A worried mum

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This was the first thing I checked this morning and I am soooooooooo relieved to hear what the doctor said.

I'm so sorry about everything you went through, hopefully this is something totally unrelated and just the infection like the doc said.
Cheryl, I am so so glad that you got some good news.:hug:Cancer is such a terrible disease for anyone to go through, but I can't imagine going through it so young.:(

Continued thoughts and prayers for you and Anthony.:pray:
Cheryl, I'm so happy and relieved! Great news for Anthony and you! I can very well understand what your son and you went through during the time of his treatment, since both my parents have been battling with cancer for the past 4 years. May God always protect your son and keep him safe and healthy.

Thanks heaps everyone :)

I just hope there are no more scares now....i was so so worried...poor Anthony though...i think if anything did happen i know he would be angry...he would deal with it but i just know how much it would affect himnow.

A couple months ago we were watching Today Tonight which is like a current affair show and there was this part where this 17 year old boy was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma and the boy was working at the time...when his boss found out the news...he sacked the boy.....that's not fair though!....Anthony has a job and i think he was scared to lose it because he loves working.

Anyway i'm just glad that he is ok :)
Thanks Crystal...i appreciate that :)

Thanks for asking about Anthony Bo :)

We went back to the doctors yesterday and he looked at it...the infection has built up all around the bottom of his ear...but it's no better...that's weird because i thought the tablets that he's taking would clear it up but instead has pushed the infection all together...if that makes sense :?...if there is no improvement by monday then the doctor said that he will have to slice it open a bit to drain it.

I have never come across anything like this before....i'll see if he will let me take a picture so you all can see what i mean...his ear is kinda sticking out now because of the lump.

Anthony keeps saying..'what if the doctor has made a mistake'

I hate this...i really really do...especially because Anthony has had cancer before.

Well, it sounds as though the doctor is pretty confident that this is an infection. Knowing Anthony's background, I would assume that if there were any question whatsoever, they would be taking a biopsy right away.

I continue to send you my best wishes (and Sparky and Scooter's too!) for Anthony to be 100% better soon.

I'm really glad that it's hopefully not as serious as you feared it might be.

I just hope that the infection, whatever it is, clears up soon for him! You'll continue to be in my thoughts

:hug:Jen xx
Maybe they do need to drain the infection and get a look under the microscope. It may require a different antibiotic - perhaps something specific to that bacteria.
Thankyou for the well wishes for Anthony guys...it's much appreciated :)

Patti..that's what i said to Anthony....i knowdoctors can usually tell by the location and the feel of lumps what they usually are...i think we both just panicked in the beginning that's all.

The doctor also gave him some more tablets to take which are Amoxycillin and Clavulanic acid....i know what Amoxycillin is but again i have not heard of Clavulanic acid...he has to take those twice a day...oh my gosh they are big white tablets...so i hope these tablets willhelp him

Thanks again everyone :)

Those pills are something they are using with antibiotics to help with drug resistant bacteria now. Somehow it affects the infection to make the antibiotics actually work - or that's the idea. The doc is probably thinking he's got a strong infection so he's going to be agressive in going after it. That's good.

cheryl wrote:
The doctor also gave him some more tablets to take which are Amoxycillin and Clavulanic acid....i know what Amoxycillin is but again i have not heard of Clavulanic acid...he has to take those twice a day...oh my gosh they are big white tablets...so i hope these tablets willhelp him

Thanks again everyone :)

cheryl wrote:
Thankyou for the well wishes for Anthony guys...it's much appreciated :)

Patti..that's what i said to Anthony....i knowdoctors can usually tell by the location and the feel of lumps what they usually are...i think we both just panicked in the beginning that's all.

The doctor also gave him some more tablets to take which are Amoxycillin and Clavulanic acid....i know what Amoxycillin is but again i have not heard of Clavulanic acid...he has to take those twice a day...oh my gosh they are big white tablets...so i hope these tablets willhelp him

Thanks again everyone :)


That combination, amoxicillin and clauvanic acid is called Augmentin in the US. Veterinarians dispense the same meds but call it Clavamox. It's much better than amoxi alnoe. It targets certain types of bacteria especially those causing pneumonis, respiratory problems, dentalinfections (for animals) and skin infections. Make sure Anthony eats a decent amount before taking it as it can really cause tummy upset on an empty tummy. I believe it's usually prescribed for 10 days and sometimes extended to 14 days.

http://www.aafp.org/afp/20020701/119.html some info

When we were working on cleaning up the bunny hoarders house (250+ rabbits running loose), 3 of us got impetigo insoite of the gloves and face masks. It proved really stubborn and we all had to take 2 course of Augmentin to get rid of it. Sometimes it takes a while for the results to show. I hope both of you aredoing ok.
With the tabletsAnthony was firsttaking i thought there would have been some improvement by now but the lump is still there....i'm finding this just weird and have never experienced an infection like this before....hehe when he opened the new tablets and saw how big they were he jokingly said "ekkk! i'm not an elephant" lol.

Bo B and Seniorcats thankyou for those explainations....the doc just told us that he will prescribe another medication...and yep there is only 10 tablets in the packet,and yes these one's must be taken on a full stomache as well.

Anthony has to go back on Monday to get a needle put into the lump and he will send some of the stuff away to get it tested...he's really not looking forward to that..but it has to be done....i just can't see why the doc couldn't have done that on friday at his appoitment:?

Anyway thanks again for the continued well wishes everyone...it's really very much appreciated :)
I hope all goes well on Monday. I'm sorry you are going through this.

Hang in there, at least after Monday you can be more sure that the doctor is right.
