I LuV MaH BuNs wrote:
Thats not very nice! I mean rules are rules but you dun tellan 18 year old that u are gunna have him arrested for HANGING OUT withur daughter. Im 17 and my boyfriend is 21. We've been together since Iwas 15... I would be mortified if my parents ever told him they wouldput him in jail
RaspberrySwirl wrote:
When one of my daughters wanted todate but wasn't old enough, she wasn't 16 yet and those were my rules,she wanted to see a boy who was 18. I found out he was walking her toher car at school, meeting her after the game at the local burgershack, calling her after school....innocent enough, but enough for themto think they might be pulling something over on me. So, I gathered alittle more info, CIA style, then invited him over.
?I ask him ifhe was still interested in my daughter. After the question and answersession, I told them the details of what I knew, they were floored andof course wanted to know how I knew. ?I told him if he wanted to see mydaughter and wanted to abide by my rules he could see her. In my home.With me. :dude:?I also told him that if he broke my rules, broke mytrust or broke her heart I'd have him arrested. He was 18 she was under16. She was mortified. He held his ground. Then I told him that beingarrested would be the best he could hope for because at leastChief?would be able to protect him from methen!??
?It all turned out fine.??They spent time here bakingbrownies, watching movies, doing homework, etc. and they are stillfriends two years later.??
Dear Danielle,
With all due respect, until you have children, especially teenagers ofyour own, I would hold back your judgements of the way Raspberry Swirlhandles her family.
Her kids are highly successful, they're polite, well-spoken,well-rounded, loving, kind individuals...each one of them. They alllove their mother and have great respect for her. I've spoken to eachone of her children personally and all I can say is that I wishRaspberry Swirl had 100 more because we need more people in the worldlike the ones she's raising.
I think Raspberry was extremely giving in this situation. She said it'sokay for him to see her, but it had to be on her terms. Rightfully So!!My parents would never have been that lenient, and I'm not sure Iwould've either.
In saying what she did, she's letting the boy know that she won't standfor a liar and a sneak. Afterall, if he lies and sneaks around withRaspberry, what does that say about the kind of person he is, and howhe'll treat her daughter? If he's really into her daughter, he'll abideby her parents rules and do what he has to do in order to spend timewith her.
Many teenagers attitudes at that point look at it like, 'you do whatyou have to do to get what you want.' Raspberry won't stand for thatwith her own kids and I wholeheartedly agree that she has the right toset limits on her kids' friends and boyfriends and girlfriends.Although it was a long time ago, I can remember being that age like itwas yesterday.
Sometimes it takes tough talk and even action to get through to some.Her daughter is still under age and in my opinion Raspberry Swirl hadevery right to nip it in the bud - just in case the guy got any ideasabout how he could skirt her authority.
It's easy to say that you'd handle a situation the way you'd
like to think you'd behave, but until you're in the situation,one really doesn't know how they'll act.
When you get older, the things that mortified you as a teenager thatyour parents did or said, you see them in a new light and, more timesthan not, you're extremely grateful to them.
Hats off to Raspberry Swirl's parenting skills. I shiver to think abouthow I'll feel about the boys my niece dates when she's old enough andall the issues that kids are facing in this very face-paced world. I'msure I'll make Raspberry look soft.