope she bounces back to normal eating for you before the weekend. Do you have to adjust anything else for her? Is it just because she is a baby? Like her body hasn't regulated itself yet?
Well the more I talk to breeders it seems typical for them to be slow/ picky eaters. Add in temp not regulating correctly screws with things. It could take a bit but not at a critical state. Me bringing her early and getting a stronger plan of handling it helps a lot.

She is also doing a search to find more info on them because she hasn't seen many. I asked if she would mind researching vipers because of how hard to find they are and she said no problem. That way they will keep it all in our files.
What are you feeding her Ali??

I've switched my crew over to roaches and the change in them is AMAZING, their appetites are through the roof and Monkey refuses everythign else now.

Do you have a thermostat or a rheostat controlling your UTH? Also what are you measuring your temps with??

Do you have a moist hide in with her??

Sending lots of prayers and positive vibes her/your way, hope she starts gaining and eating for you ;)
She is getting crickets and mealworms. (Others also get superworms) AFTs are known for being VERY picky eaters.

No I don't we take a daily temp. (Though we are leaving it in with her for now.)

Yes she does. Need to get nicer ones.

Thank you.
Monkey is a picky eater as well, the breeder was feeding her crix and mealies when I forst got her and she was she's nice and fat.

I bought her mealies as a treat and she won't even look at them, she won't even eat butter worms.

Mealies have such a hard chitin that they really shouldn't be used as a staple, there's barely any nutritionaly value when feeding them, hey should be used as a crunchy treat basically.

Are you checking your temps with a digital thermomter with a probe?

I would really look into getting a thermostat or a rheostat, the fluctuating temps are not good and UTH's have been known to rocket sky high for no reason and cook lizards and snakes....

Also you said her temp gets as high as 93, it really shouldn't get over 90, anything over 90 can be dangerous.

Just trying to help, hope I'm not coming across as a know it all but this is something I've been very anal about (my UTH's, thermostats and temps)I've heard so many horror stories and generally when a lizard isn't doing well or has a loss of appetite it has to do with the environment.
Well AFTs should be higher than Leos. Also the whole temp thing is very big debate I am seeing. Going to be posting about it on the gecko forum and see what they say. It is insane the debate on thermostats. Going to talk to some people about that over there as well.

The only tank we are having an issue is with hers all the others are doing fine. Even the itty bitty vipers. :/
Do you know what the breeder was feeding her? Sometimes if they're picky, they only want to eat what they're use to eating. If the breeder was feeding something different than you are, I would try offering the foods the breeder fed, just to see if she's holding out for a food she's more used too.

If that's not the case, then hopefully the force feeding helps. I had to force feed one of my leo's, because she just refused to eat well for me for awhile despite getting a clean bill of health. After force feeding for awhile, she started to gain weight and then she finally started eating well on her own, and has been ever since.
Debate on thermostats?? I have NEVER seen that in my life, sometimes they fight over what kind of thermostats but never about using one.

First thing anybody will tell you is you need a thermostat, rheostat or atleast a dimmer to be able to control your temps.

Gecko's unlimited is a good forum.