Well-Known Member
I live in Ca but I live in the southern part soI am not sure how much help I can be. it might be helpful tomap out a transport "schedule" so that ppl can see what "legs"you need filled.
I live in Orange County (10 minutes from Disneyland,1 hourfrom LA) soIam much further south thanyou. I am not sure what the transport will require from CA toNJ but I have a feeling going from northern CA to southern CA willprobably not be the route that the transport will take huh?Bunnyslave-
Where do you live in CA. I live in Livermore, which is 40 minnorth of San Jose. I can probably drive to Fresno or evenBakersfield to get the bunny to you if needed. I have notheard back from dootsmom to see how far she has gotten in transportplans.
Sharon in CA
ah so awesome! What a great valentine's day gift huh?Thank you, everyone, for your offers to help this little girl get to me.
She'll be flying here on Feb 13th. I'll keep you posted!