A worried mum

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cheryl wrote:
Anthony has to go back on Monday to get a needle put into the lump and he will send some of the stuff away to get it tested...he's really not looking forward to that..but it has to be done....i just can't see why the doc couldn't have done that on friday at his appoitment:?

So they charge you for another office visit!

I hope all goes well and Anthony is better soon.:hug:
I've been through three of those needle biopsys on my neck in the past; if Anthony's never had it done before, let him know it's not bad. Just a bit of a sting and a some pressure, but nothing painful to speak of, and it doesn't take long (it's more the thought of it that's frightening than anything else). Sounds like the doctor is trying to determine exactly what kind of infection they're dealing with so they can treat it with the right meds.

Still...poor guy! All of that can be so nervewracking. Let Anthony know that he's got a lot of crazy bunny people rooting for him to get better soon! :hug:
Cheryl, sometimes when infection sets in like that, it can take awhile for the lump to go down. If it's not getting bigger that's good!

Keep us posted on how he's doing. Poor kid! I know he's probably miserable with that!

I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. I hope that your son doesn't have cancer again. That would just be horrible.:pray:
Still thinking of you guys, Cheryl. I hope it's nothing major and heals up very soon. I hope you have decent news tomorrow after the appointment:pray:.

Anthony sure sounds like a trooper joking about the pills, haha.
Thankyou all so so much :hug:

Wellwe went to the doctors today....the doctor ended up having to cut the lump and drain it....he took a sample to send away just to check out the infection...he then soaked a bit of a cotton thing...kinda like a tiny bit ofbandage or something...in betadine and put that inside the cut he had made....he did that to make sure it keeps clean inside and to make sure no bacteria can get inside and then he put a bandage over the lump...Anthony is kinda embarrased to be walking around with it on himbut he has no choice at the moment...it has to stay on until he goes back to the doctor again in a couple of days.

The whole thing was weird to me because the lump first started around in the middle of his neck and when he started taking the first lot of tablets it pushed the infection all together up just below his ear....the doctor isn't really sure what the lump is caused from either....i really want to know what the results come back as....i'm just very curious.

Bassetluv...before Anthony was diagnosed with cancer...the doctors told him that they would have to take a biopsy of the lump by sticking a needle into the lump...oh my goodness he bawled like a baby...he was so scared.....but instead he was admitted straight into hospital and they put him under and took a biopsy of his lump by cutting his neck open..i remember that day so clear....everything was all so scarey back then...i was allowed into the room until he went to sleep...i was scared for him and as soon as his eyes shut...i broke down and bolted out of that room still in my gown and everything..the nurse had to come running after me....it was awful....i had never been so scared in my life.

I'm thankful that this lump did not turn out to be cancer but just some kind of bad infection....we were both a bit worried in the beginning....just a lot of bad memories came flooding back.

I hate lumps..i really really do

Again thankyou for the continued well wishes...it means the world to me

Will let you all know what happens next
A couple of Anthony's mates came around tonight and took him out to tea....he has some really good friends who stuck by him when he first had cancer.....they were happy to hear the results...and just wanted to do something nice for him :)

Everyone was very worried in the beginning

Everyone is justvery happy :)


STILL praying for you and Anthony! (My dad had one of those antibiotic-resistant infections... took a while to clear up.) Sending all the positive vibes your way. :hug:

I think he is incredibly brave.
Bassetluv...before Anthony was diagnosed with cancer...the doctors told him that they would have to take a biopsy of the lump by sticking a needle into the lump...oh my goodness he bawled like a baby...he was so scared.....but instead he was admitted straight into hospital and they put him under and took a biopsy of his lump by cutting his neck open..i remember that day so clear....everything was all so scarey back then...i was allowed into the room until he went to sleep...i was scared for him and as soon as his eyes shut...i broke down and bolted out of that room still in my gown and everything..the nurse had to come running after me....it was awful....i had never been so scared in my life.
My son - other than having to go through a couple of minor operations - has been pretty healthy throughout his life (knock on wood!). The first time he had to have surgery he was four years old, and - as he so proudly put it when his daycare teacher later asked what type of surgery he had - it was on his 'popsicles'. :biggrin2:I recall taking him up to the floor where the OR was, and a nurse came out, literally grabbed him from my arms with no explanation, and then just whisked him away into the operating room before I had a chance to say a word. He was pretty scared going up to the OR, and I had planned on sitting with him for a few moments to help ease his fears, but when this happened it completely surprised me and terrified him. The look on his face, and the tears flowing...his arms outstretched and him calling "Mom!!! Mom!!" just tore me to pieces (even writing it down now and recalling it has caused me to hold back tears, all these years later). (He later told me that when he woke up from the anesthetic he was crying and asking for me, and a nurse walked up to him and told him to stop crying, because he wasn'ta baby...grrrr.) Anyway, this was for just a minor surgery, in and out the same day, and I was an emotional wreck.

So I can just imagine the emotions you have been through, Cheryl, years ago when Anthony went through all that he did...and the scare you had this time as well. You must be one very strong lady! :hug: I'll be so gladto read whenthis infection Anthony hasis cleared up and he's once again feeling better...:)

I'm glad Anthony is feeling better (and you too!). I know it's an Australian thing....but, it sounds funny having a group of teenagers going out for "tea", lol.
Thankyou BlueGiants....I myself have never come across an infection like this before,first time with Anthony...that's why i was gettingmore worried because the lump wasn't going down with the antibiotics he was taking.

Bassetluv...I could just imagine how scared your son was at the age of four...and what the nurse said about him being a baby...well isn't a four year old still a baby though?..an operation at that age would be scarey for any child..poor little thing.

Patti...hehe..i never realized that thing about 'tea' before....that made me giggle

Anthony has some great mates....i have known them since primary school....they love to give me a hard time lol...in a way when they are around here they are just like my children as well...I'm glad though that they are a sensible bunch who at times can be ratbags though...When Anthony had cancer and he was going through chemo and when he couldn't go to school...his mates would always come around on their lunch break to spend time with him...i think that helped him a lot to....they have been there through the good times and the bad.

They also went to the movies that night...and their tea was Macca's (McDonalds)

It was just nice of them to show their support....sometimes it's hard to find good friends like that.

So once again thankyou everyone,i just cannot describe the relief i am feeling:)

Lol Tracey....i know it's just weird

Well we got the results of the kind of infection Anthony had...i don't know how to pronounce it though,i think it starts with an S...he has to go back probably one last time tomorrow which will be Saturday,so i can get the name of it then.....It was what caused the abcess....Anthony still has to keep the little wound that the doctor made open so it can clear up properly...so he has to still have a piece of bandage inside the cut which had been soaked in betadine....he wasn't a very happy chap because he just wants the bandage of because he has an image to keep up lol (boys...i tell ya) *shakes head*.

Ohh i forgot to say.....I told Anthony that everyone wished him well...and he says "ahhhhh mum" lol



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