20 facts about yourself

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Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2007
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Auckland, , New Zealand
saw this on another website and thought it looked fun :)

okay, 20 facts about me:

1) i've never broken a bone but i have swallowed rat poison and been run over by a car (that my dad was driving!)

2) my dad and i have this game we play. we will be driving somewhere and one of us will suddenly scream really loudly at the top of our lungs to scare the @#%! out ofthe other person. sometimes other drivers hear us and look at us like we're insane. i love my dad, he's so fun :)

3) when i was 16, my boyfriend at the time wrote this poem for me: "roses are red, kelly's eyes are green, and when i'm sick, so is my poo." it was the coolest poem i ever got :)

4) i love sarcastic people, ie, janeane garofalo in romy and michelle's high school reunion, lizzy caplan in mean girls, thora birch in ghost world. they make me laugh :)

5) i don't drink, i don't smoke, and i don't do drugs. i used to smoke but then i realised it really munts your body.

6) i like to read a few paragraphs from the bible each night. it's soul food.

7) i've shaved my head several times (before britney spears did it!). it was totally liberating and refreshing.

8) my favourite coffee is a trim mocha or a trim caramel latte

9) i'm the youngest of my siblings, which explains why i'm the rebel of the family.

10) i have been known to eat my dinner while IN the shower. i am very skilled at not getting my food wet.

11) i used to squirt shaving foam around my mouth and bite people's legs for fun. i told them i had rabies.

12) i was a model/actress for 10 years and did various tv shows, movies, tv ads, magazines, catwalks, etc. it was great money but extremely hard work.

13) i once identified a rapist who attacked an elderlywoman in my neighbourhood from a police sketch and he was sent to prison.

14) my favourite lipstick shade of blood red

15) my pet hates are social injustice and cruelty to animals

16) i think farting is hilarious

17) the sound of a heart beat really grosses me out and gives me the shudders.

18) i used to live in an apartment with my boyfriend and our friends lived in the adjoining apartment. one day my cat moo got locked in their apartment, so my boyfriend crawled through the ceiling and down into theirapartment to get my cat for me. when he was in the roof, he discovered the previous tennants had grown some special plants in the ceiling :biggrin2:

19) i want to buy a VW Beetle because they look like giant rabbits :)

20) when i was young and i had friends stay the night, i would set my tv timer to automatically switch the tv off at a certian time, then i would talk my friends into doing a seance to contact dead spirits. i would ask the spirits to give us a sign of their presence, and when the tv would switch itself off, my friends would totally crap themselves. i LOVE harmless pranks :)

If you like the VW Beetle. Then you should get a VW Rabbit! My brother in law just bought a brand new one. Such a cute car (he doesn't like me saying that) and it even has a little chrome rabbit thing on the trunk. I want one!!


P.S. I'll have to think of my 20
1) I've never broken a bone either but I have torn a tendon and sprained ankles and fingers from the stupidest activities. LOL

2)When I was a baby, I would scream if I weredirty. My mother said I drove her absolutely crazy. By the time I was 6, I was playing with worms and frogs.However, to this day, I am absolutely and completely grossed out by anything oily or greasy on my skin. If there is too much oil to my liking, even if it tastes good, I won't eat it.

3) I was an odd child. When I was 3, I would harass my parents to send me to school. They sent me to a playgroup instead thinking it was a phase. It wasn't. They had me tested and I started school at the age of 4 just because it's what I wanted.

4) When I started school, I didn't speak nor understand Englishmuch at all (and I was in an english school). In 3rd grade, I got the diploma for having the best marks in English. I was so proud!

5) I don't smoke. I never even tried one. I do drink but never have been tipsy. Never been anywhere near drugs although I have 11 prescribed on a regular basis :?

6) I used to read the dictionary and enjoyed it very much. I've also read manuals just for fun.

7) I've never been taught to pluck my eyebrows, shave, etc. It was sorta late when I figured out I had a bit too much hair on me :(And I can give a grizzly bear a run for his money :? (I now shave everything, arms included :p)

8) I love love love coffee and tea but unfortunately I am no longer allowed any. :(

9) I am the oldest in my family which explains why my siblings have it better. :p

10) I can't stand most types of cheese. I'll only eat something considered very mild.

11) No matter where I am, if there are kids around, you will find me with the kids.

12) I met my fiance online. He lied to me for over a year, and stood me up multiple times. :pI was determined to find out the truth.

13) I was sexually assaulted by fought him off and identified him and got his pathetic butt locked up. He apologized to me and asked for help with his drug addiction.

14) I have no clue how to put make up on even though I am interested in it. Lol.

15) I am very passionate about things I find morally wrong. Such as having a remedy for cancer but not producing it because of the costs or giving yourdog 12 millioninstead of giving it to an orphange or children's hospital etc. :grumpy:Nothing wrong with having your pet taken care of but i have limits!

16) I most most usually can't stand hanging out with girls though I do it because I am one.

17) I walk barefoot in the winter, and cuddle in my comforter in the summer. In fact, I never sleep without my comforter.

18) At 16, I had a job and was in college. At 17, I dropped college and had 2 jobs. I kept one of them for 4 years. At 20, I got engaged,got my appartment, and had 3 jobs for a few weeks. (I would have kept it for longer but I didn't like the owner). It's nothing spectacular but I am considered a rarity for my generation :p

19) I'm totally grossed out and freaked out over earwigs though I can play with spiders, snakes, reptiles, and most other insects.

20) I would be good at many things in life but I have only ever felt the true calling for becoming a mom. It has made numerous teachers and professors very frustrated :p

#13 - good on you!!!

#6 you have a thirst for knowledge. if only more people were like that :)

#8 you can't have coffee?! that would be my nightmare lol how come you can't have coffee?
Here are mine:

1. I, too, have never broken a bone, but I suspect fractured one of my elbows a few months ago (still aches, and hurts VERY badly when something more than touches it).

2. I am VERY stubborn about going to the doctor...I simply refuse to go. Hence #1. I have several health issues that should be checked out, but I'd rather suffer from their effects than go see a dr.

3. I am 27, but have felt (and looked forward to being) 30 for at least ten years. Enough so that I find that I have to pause and think about how old I am when someone asks.

4. I've moved over twenty-five times. My parents are divorced, and I lived with my dad (who is in the Air Force) until I was ten. Then I moved in with my mom, who had an affair on my stepdad when I was in the seventh grade...and I spent that entire school year moving literally 13 times, following my mom between my stepdad's house and the house she bought with her affair.

5. I hate California, and have lived here for 14 years.

6. I never really wanted more than one child. So, my seven-year-old daughter is it for me. As a result of only wanting one, I've wanted to get a historectomy since she was born...especially because she was almost 10lbs when she was born, and I don't wish to repeat all the difficulty I had in having her naturally (they didn't know she was so big).

7. I battle between glasses and contacts almost constantly. I love the freedom of contacts, but I have incredibly dry eyes, so even the most advanced types are very uncomfortable for me. :?

8. I can get extremely focused...enough so that I can be in a conversation with someone and COMPLETELY forget I was talking to them, just because I noticed something left unfinished. When I'm online, I'm usually talking to friends on MSN Messenger, doing things here on RO, checking my email, handling the many pictures I take on a regular basis, and trying to handle various business things...all at the same time. I feel bad for my Messenger buds, because there are times that I get so focused on something, I completely forget about talking to them...like right now...hehe!

9. I sleep with a stuffy every night. I have a stuffy named Ducky that I've had since I was 3 (so he's 21...get that boy a drink! hehe). I slept with him every night until I was an adult (and even sometimes after becoming an adult, I have to confess). Now I sleep with Herbie the pig...a stuffy that my husband bought me a few years ago. Poor Herbie is already slightly gray from love.

10. I LOVE office/school supplies. I can't go into Staples without spending about $100, and the moment I walk in, I take in a deep breath...savoring the aroma of the carbon copies, paper, pens, post-its, envelopes, notebooks....oh man...I gotta go to Staples!! :biggrin2:

Ah...same here...between severe heartburn and mitral-valve prolapse (heart condition), I've had to stop intaking caffeine. :grumpy:

MsBinky wrote:
I seem to have developped a problem with my heart :(So I am not allowed caffeine as it speeds it up even more...
MsBinky...I know what you mean about earwigs...I also have a HUGE problem with silverfish. I just cannot stand them...they make me gag, and almost vomit, when I see them. :yuck
1. loves horses (of course) hehe

2.Yeah I'm not kinda crazy but I LOVE dealing with the paranormal.

3.I never broken a bone. (Thank God but who knows that might come sooner or later...hopefully I won't fall off a horse. hehe) And hopefully I won't jynx it. :biggrin2:

4. I'm going to be a harness racing driver soon. *crosses fingers*

5. Umm lets see.... I'm a senior in high school. (YAY! and finally!)

6.My favorite tv shows are Ghost Hunters, Rescue Me(BIG TIME, I LOVE this show!),Wildfire,and Roseanne.

7.My favorite harness racerarePat's All Star and Henreta's Doll and Matties Gem.

8.My favorite harness racing trainer/driver...yup you guess it my boss Ray. hehe

9.Pretty soon I'm going to be getting a bf who finally loves horses. lol

10. I was soo embarassed how my mom was trying to pick up this guy for me at the fair because he dealt with horses. Because she wants me to get a boyfriend soo bad. lol

11.Last year I fallen off a horse really bad and my mom watched everything and she was soo shocked but goodthing I worn a helmet.

12.At my boss's farm we have more than 60+ horses and babies and I LOVE it! :)

13.I helped a mare deliver her foal. It was very rewarding to watch a horse give birth.

14.I've basically cut class and school all my 3 years of school and I'm willingly to do it again for Sr year. Ohh yeah! lol

15.My passion is wanting to be a jockey and harness racing driver.

16.I've never smoked nor drank. My friends say that I should, but who knows when the time is right. :)

17.Umm anything else yeah I think soo...when my mom's sister died my mom's sister came back as a spirit and it freaked her out. We moved out of the house now when I go back there I have a weird feeling in the house.

18.It takes me a while to trust people. I also have a hard time talking to people with my problems and basicly anything that I don't feel comfortable talking about.

19.I'm the only child.

20. Sometimes I wish I can have a few people who I can trust after what I dealt with over the past few years.

Well that is about it! :)
My twenty things.

1. I am the youngest child out of four.

2. I am also quite the 'momma's girl' :)

3. I will read pretty much anything I can get my hands on.

4. I have battled depression and bipolar disorder, and I'm quite proud to say that I am more stable than ever. :)

5. Having said that, I go to seminars and talk to others about my experience with depression and bipolar. I love that I can reach out to people and help.

6. I am pretty much an open book.

7. Writing is my life. I don't know what I would have done if I weren't able to express myself with poetry.

8. I love the performing arts. One day I hope to act on broadway, and perhaps write a play or two of my own.

9. I talk to my stuffed animals. They are the best listeners.

10. I have this weird obsession with pens... I get so excited about getting new ones.

11. I am freaked by the thought of college... that's why I haven't gone yet.

12. I love changing my appearance. I have gone through so many piercings and hair colors.

13. Harry Potter rocks my socks. I am so sad that J.K Rowling has ended the series.

14. My first word ever was 'birthday.'

15. I am absolutely terrified of heights. I get really tense when I have to walk by the tall buildings down town.

16. Sleeping is one of my favorite things to do.

17. Mashed Potatoes is my comfort food.

18.I also smell my food before I eat it.

19. I hate being alone; I need constant entertainment.

20. I think way too much, which causes me too worry about everything.

I'll try ten, I'm not very interesting.

1. Start with family I suppose, I'm the oldest of five children, 2 younger sisters who I don't get on with, 2 younger brothers, don't get on with one of them, get one with the other sometimes. They all think I'm weird and don't like me. I'm not close at all with my extended family.

2. I'm not a very confident person, actually I'm really really shy. I don't like talking to new people, don't talk on the phone if I can avoid it etc. I don't see why people would want to talk to me as I can never think of anything interesting to say.

3. I don't really like people, I'd much rather spend time in the company of animals, people are hurtful, sarcastic etc, animals are not. I like my own company and will sit for hours at a time by myself just thinking.

4. I want to be a dentist when I'm finished school.

5. I came first in my year academically for the last 3 years ofschool, some nice shiny trophies. But I'm really weird,I don't work particularly hard for exams and that, I just take things in really well. I like Science and Maths at school, hate English, History etc.

6. I'm constantly thinking of silly things that hurt your mind if you think about them too much, and I like to make my friends think about them too. Like, "What if there was nothing, just nothing, no world, no universe, nothing. You just think it would all be black but how can it be black, colours don't exist....."LOL!

7. I love tea (just plain old tea, none of that funny herbal stuff!) and drink about 4-5 cups a day, which is bad, especially considering the amount of sugar I take.....:?

8. I absolutely hate smoking, it's disgusting and I'd rather not associate with anyone who smokes at all.

9. I'm way too sensitive to smells which make me feel sick, like Vanilla, OMG if I smell it...I cannot go near where they have all the smelly candles in shops. Also, certain textured foods will be me sick, like Mashed Potatoes...OMG even the thought, or Custard...

10. I don't like children and don't want any EVER.


Your answers made me like you all the more! And, despite the fact that you only did half the number, you gave loads of information!

I, too, love your basic tea...with LOTS of sugar in it. I don't normally drink it during the summer, though...too hot.

And I, too, am extremely sensitive to smells, but mostly chemical type things like cleaners, perfume, etc. Natural smells don't bother me as much...unless they're strong/overpowering.

Alright, since im bored ill do this!

1) I have a growth behind my eye, well I used to. When I was 7 months the doctors told my parents I had a brain tumor (my mom said she was crying for three days straight!) But then they took a CT scan and found out it was just a growth, its now gone, but it makes my eye funny when I have a cold.

2) I have sway back, and because of that my hips are uneven, and then I walk duckfooted!!

3) I got exepted into a modeling deal, I was the top three out of 200 boys and girls all ages! But I decided not to do it haha

4) I have 2 older brothers.

5) Im very down to earth, and everyone says im an 'old soul'

6) My family is kinda againt religion, but im still on a quest for looking for one that calls for me. Out of anything, I think I like buddhism, or something along those lines :)

7) I am pro-choice, anti-war

8) I very highly dislake resident George Bush

9) No matter how much I weigh, you can always see my ribs sticking out. idk why haha, but it looks like I have four ****s!!

10) I giggle when im in pain

11) I get car sick

12) Just being in the airport makes me sick

13) Everyone says im smart in a different way, im not in any advanced classes at school, but I can hold a conversation pretty well.

14) Ive been playing violin for 4 years

15) I love to read. Rare for my age :cool:

16) Im obsessed with my kitty, Max. He is my 'heart cat'

17) Im very close to my mom, even though we sometimes fight

18) Im girly girl, I like to shop, but I would rather hang out with my bunnies than go hang out with friends

19) I have a very 'even' mind, I dont like odd numbers, and I like everything to be balanced.

20) Im very scared of drugs, alchohal and cigerettes. I actually have problems breathing when I think about them too much...


Silvie :dude:
Okay here I go let's see how far I get, I'm kinda boring

1. I'm 22 years old and a manager of a hair salon

2. I live by myself, although my boyfriend stays all the time

3. I have two sisters, one is a stepsister but she counts

4. My dad and stepmom have been married for more of my life than my parents were

5. I lived in Downtown Detroit for 6 monts on the 22nd floor of a highrise. It was an amazing experience.

6. I have been with my current boyfriend for 6 years on and off.

7. I volunteer at the rabbit rescue every monday morning

8. I'm terrified of clowns

9. I'm almost legally blind, but my contacts help me a lot

10. I smoke and I drink:DBUT I DO NOT DO DRUGS

Thats all I got folks, I'm too lame
hmm. . . lets see if i can come up with 20. . .

  1. i can't stand to eat banana's . . . i can't physically take a bite of one without getting sick
  2. i also don't eat with metal silverware unless i HAVE to. . .
  3. i am one of the middle children(younger middle) out of 4. . . i have 2 older sisters, and 1 younger brother
  4. i own a plant named rupert
  5. at the tender age of 5 i knew the words to like ALL the meatloaf songs. my parents are big music people, so naturally i am one also!
  6. i am in the constant battle of having a debilitating anxiety disorder. i can't say i am in control of it at this point in my life, but have come so far that i have to look up to myself
  7. i was a spunky child. at the age of 3, i woke up one morning while my mom was on the phone, walked into the kitchen, opened the fridge, starting climbing in removing the milk, eggs,ect. when my mom asked what i was doing, i bluntly said i was making cookies, like that is what all 3 year olds do at 8 in the morning.
  8. i consider myself an artist, and loved learning how to weld
  9. i crack my fingers when i am nervous. . . and i bite my thumbnail
  10. i have to many books to count
  11. i am addicted to thrift stores
  12. i love to read books outloud
  13. i relate my moods to songs when people ask how i feel
  14. i know every word of the little mermaid
  15. i dream of traveling to italy and ireland
  16. cooking is one of my favorite things to do, i love having people over and feeding them
  17. i don't do drugs or smoke, but have drank before.
  18. i hope to one day own and irish wolfhound
  19. i have a hard time opening up to people
  20. the movie 'my girl' makes me bawl. . . so does eight below, i have been forbidden to watch them as i get sooo upset
  21. i plan on writing a book about everything, when i find the time.
oh, i hit 21!!!! i could have kept going too, but will stop!
"the movie 'my girl' makes me bawl. . . so does eight below, i have been forbidden to watch them as i get sooo upset"

Ooooh I cried soooooooo much in 'My Girl'. I was quite young when I first saw it and it hit me really hard. I still cry when I see it. I also cried like a baby in Dumbo when they locked the momma up and she rocked her baby through the bars. That image will last forever. I also cried like a baby in Bambi, was traumatized by Disney's Tarzan (and I was a teenager too! My family mocked me for days), and cried in Bridge to Terabithia.

I'm not considered someone who cries in movies normally. Never cried over Titanic or Armageddon, etc. But, you are definitely right about My Girl and Eight Below. Even Mario got all choked up.
it's so funny you guys should be talking about the movie "my girl". i saw it on sale on dvd at the shops this morning and i almost bought it, then i realised that watching it would make me cry my eyes out, like it always does. so yeah, i didn't buy it lol

the green mile makes me cry so much. i have it on dvd but i can't bring myself to watch it again. it's just too upsetting.
The one move I watched, that I can never watch again, is called Aurore. It's about a little girl who was tortured for yearsand murderedhere in Quebec. We even have an expression here in french which we use when children complain or throw tantrums... It translates into, "Aurore, the child martyre" and signifies that there is no child which can suffer like she did. I was screaming, crying, and shaking. I made myself sick over it. It hit me because it is a well-known story here, and knowing that none of it was made up just made me sick. :bigtears:How someone could do such things a child I will never understand... Sorry if I deviatedfrom thetopic, but you reminded me of that...

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