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This is my husband's worst nightmare.

He already complains about the poos on the floor. I tell himthey're dry and hard, and he says, "yes, but it's still ****, and it'son our carpet".

I'll have to hide my newfound talent from him. Who am Ikidding? Ally will snitch on me.I'll haveto pay her off.


LOL!!! I haven't laughed so hard all day...and I haven't even read all of the posts yet! (That pic is priceless!)

You guys are a hoot! :laugh:
:disgust: No where else on the web. No where else but this forum. lol

This is a great thread!!
You 'Art-TISTs' (and I use the term loosely) certainly have somehealthy looking poops to work with! God bless those healthy littlebunny butts producing them!
'May the Big Round Dry Firm POOPS be with you all'

.......... :jumpingbunny:
Laura wrote:
This is my husband's worst nightmare.

He already complains about the poos on the floor. I tell himthey're dry and hard, and he says, "yes, but it's still ****, and it'son our carpet".

I'll have to hide my newfound talent from him. Who am Ikidding? Ally will snitch on me.I'll haveto pay her off.

Wow, ifI had a nickle for every time my dadhas said that I would be filthy rich. lol! ;)

>>God bless those healthy little bunny butts producing them!
>>>'May the Big Round Dry Firm POOPS be with you all'

You guys are completely and totally SICK. You all know that, right?:p

Hmm, that's why I feel so much at home here.;)


P.S. the poop art had me laughing!!

BunnyMom wrote:
You could freeze a bunch of them on a stick and make...

... A POOP-SICLE!:bunnydance:

My dog eats those from the Horse pasture in the winter.

I always thought that a good fund raiser for a 4-H rabbitclub would be tosell fertilizer made by ourownrabbits.
Instead of apple bobbing.....Poop Bobbing.....:p

Also, for halloween, you could put a bunch in a dish and tell people toclose their eyes and make them think they areeyes!!!! Now that would be scary!



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