Abused bun needs to come from San Jose CA to NJ

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I live in Ca but I live in the southern part soI am not sure how much help I can be. it might be helpful tomap out a transport "schedule" so that ppl can see what "legs"you need filled.


Where do you live in CA. I live in Livermore, which is 40 minnorth of San Jose. I can probably drive to Fresno or evenBakersfield to get the bunny to you if needed. I have notheard back from dootsmom to see how far she has gotten in transportplans.

Sharon in CA
flopsysmom wrote:

Where do you live in CA. I live in Livermore, which is 40 minnorth of San Jose. I can probably drive to Fresno or evenBakersfield to get the bunny to you if needed. I have notheard back from dootsmom to see how far she has gotten in transportplans.

Sharon in CA
I live in Orange County (10 minutes from Disneyland,1 hourfrom LA) soIam much further south thanyou. I am not sure what the transport will require from CA toNJ but I have a feeling going from northern CA to southern CA willprobably not be the route that the transport will take huh?


Thats why I suggested someone plotting out the transport legs and that might be easier to figure out how to fill the "legs".

Okay......the "Bunderground" has offered to fly"lucky" to me. This transport has had all of our heads"reeling"!!! The Rescue says one thing, the fosterer saysanother. Anyway, what needs to be done is to get "Lucky" outof that "RESCUE/foster" situation, ASAP!!! The "Bunderground"will never again help them!! Long story!!! "Lucky"needs to go from the San Jose area to Los Angeles. Anyone upfor a long drive? ;)

Thanks, Charlotte
i let seniorcats know when she cross posted thisthatmy husbandand ican help a little bit.Were in Fresno, can probably go about anhour or 2 out oftown( 1 hr north, 1 hour south? or 2 hours south...?). I wishwe could help some more but we have an old truck and very limitedmoneyATM :?

So maybe Flopsysmom~> us~> Bunnyslave???

would that work?
Oh gosh, I thought the transport was arrangedand didn't realize a drive was also necessary. Howdy Aloha420-I'm glad you were able to make it to RO and thanks foroffering your help. I think bunnyslave and nose-twitch areboth in the LA area so perhaps the driving part can becovered.

Good luck Charlotte.
We're pretty much on our "last leg".Lucky is being driven to Monerey, then to Yosemite, then to LA, then tohere...kind of taking the "scenic" route!!! Thank you all,for your kind offers to help. Hopefully, she'll be here soon.
I'm glad you found a way to get her.If things fall through with the driving, I can still get the bunny fromSan Jose and get her to Fresno. Looks like we have volunteersthat can take the "non-senic" route if needed. It's great tosee all of the people who will help to save the life of one bunny.

Sharon, Is it still possible for you to bring her to Monterey? Now, the fosterer is
hemming & hawing....again. Both she & theShelter that she works with have given us a hard time, from thebeginning! The rabbit is going to the Vets on Fridayafternoon for
its Health Certificate so that it can fly here. The Flightisn't until the 13th of February but, both myself and everyone that isinvolved with the Bunderground RR feel that the sooner we get her outof where she is, the better. They are going to care for heruntil the flight. Thanks, I appreciate anything you can do tohelp. Charlotte

973-398-4294, charlotte@xanthus.net
She has finally come home!! SinceJanuary 10th (when I first heard of her), her wounds have healed andshe has been spayed. Everyone that has been in contact withher has fallen in love with her!! She is a real"sweetheart"!!! So many people were involved with hertransport. It began on the 28th of January, with Flopsysmompicking up the first "leg"form San Jose, and ended last night, whenNorah (with the Bunderground) flew her into Philadelphia, PA. (no cargoflight for this girl...she flew first class!!). Another 102mile drive and we finally got her home. My thanks toall.


We've been wondering!!

:bouquet:to all who helped!

RO Staff


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